
Grandpa beat grandma all his life, and I couldn't help but roar: If you start beating again, I'll shoot you with a shovel

author:Teacher Tu talks about emotion

(Dear reader: In this text, we wander in the story of pure fantasy, if there is any resemblance to the real world, it is purely a coincidence, please read it with rational restraint!)

Grandpa beat grandma all his life, and I couldn't help but roar: If you start beating again, I'll shoot you with a shovel

Grandpa beat grandma all his life, and I couldn't help but roar: If you start beating again, I'll shoot you with a shovel

Self-introduction: My name is Wang Taoxiang, I was born in 1995, I am 29 years old this year, and I am only one step away from the year of establishment.

I live in an ordinary northern town, where people work at sunrise and rest at sunset, and the pace of life is leisurely. However, my family is not as peaceful as this town.

I grew up knowing that my grandfather and grandmother didn't have a good relationship. Grandpa is a short-tempered person, while Grandma is a docile and submissive old woman. In my memory, my grandfather was always angry with my grandmother because of some trivial things, and even started beating her. Whenever this happens, I can only hide in the corner, watching, my heart full of fear and helplessness.

Grandpa beat grandma all his life, and I couldn't help but roar: If you start beating again, I'll shoot you with a shovel

I tried to ask my parents for help, but they always reluctantly told me, "It's between your grandfather and grandma, and we can't interfere." "I understand the plight of my parents, who have to take care of their own face and maintain family harmony, so they can only choose to turn a blind eye.

As I grew older, I became more and more intolerable with my grandfather's violence. Every time I saw the scars on my grandmother's body, my heart hurt like a knife. I began to silently swear in my heart that I would protect my grandmother and not let her be harmed again.

Grandpa beat grandma all his life, and I couldn't help but roar: If you start beating again, I'll shoot you with a shovel

One day, grandpa did something to grandma because of a trivial matter. I couldn't bear it anymore and yelled, "If you hit her again, I'll shoot you with a shovel!" Grandpa was startled by my sudden roar, he stopped his movements and stared at me with wide eyes. Grandma took the opportunity to break free from his control and hid to the side.

At that moment, I felt courage that I had never felt before. I know I can't sit idly by like I used to. I had to stand up and fight for my grandmother's dignity and rights.

However, it didn't end there. Grandpa did not restrain his behavior because of my warning, but became more ferocious. He stopped just beating my grandmother, he started to threaten and intimidate me. He told me that if I dared to be nosy, it would make me look good.

In the face of my grandfather's threat, I did not back down. I knew I couldn't let my grandmother continue to live in such fear and pain. So, I started looking for ways to protect my grandmother and also try to change my grandfather's behavior.

I tried to communicate with my grandfather and try to make him understand his grandmother's hard work and difficulty. I told him that my grandmother had given so much for this family and that he should cherish and appreciate her instead of being violent to her. However, Grandpa scoffed at my words, believing that I was challenging his authority.

I've also thought about asking for help from the outside world, such as calling the police or asking the community for help. However, I was worried that doing so would exacerbate family tensions and make things worse. I was in a dilemma and didn't know what to do.

Just when I was feeling helpless and hopeless, I met an enthusiastic neighbor aunt. When she learned about my family's situation, she offered to help me. She told me that she could go with me to the community leaders to report the situation and ask for their help and support.

With the encouragement of my neighbor's aunt, I finally mustered up the courage to report my grandfather's violence against my grandmother to the community leaders. Community leaders took the issue very seriously, and they immediately sent someone to investigate and mediate. After many times of communication and consultation, Grandpa's attitude softened, but it did not completely change. He admits that he has acted excessively, but always insists that it is because some of his grandmother's behavior makes him unbearable. Grandma endured everything silently, and she was afraid that if things got bigger, the family would be dissolved.

Looking at my grandmother's thinning figure, I have mixed feelings in my heart. I knew I couldn't just give up. So, I started looking for more help and support. I contacted a local women's protection organization, and they provided me with legal advice and counselling. With their help, I gradually learned how to use legal weapons to protect myself and my grandmother.

At the same time, I also started to try to change my grandfather's mindset. I collected some information about domestic violence and the protection of the rights and interests of the elderly, trying to make my grandfather understand that his actions were not only illegal, but also seriously hurt my grandmother's feelings and dignity. I told him that my grandmother was an important part of the family and that she should be treated with respect and love, not endless scolding.

Grandpa began to have some reactions to my words. Instead of lashing out at the first hearing of the topic, as he used to, he began to think seriously about his actions. Sometimes, he would take the initiative to ask me some legal questions or ask how to improve my relationship with my grandmother.

Seeing the changes in my grandfather, my heart is filled with hope. I know that my efforts have not been in vain, and I am changing the fate of this family step by step.

However, just when I thought things were about to turn around, a sudden accident shattered my illusions. One night, Grandpa made another move on Grandma over a trivial matter. This time, Grandma's injuries were worse than ever. She lay on the bed, moaning in pain, while I stood helplessly, not knowing what to do.

Looking at my grandmother's painful appearance, my heart was filled with anger and despair. I asked Grandpa loudly, "Why did you do this to her, why can't you treat her well after she has done so much for you?" Grandpa looked at me with a hint of guilt in his eyes, but he didn't speak, just silently turned around and left the room.

At that moment, I felt hopeless than I had ever felt before. I began to doubt my ability and determination, and I wondered if I would be able to keep going. However, just as I was about to give up, my grandmother took my hand. She looked at me with a determined glint in her eyes. She told me, "Taoxiang, you can't give up. You have to persevere, for me and for this family. ”

My grandmother's words gave me back my courage and confidence. I knew I couldn't live up to her expectations, and I couldn't let this home continue to sink into the shadow of violence. So, I picked myself up again and started looking for a new solution.

I contacted my local legal aid agency and they provided me with more professional help. With their assistance, I drafted a petition detailing the violence my grandfather had committed against my grandmother and the physical and mental harm she had suffered. At the same time, I also actively reported the situation to the community leaders and asked them to pay more attention to and intervene in this matter.

Community leaders take this matter very seriously. Not only did they intensify their efforts to educate my grandfather, but they also organized some psychological counseling and legal aid activities to help our family get out of our predicament. With the help of the community, Grandpa began to receive some psychological counseling and behavior modification therapy, and his attitude gradually changed.

After a period of hard work, the relationship between grandpa and grandma has improved significantly. Although there were occasional minor frictions between them, there were no more serious incidents of violence. Grandpa began to learn to control his emotions, and Grandma gradually regained her confidence and dignity.

Now, I watch this once violent family gradually become harmonious and warm, and my heart is full of emotion and relief. I know that all this is inseparable from my persistence and hard work. I also believe that in the days to come, as long as we continue to work hard, this home will definitely become a better place.

This is my story, a story full of ups and downs and twists. It made me deeply understand the harm and cruelty of domestic violence, and also made me understand the importance of courage and perseverance. I hope that through my story, more people can pay attention to domestic violence, so that every family can be full of love and warmth.

Finally, I would like to ask you a question: what would you do if your family had also suffered domestic violence? Would you choose to stand by or stand up to protect them? I believe that everyone with a conscience and love will choose the latter. Let's work together to contribute to the creation of a harmonious society free of violence!

Follow me and discuss the world together!

(Note to the VIP: This is a novel story carefully created by the editor, the plot is fictional, but it is integrated into some fragments of real life, the picture is selected from the Internet, if there is any infringement, please inform, we will delete it immediately.) )