
Follow-up to the nine-year-old boy who fell from the building: the last conversation with his mother was exposed, and the parents retrieved the surveillance, and there were new discoveries

author:Focus Narrator
Follow-up to the nine-year-old boy who fell from the building: the last conversation with his mother was exposed, and the parents retrieved the surveillance, and there were new discoveries

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In an ordinary family in Hunan, nine-year-old Chenchen prepares to go to school as usual. The last thing he said to his mother was, "Mom, make me breakfast, I'll just go to school by myself." This sentence, ordinary and everyday, has become the last dialogue between mother and son. On the morning of April 15, Chenchen's mother was busy in the kitchen, the sky outside the window was shining, and the pedestrians on the street started a busy day. Chenchen's school is just a few minutes away from home. Although his mother didn't say anything, her inner turmoil made her decide to follow her son. However, just as she turned back home, a loud bang broke the peace, and Chenchen fell from the stairs, and the family's world was turned upside down in an instant.

Follow-up to the nine-year-old boy who fell from the building: the last conversation with his mother was exposed, and the parents retrieved the surveillance, and there were new discoveries

The mystery of Chenchen's fall from the building

There was a heart-wrenching tragedy at school, just when Chenchen's mother left with him after school, thinking that everything was fine, fate gave them an unbearable blow. At that time, when my mother returned to the door, she suddenly felt uneasy in her heart, as if something bad was about to happen, but she tried to suppress this premonition, wanting to tell herself that everything would be fine. The trick of fate was unpredictable, and the moment she stepped into the house, a loud bang broke the silence of the early morning, and Chenchen fell from the stairs, and life stopped at that moment. It all came so suddenly, like a cruel joke, it was heartbreaking.

Follow-up to the nine-year-old boy who fell from the building: the last conversation with his mother was exposed, and the parents retrieved the surveillance, and there were new discoveries

The people in the school were shocked by the tragedy, especially Chenchen's classmates, nearby neighbors and teachers. Everyone couldn't believe that a lively and lovely child passed away like this. They gathered together to share their nostalgia for Chenchen and their condolences to his mother. Chenchen's mother should be experiencing one of the most painful things in the world at this moment, losing her child, this pain is indescribable.

Follow-up to the nine-year-old boy who fell from the building: the last conversation with his mother was exposed, and the parents retrieved the surveillance, and there were new discoveries

The school and the nearby community were full of speculation and speculation about the incident, and people wondered what caused Chenchen's fall, some people said that maybe he accidentally stumbled while playing, while others thought that a teacher might have beaten and scolded the child. These speculations and speculations make people's hearts feel heavy, because no one wants to believe that an innocent child would suffer such a misfortune.

Follow-up to the nine-year-old boy who fell from the building: the last conversation with his mother was exposed, and the parents retrieved the surveillance, and there were new discoveries

In the face of such a tragedy, the only thing we can do is to give Chenchen's family the greatest support and condolences, so that they can feel the warmth and strength of netizens during this unbearable period. At the same time, we should also care more for our loved ones around us, and cherish every moment of time with them, because life is unpredictable, and only by cherishing the happiness in front of us can we have less regrets and pain.

Follow-up to the nine-year-old boy who fell from the building: the last conversation with his mother was exposed, and the parents retrieved the surveillance, and there were new discoveries

The silence of the school and the waiting of parents

At the school in this small town, Chenchen's parents are anxious, and they are eager to find out the truth about their child's fall from the building. They walked into the school, hoping to find a clue through the surveillance footage and uncover the tragedy. Although the school leaders were sincere, at the critical moment, Chenchen's homeroom teacher disappeared, making everything unsatisfactory.

Follow-up to the nine-year-old boy who fell from the building: the last conversation with his mother was exposed, and the parents retrieved the surveillance, and there were new discoveries

Parents are very anxious, they are looking forward to an explanation, an apology, a result, and even more to justice. However, the silence of the head teacher made the wait long and painful. In the anxious waiting of parents, time seems to become frozen, and every second is like a sharp knife, stabbing their hearts. They don't understand why the class teacher chooses to remain silent and why the school can't give a satisfactory answer. In this time of confusion and uneasiness, they feel the pain of being ignored and left out, and they need more than an answer, but a care and comfort.

Follow-up to the nine-year-old boy who fell from the building: the last conversation with his mother was exposed, and the parents retrieved the surveillance, and there were new discoveries

In the process of waiting, the mood of parents is like a roller coaster, and they hope to get an explanation as soon as possible to make their mood slightly better. But no matter what, they will unswervingly wait for the solution of this problem, because they want to seek justice for Chenchen and give him an explanation.

Social repercussions

This tragedy is not just a family pain, it has caused huge waves in society. People have begun to reflect on whether there is something wrong with the management of the school, whether the care of the family for the children is in place, and whether our attitude towards the children needs to be adjusted? This tragedy has aroused deep concern and reflection in the society. People are beginning to realize that the protection and love of children is not enough. Too often, we ignore their inner voice, ignore their needs and feelings, thinking that everything will go their way, only to end up with tragedy.

Follow-up to the nine-year-old boy who fell from the building: the last conversation with his mother was exposed, and the parents retrieved the surveillance, and there were new discoveries

Netizens have called for more care and protection for such incidents. We need to make the school a warm home, giving enough care and support to the children, we need to re-examine the family education, so that parents can pay more attention to the inner world of their children and establish a closer emotional connection with them, and we need to re-examine our attitude towards the children, so that they can feel our respect and understanding, so that they are no longer alone on the road to growth.

Follow-up to the nine-year-old boy who fell from the building: the last conversation with his mother was exposed, and the parents retrieved the surveillance, and there were new discoveries

This tragedy reflects our attitude towards children. 我们希望通过这样的反思和呼唤,能够环境‬变得更加温暖,让每一个孩子都能够健康快乐地成长。 This is not only for Chenchen, but also for all the children, for our future.

Follow-up to the nine-year-old boy who fell from the building: the last conversation with his mother was exposed, and the parents retrieved the surveillance, and there were new discoveries


The incident of falling from the building in the morning made our hearts twist like a knife. A nine-year-old child, but his fate came to an abrupt end. 他的父母在等待中煎熬,网友‬的关注也在迫切寻找答案。 We long for the voice of justice, and hope that the answer can give Chenchen an explanation, and also give an explanation to all those who are worried about him. Let's pay attention and look forward to it together, for Chenchen, and for every child.