
The parties asked the bank to give 2 cents in cash, but the bank refused to cause a dispute

author:Hu, Jay takes you to see the world

Recently, a dispute over the cancellation of accounts of a bank in Guangdong has sparked heated discussions among netizens. A man reportedly went to the bank on April 20 to close his account, but his handling of the account balance sparked an unexpected controversy.


According to the client, he still had an unwithdrawn 2 cents in his account before he closed his account. Although it was a small amount, he insisted that the bank should give a refund in the form of cash. He claimed: "He doesn't want a dime, he wants two cents in cash." He argued that it was his own money and that the bank had no right to count it in other fees or deductions.

The parties asked the bank to give 2 cents in cash, but the bank refused to cause a dispute

However, the banks have made a different decision. They said the bank was unable to provide a refund in cash because the amount was too small. According to the relevant regulations, for the treatment of small amounts, it will generally be consolidated or recovered. Therefore, the bank chose to include the 2 cents in other fees and transfer it directly to the other accounts of the parties.

This unconscionable approach has sparked controversy. The parties insisted that the bank should handle the account balance as it wished, and expressed dissatisfaction with the bank's response. He said: "Mine should be given to me, I don't want more points, and I can't do less points!" This incident has aroused the attention and discussion of the majority of netizens, who have expressed their views.

The parties asked the bank to give 2 cents in cash, but the bank refused to cause a dispute

Regarding this matter, some netizens believe that banks should respect the wishes of customers, even if it is only a small amount. They believe that as part of the service industry, banks should focus more on customer experience and satisfaction. Many people have questioned the bank's handling of the situation, pointing out that it reflects the bank's inadequacy in dealing with the interests of customers.

However, there are also some netizens who hold the opposite view. They argue that there is nothing wrong with the bank's handling of the matter, as it is relatively efficient and time-saving for the bank to consolidate or recover such a tiny amount. Moreover, this type of micro-money handling is not uncommon in the banking industry.

The parties asked the bank to give 2 cents in cash, but the bank refused to cause a dispute

Whether it is for or against, we expect both parties to resolve this dispute through reasonable communication and negotiation. After all, rationality, mutual benefit and respect are values that we should uphold in business conduct.

The incident also aroused discussion among the majority of netizens, who expressed their views on the bank account cancellation dispute. This incident has not only raised concerns about the Bank of Guangdong, but also raised questions about whether the banking industry is flexible and reasonable in handling small amounts of money. Some agreed with the bank's response, arguing that there was no need for the bank to dispute the two cents, while others objected to the bank's handling and argued that the bank should respect the customer's wishes and offer a cash refund. In any case, the incident highlights the focus on fairness, justice and service.

It is hoped that this account cancellation dispute can be properly resolved, and at the same time, it is also expected that the relevant departments can strengthen the supervision of the banking industry to ensure that the rights and interests of customers are fully protected.

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