
Big S loves Gu Junye, and Little S shouts: Home is always the first!

author:Entertainment Newsletter


The size of the S is very strong and handsome

As the most influential figures in the entertainment industry, the big and small S sisters have recently rarely been in the same frame on social platforms, calling for Big S's husband Gu Junye. Big S posted a short but powerful declaration on his personal account, "Cool! ”

Big S loves Gu Junye, and Little S shouts: Home is always the first!

What a proud statement. This is not a simple compliment or an expression of emotion, it is a belief in her husband and her persistence in the journey of life together.

Big S loves Gu Junye, and Little S shouts: Home is always the first!

On the other hand, Xiao S also spared no effort to support her sister, she said that supporting her family is her position that she will never change. Such remarks not only show the deep affection of their sisters, but also convey the image of family unity to the outside world.

Big S loves Gu Junye, and Little S shouts: Home is always the first!

Ge Siqi clarified the turmoil


In this warm atmosphere of family support, Ge Siqi's speech was like a cold wind, causing a small storm.

Big S loves Gu Junye, and Little S shouts: Home is always the first!

In the live broadcast, he expressed to the audience doubts about the timing of a photo of Gu Junye and Da S hugging intimately, which was not taken recently.

Big S loves Gu Junye, and Little S shouts: Home is always the first!

Ge Siqi pointed out that the question he was more concerned about was whether Big S was involved in drug use, rather than her love life. He bluntly challenged Big S, and even used metaphors to express his dissatisfaction with the media's out-of-context behavior.

Big S loves Gu Junye, and Little S shouts: Home is always the first!

This remark undoubtedly caused waves among the public, making the artist's private life the focus of heated discussions again.

Big S loves Gu Junye, and Little S shouts: Home is always the first!

A stylish choice for Big S


At the same time, sharp-eyed netizens noticed a detail: Da S still wears the clothes given by his ex-husband on many occasions. It's not just a question of fashion taste, it's a point of discussion about how personal emotions and relationships with the past affect the present.

Big S loves Gu Junye, and Little S shouts: Home is always the first!

Gu Junye doesn't seem to have updated her wardrobe for Big S in the past two years, but she still chooses to wear clothes that record past emotions.

Big S loves Gu Junye, and Little S shouts: Home is always the first!

It is conceivable that Xiaofei had mixed feelings after seeing this scene. This is not only a contrast between the old and the new in the costumes, but also a complex display of emotional entanglements and character relationships.

Big S loves Gu Junye, and Little S shouts: Home is always the first!

A relaxed topic, hotly discussed by netizens

In the online world, everyone can be a critic. Netizens participated in this discussion in their own unique ways, some ridiculed Da S's fashion choices with humorous words, and some expressed their admiration for her unwavering spirit.

Big S loves Gu Junye, and Little S shouts: Home is always the first!

All these discussions have formed a trend for people to express their opinions in a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere. The article ends in this format, inviting readers to share their thoughts and feelings about these events in the comments section.

Big S loves Gu Junye, and Little S shouts: Home is always the first!

Whether it's for support, against or just for the pleasure of watching, everyone's voice forms an important part of the discussion.

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