
It has been observed that many elderly people who help their children take care of their children now have the following commonalities!

author:The old man said

1. Basically, all the housework in the house is all-inclusive for the elderly, including grocery shopping, cooking, washing dishes, mopping the floor, cleaning, washing clothes, and picking up children from school, while young people will only help children with their homework and don't care about anything else.

2. On weekends, young people and children will sleep lazy, and they will generally sleep until nine or ten o'clock. When I got up, I had breakfast outside.

3. The old man and the young man live together, will be very unaccustomed, due to the different concepts, there will be a lot of contradictions, even if the old man does housework very hard every day, but still can not get the understanding of the young man, both sides have opinions on each other.

4. The elderly who go to the city with children are not used to being in the city, because there are no acquaintances and friends, and they will be very bored and lonely for a day.

5. Since the elderly often cook, they will be a little worried every once in a while, worried: I don't know what to cook a day, I don't know what to fry a day.

It has been observed that many elderly people who help their children take care of their children now have the following commonalities!

6. In order to take care of their grandchildren, the elderly often sacrifice their social life, and their circle of friends gradually shrinks, and social activities decrease.

7. Young people are usually busy with work and have little time to spend with the elderly, resulting in the elderly feeling neglected and lack of emotional communication.

8. When the elderly take care of their children, they are often over-pampered, resulting in increased dependence and decreased self-care ability.

9. There are differences between the elderly and young people in terms of educational concepts, which can easily lead to conflicts in education methods and affect children's growth.

10. The elderly live in the city, face language and cultural barriers, find it difficult to integrate into urban life, and feel lonely and lost.

11. The elderly have been engaged in housework for a long time, which can easily lead to physical health problems, such as backache and arthritis.

12. When the elderly take care of their children, they often sacrifice their rest time, resulting in lack of sleep and affecting their physical health.

13. Young people often take the contribution of the elderly for granted, and lack of gratitude, which leads to the psychological imbalance of the elderly.

14. The elderly live in the city, and due to different living habits, it is often difficult to adapt to the hustle and bustle of the city.

15. When the elderly take care of their children, they often give up their hobbies and recreational activities, resulting in a decline in the quality of life.

16. There are differences between the elderly and young people in terms of dietary concepts, resulting in the elderly being unable to meet their own needs in terms of diet.

17. Elderly people living in the city often find it difficult to establish deep friendships with neighbors and colleagues due to language and cultural differences.

18. When the elderly take care of their children, they are often under great psychological pressure, worried that they will not do well, and worry about the growth of their children.

19. Young people often do not give enough recognition and rewards to the elderly, resulting in the elderly feeling disrespected.

20. The elderly often face language and cultural barriers when living in the city, and it is difficult to communicate effectively with young people.

It has been observed that many elderly people who help their children take care of their children now have the following commonalities!

21. When the elderly take care of their children, they often cannot enjoy the fun of growing up with their children, resulting in a lack of emotion.

22. There are differences in values between the old and the young, which leads to contradictions and conflicts in trivial matters of life.

23. The elderly live in the city and often feel lonely and helpless due to the shrinking of their social circles.

24. When the elderly take care of their children, they often sacrifice their personal time and space, resulting in a decline in their quality of life.

25. Young people often do not pay enough attention to and cherish the efforts of the elderly, resulting in the elderly feeling neglected.

26. The elderly live in the city and often face the problem of transportation, which is inconvenient to travel and increases the trouble of life.

27. When the elderly take care of their children, they often have to take on the responsibility of educating their grandchildren, while young people rarely participate.

28. There are differences between the elderly and young people in terms of educational concepts, which leads to contradictions and conflicts in educating children.

29. When the elderly live in the city, it is often difficult to establish good communication with young people due to language and cultural differences.

30. When the elderly take care of their children, they often have to bear the double pressure from work and family, resulting in physical and mental exhaustion.

It has been observed that many elderly people who help their children take care of their children now have the following commonalities!

31. Young people often do not give enough understanding and sympathy to the elderly, resulting in the elderly feeling misunderstood.

32. The elderly live in the city and often feel lonely and helpless due to the shrinking of their social circles.

33. When the elderly take care of their children, they often have to give up their hobbies and recreational activities, resulting in a decline in the quality of life.

34. There are differences in values between the elderly and the young, which leads to contradictions and conflicts in life.

35. When the elderly live in the city, they often face language and cultural barriers, and it is difficult to establish good relationships with neighbors and colleagues.

36. When the elderly take care of their children, they often have to take on the responsibility of educating their grandchildren, while young people rarely participate.

37. There are differences between the elderly and young people in the concept of education, which leads to contradictions and conflicts in the education of children.

38. When the elderly live in the city, it is often difficult to communicate effectively with the young people due to language and cultural differences.

39. When the elderly take care of their children, they often cannot enjoy the fun of growing up with their children, resulting in a lack of emotion.

40. There are differences in the lifestyles of the elderly and the young, which leads to contradictions and conflicts in life.