
Sun Yingsha 4-2, Wang Manyu competed for the first championship in the final!


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In the fierce confrontation in the semi-finals of the Women's Singles at the Macau World Cup, Sun Yingsha showed a breathtaking reversal ability, and finally defeated Chen Meng 4-2 after falling behind at the beginning. This match undoubtedly proved to all the fans her indomitable spirit and tenacity.

Sun Yingsha 4-2, Wang Manyu competed for the first championship in the final!

In the first game, the score was so tight that every point was particularly crucial, and Chen Meng, who narrowly won 13-11, seemed to have a better start. However, this did not shake Sun, and then she adjusted her tactics and pulled back a little bit in the second game 12-10, where she saw the two players compete at a high level.

Sun Yingsha 4-2, Wang Manyu competed for the first championship in the final!

Next came the third game, Sun Yingsha was like a different person, with a fierce offensive and easily won 11-6, showing her true strength as the main force of the new generation of national table tennis. But the rising flames were quickly extinguished by Chen Meng's calm strategy in the fourth game, and she made the arena her own with a stunning 11-1.

Sun Yingsha 4-2, Wang Manyu competed for the first championship in the final!

At this point, the two sides have formed a situation of equal strength, and each point can make or break the victory. In the fifth game, the two went back and forth, fighting many times to a tie, and it was in a tense atmosphere that Sun Yingsha overtook again 14-12, bringing the total score to 3-2, demonstrating her decisiveness and perseverance.

Sun Yingsha 4-2, Wang Manyu competed for the first championship in the final!

In the final sixth game, Sun Yingsha continued her previous advantage and ended the competition 11-9 and locked the final seat. Despite the defeat, Chen Meng was heroic and always put great pressure on Sun Yingsha, and her will and competitive state in the game were also worthy of respect.

The upcoming final will be a direct clash between Sun Yingsha and Wang Manyu, both athletes will be eager to win the crown, so let's look forward to the top matches they will bring.

Sun Yingsha 4-2, Wang Manyu competed for the first championship in the final!

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