
It's incredible, why is it surprisingly quiet, this is a big day of victory against Japan!

author:Lao Wang loves entertainment

The Internet is unusually calm, there is very little news, and almost no one mentions it in the circle of friends. Have we all forgotten it, or is there something else that has made this memorable day obscure? Let's take a closer look at this special day, find out why, and see what makes our historical memory so blurred at certain moments.

It's incredible, why is it surprisingly quiet, this is a big day of victory against Japan!

Seventy-eight years ago today, we won the bitter eight-year battle against the Japanese invaders. This victory is not only a military success, but also a spiritual inspiration, telling us that justice will eventually triumph over evil, and that peace needs to be bought with blood, sweat and countless lives.

It's incredible, why is it surprisingly quiet, this is a big day of victory against Japan!

However, in the blink of an eye, we find that there are very few mentions of this great victory on social media. On the one hand, it may be because of the accelerated pace of modern life, people pay more attention to the life in front of them and the news in time, and the attention and memory of history seem to be gradually fading. What's more, this year's media publicity for this event is not as enthusiastic as in previous years, there are no large-scale commemorative activities, there are no commemorative articles that are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and information on the Internet is particularly scarce.

At such times, the mainstream media may have chosen a more low-key approach to reporting out of both domestic and international considerations, in order to avoid inflamed emotions, especially at sensitive moments for Japan.

It's incredible, why is it surprisingly quiet, this is a big day of victory against Japan!

Is this choice correct? Can we really forget that period of history of blood and fire, life and death because of the needs of reality? History is the memory of the country and the foundation of the nation. If we begin to forget our own history, how can we ensure that we do not repeat the mistakes of the past?

Here, we can't help but ask, does every Chinese still remember those heroes who sacrificed their lives for the country and the nation? Should we stop on this day every year, look back on history, and pay tribute to those who fought and died for peace?

It's incredible, why is it surprisingly quiet, this is a big day of victory against Japan!

Obviously, such commemoration should not only be the responsibility of the government and the media, but also the responsibility of each and every one of us. We need to use various ways to let more people know and remember this history. Whether it is through sharing on social platforms, through school education, or through special programs in the media, each method has its own uniqueness and can evoke people's historical memories on different levels.

For example, we can launch some related themed activities on social media, such as "Remember History, Cherish Peace", to encourage netizens to share their own knowledge and thoughts about this period of history, or the stories of the elders in the family of the Anti-Japanese War. Such activities can not only increase the public's attention to this historical event, but also allow this memory to be more widely inherited under the spread of the Internet.

It's incredible, why is it surprisingly quiet, this is a big day of victory against Japan!

Schools should also strengthen education in this part of history in their curricula. It is an excellent way to educate students by organizing students to watch relevant documentaries, participating in mock anti-Japanese war activities, and even inviting historians and veterans to come to the school to tell the story of those years when the smoke of gunpowder was filled. This not only allows students to develop a deep sense of history and national consciousness from an early age, but also cultivates their sense of responsibility and mission.

The role of the media is equally important. In addition to making reports on special days, we should also dig more in-depth and report on history, and interpret history from a more dimensional perspective, so that the public can get more inspiration and thinking from it. The media is not only a bridge of information, but also an important means of cultural inheritance, and its role cannot be ignored.

It's incredible, why is it surprisingly quiet, this is a big day of victory against Japan!

Looking back on history is not only to commemorate the souls of those who have passed away, but also to enable our generation and future generations to draw strength from it and recognize the preciousness and hard-won nature of peace. In this era of rapid change, we should keep in mind the past and be vigilant to the future. The anniversary of the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, such a special day, should not only be a part of history, but should be an indelible memory in the hearts of every Chinese.