
Yongchuan these hospitals, enterprises...... A lot of people are hiring

author:Yongchuan release
Yongchuan these hospitals, enterprises...... A lot of people are hiring
Yongchuan these hospitals, enterprises...... A lot of people are hiring

A friend who is looking for a job has come to see it~

Yongchuan Hospital Affiliated to Chongqing Medical University

Chongqing Yongchuan District Grain and Oil Quality Inspection Station

Great Wall Motor Co., Ltd. Chongqing Branch

Chongqing Qianzhiyi Media Co., Ltd

Yuanxiu Technology (Chongqing) Co., Ltd

Chongqing Ruisheng Power Machinery Co., Ltd

Chongqing Xintai Machinery Co., Ltd

Chongqing Jinfenyuan Food Co., Ltd

These units in Yongchuan are recruiting

Yongchuan these hospitals, enterprises...... A lot of people are hiring

A lot of good jobs are coming


Yongchuan Hospital Affiliated to Chongqing Medical University

2024 Self-Recruitment Brochure

(Round 4)

According to the needs of the work, our hospital has decided to recruit some supernumerary staff, and the relevant requirements are hereby notified as follows:

First, the basic conditions for recruitment

1. High ideological and political quality, abide by the Constitution and laws.

2. Good medical ethics, dedication, dedication and responsibility, no other bad records.

3. Obtain the academic qualifications and other relevant certificates required by the corresponding position before July 31, 2024.

4. Age requirement: As of July 31, 2024.

Second, job requirements

Yongchuan Hospital Affiliated to Chongqing Medical University 2024 Recruitment Staff Position Table (Fourth Round)

Yongchuan these hospitals, enterprises...... A lot of people are hiring

3. Recruitment Procedures

1. Registration: Applicants must store the registration form (see attachment), resume and post supporting materials in a folder and send it to the [email protected] mailbox before 5 pm on May 6, 2024, and will not be accepted after the deadline (Note: The folder is named after name-position-education-school, such as: Zhang San + infectious disease physician + master + Chongqing Medical University, resume, registration form and supporting materials are stored in the folder, if not delivered as required, it will not be accepted).

2. Preliminary examination of qualifications: The hospital will conduct a preliminary examination of the basic situation of the applicants according to the requirements of the post, and those who pass the preliminary examination will be notified to participate in the follow-up link in the form of text messages, and if the preliminary examination is unqualified, there will be no separate notice (Note: there may be a situation where the text message is intercepted, please pay attention to the intercepted text messages).

3. Qualification review: through the preliminary examination of personnel according to the SMS notice, to participate in the hospital qualification review, to participate in the review of personal resume, ID card, fresh graduate employment recommendation form, school academic transcripts, the Ministry of Education academic certificate electronic registration and filing form (from the initial degree to provide), the initial academic degree from the beginning of the graduation certificate and degree certificate, professional and technical qualification certificate, foreign language, computer grade certificate, award certificate and other originals and copies of the original and copy to the personnel department for inspection.

4. Probation and comprehensive quality interview: The personnel department informs the qualified personnel to participate in the trial and comprehensive quality interview through text messages.

Fourth, the relevant requirements

1. Applicants should ensure that the contact information such as email and mobile phone is correct and unblocked, and be responsible for the authenticity of the submitted information.

2. Applicants must send their resumes to the mailbox according to the requirements of the brochure.

Contact: Mr. Zhao, Mr. Chen

Contact number: 15723494869, 023-85381611


Yongchuan Hospital Affiliated to Chongqing Medical University

Recruitment of some staff brochures

According to the needs of the work, our hospital has decided to recruit 18 staff (labor dispatch), and the relevant requirements are hereby notified as follows:

First, the basic conditions for recruitment

1. Age: See the table for details

2. Education: see the table for details

3. Have good professional ethics, good health, hard-working, and dedication.

Second, specific requirements

Yongchuan these hospitals, enterprises...... A lot of people are hiring
Yongchuan these hospitals, enterprises...... A lot of people are hiring
Yongchuan these hospitals, enterprises...... A lot of people are hiring

3. Recruitment Procedures

1. Registration method: Applicants are requested to bring their ID cards and relevant work certificates to the Personnel Department on the fifth floor of the hospital complex building before April 26, 2024 to register and conduct qualification review.

2. Interview and trial: Those who have passed the qualification review will arrange trial and interview.

Fourth, the relevant requirements

Applicants shall be responsible for the authenticity of the submitted information, and those who commit fraud will be disqualified once verified.

Contact: Mr. Zhao, Mr. Zhang

Contact number: 15723494869, 023-85381611

Chongqing Yongchuan District Grain and Oil Quality Inspection Station

Open recruitment of labor dispatch personnel

Job Announcements

Due to the needs of work, our unit is open to the public in the form of labor dispatch to recruit 1 inspection position, and the relevant matters are hereby announced as follows:

1. Introduction of the unit

Chongqing Yongchuan District Grain and Oil Quality Inspection Station is a regional grain and oil quality inspection agency that has passed the laboratory qualification certification. Its main responsibilities are to investigate the new quality of grain and oil production, to test policy-oriented grain and oil at all levels, to monitor the quality of grain and oil in the market, to guide the quality management of grain and oil enterprises, and to guide peasant households to store grain scientifically.

Second, the recruitment position

1 inspector

3. Job introduction

It is mainly engaged in the testing of grain and oil related products and the daily maintenance and management of the operating instruments, and cooperates with relevant departments to complete sampling work and other work arranged by leaders. (Note: Sampling of business trips is required)

Fourth, the basic requirements

(1) Education: full-time bachelor degree or above

(2) Major: Inspection, chemistry, food and other related majors

(3) Age: under 35 years old (including 35 years old)

(4) Priority will be given to personnel with the following conditions

1. Experience in testing in food-related industries;

2. Have a C1 driver's license and be able to drive a vehicle proficiently;

3. Residence in Nagakawa.

Fifth, salary


Sixth, the form of employment

The form of employment is labor dispatch. The hired personnel signed a labor contract with Zhihui Personnel Development Co., Ltd. to work at the grain and oil quality inspection station in Yongchuan District in the form of labor dispatch.

7. Deadline for registration

April 30, 2024

8. How to register

If you are interested, please send your resume and relevant personal supporting materials to [email protected] email. According to the requirements of the recruitment position and the actual work needs, our unit will conduct a comprehensive screening of the qualifications of the applicants and determine the list of interviewers.

Contact: Ms. Zhang

Contact: 19923266251

Great Wall Motor Co., Ltd

Chongqing Branch

Recruitment position 1: quality inspector


Number of recruits: 40

Job Requirements:

1. High school/technical secondary school or above, veterans are preferred;

2. Accept departmental deployment, shift and night shifts;

3. Hard-working, strong ability to adapt to the environment;

4. According to the workshop production arrangement, implement standard operations, and complete production with quality and quantity;

5. Complete other tasks assigned by the leader.


Five insurances and one housing fund, free shuttle bus (free shuttle bus from the apartment to the factory), working meals, free accommodation, performance bonuses, holiday gifts, regular physical examinations, car purchase discounts


Recruitment position 2: reserve cadres


Number of recruits: 30

Job Requirements:

1. High school/technical secondary school or above, veterans are preferred;

2. Accept departmental deployment, shift and night shifts;

3. Hard-working, strong ability to adapt to the environment;

4. According to the workshop production arrangement, implement standard operations, and complete production with quality and quantity;

5. Complete other tasks assigned by the leader.


Five insurances and one housing fund, free shuttle bus (free shuttle bus from the apartment to the factory), working meals, free accommodation, performance bonuses, holiday gifts, regular physical examinations, car purchase discounts


Teacher Wang-13364033407

Chongqing Qianzhiyi Media Co., Ltd

Recruitment position 1: film and television performance training camp students

The number of recruits: 30

Recruitment target:

The majority of college students who love the film and television industry.

Course Highlights:

1. A training team composed of experienced industry well-known directors and senior actors to share their industry knowledge and practical experience;

2. The crews are all regular crews that have been filed by the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television;

3. Break the barriers of the film and television industry and contact the first-hand resources of the film and television industry;

4. After joining the crew, you will be covered with food and accommodation;

5. The film and television crew provides a formal internship certificate;

6. After completing the study, outstanding students will have the opportunity to be recommended to enter the crews of well-known film and television bases such as Xiangshan and Hengdian, and cooperate with industry elites to start your road to starlight.

Training content:

1. Basic performance skills

2. Role analysis and shaping

3. Expressiveness training in front of the camera

4. Use of voice and body language

5. Reading and comprehension of film and television scripts

6. Actual combat drills and mock auditions

Training Fees:

Training fee of 3,000 yuan (including all training content and material costs)

Training Benefits:

1. Give away a set of actor model cards worth 1,580 yuan, including professional photography and costume modeling.

2. Provide short video shooting and post-editing services worth 1,800 yuan to ensure that each student has a high-quality personal portfolio.

Training Duration:

Training period: 1 month, classes are held from Monday to Friday every week

Location: Qianzhiyi Media Co., Ltd., 2nd Floor, Studio 2, Yongchuan Science and Technology Studio

How to Register:

Go to Yongchuan Technology Studio Qianzhiyi Media Co., Ltd. to apply for an interview, and complete the registration procedures after being approved.





Recruitment position 2: film and television makeup experience students

The number of recruits: 20

Recruitment target:

1. Age 18 to 35 years old, height above 155cm, gender is not limited.

2. Love the film and television and makeup industry, and have good aesthetic ability.

3. Willing to invest time in learning.

4. No need for professional film and television makeup foundation, but need to have the willingness to learn and hands-on ability.

Course Highlights:

1. Taught by senior film and television makeup artists in the industry to teach practical skills. 2. Visit the film and television crew in person, observe and participate in the real shooting process. 3. Provide abundant practice opportunities. 4. Outstanding students will have the opportunity to get internship recommendations and work in the crew.

Training content:

1. Basic knowledge and theory of film and television makeup.

2. Fashion makeup.

3. Character design and makeup customization.

4. Special effects makeup technology.

5. Case analysis of character modeling in film and television works.

Fee Description:

There is no training fee or any additional fees for this trial course, and it is designed to cultivate newcomers who are interested in film and television makeup. However, participants are responsible for their own expenses, such as materials, transportation, meals, etc.

Training Duration:

Training period: 1 month, classes are held from Monday to Friday every week

Location: Qianzhiyi Media Co., Ltd., 2nd Floor, Studio 2, Yongchuan Science and Technology Studio

How to Register:

Go to Yongchuan Technology Studio Qianzhiyi Media Co., Ltd. to apply for an interview, and complete the registration procedures after being approved.




Yuanxiu Technology (Chongqing) Co., Ltd

Recruitment position 1: assistant to the general manager


Number of recruits: 2

Job Requirements:

1. Be able to solve the quality problems in the production process of the product, deal with the quality abnormality and quality improvement; 2. It is necessary to follow up the quality status of the product to the customer, deal with customer complaints and provide solutions; 3. College degree or above, more than 3 years of similar work experience, working experience in the notebook industry is preferred.


Recruitment position 2: QE engineer


Number of recruits: 2

Job Requirements:

1. Be able to solve the quality problems in the production process of the product, deal with the quality abnormality and quality improvement; 2. It is necessary to follow up the quality status of the product to the customer, deal with customer complaints and provide solutions; 3. College degree or above, more than 3 years of similar work experience, working experience in the notebook industry is preferred.


Recruitment position 3: software engineer


Number of recruits: 1

Job Requirements:

1. Solve the problems that arise in the use of the system, and carry out secondary development according to production needs; 2. Proficient in C# program development, with more than 2 years of development experience; 3. Responsible for ERP system maintenance and secondary development, with more than 3 years of ERP secondary development experience.


Five insurances, monthly and annual performance bonuses, free working meals, holiday gifts, free accommodation (water and electricity bills are at your own expense), annual promotion, paid annual leave, free lesson training, regular outdoor team building, etc


Teacher Pan - 18983020215

Chongqing Ruisheng Power Machinery Co., Ltd

Recruitment position 1: inspector


Number of recruits: 5

Job Responsibilities:

1. Responsible for sampling and testing the company's incoming raw materials, judging according to the inspection standards, and ensuring that the quality of incoming raw materials is qualified.

2. Responsible for the preparation and testing of product performance and metallographic samples, transmitting the test results to the laboratory director, and keeping the test samples and test results records to ensure the accuracy of the test data.


Five insurances, meal allowances, holiday benefits, year-end bonuses, free training, and promotion space


Recruitment position 2: grinding machine


Number of recruits: 3

Job Responsibilities:

1. Complete the production tasks assigned by the link where the product or process is located on time;

2. Use the machine tool in strict accordance with the requirements of the machine tool operation procedures and the machine tool instruction manual;

3. Process the workpiece in strict accordance with the process documents and drawings, and fill in the process operation procedures and other quality records correctly;

4. Responsible for the daily maintenance of machine tools.

Job Requirements:

1. Educational requirements: high school

2. Work experience: 1-3 years

3. Work experience is preferred, within the age of 45, two shifts


Recruitment position 3: quenching worker


Number of recruits: 2

Job Description:

Mainly responsible for equipment operation and equipment management, loading and unloading, process quality self-inspection, MES system reporting, etc.

Job Requirements:

1. Educational requirements: high school

2. Work experience: 1-3 years

3. Work experience is preferred, within the age of 45, two shifts.


Five insurances, meal allowances, holiday benefits, year-end bonuses, free training, and promotion space


Job 4: Packer


Number of recruits: 4

Job Requirements:

1. According to the work instructions and product requirements, the products are packaged, packaged and packed to ensure that they meet the company's requirements;

2. Check the quality and quantity of the product to ensure that it meets the packaging requirements;

3. The product information marked and packaged meets the company's requirements;

4. Responsible for the sanitation work of the area, and keep the equipment and environment fresh and tidy.


Recruitment position 5: CNC machine tools


Number of recruits: 30

Job Requirements:

1. Be proficient in operating and maintaining equipment, and have a strong sense of product safety and quality;

2. Able to endure hardships and obey management;

3. Work experience is preferred, within the age of 45, two shifts


Five insurances, meal allowances, holiday benefits, year-end bonuses, free training, and promotion space


Teacher Teacher - 15320596877

Chongqing Xintai Machinery Co., Ltd

Recruitment position: financial and accounting personnel


Number of recruits: 1

Job Requirements:

1. Age requirement: under 30 years old

2. Educational requirements: high school

3. Work experience: 1-3 years

4. Bachelor's degree in industrial accounting from a full-time university, working experience in industrial accounting is preferred.


Transportation allowance, birthday fee, high temperature and winter heating expenses, holiday benefits, etc



Chongqing Jinfenyuan Food Co., Ltd

Recruitment position 1: Food R&D (weekends)


Number of recruits: 1

Job Responsibilities:

1. Consciously abide by the company's rules and regulations and work arrangements;

2. Be familiar with the company's condiment varieties and characteristics, and look for breakthroughs and customize new categories according to the market environment and competing products;

3. Sampling and testing of semi-finished products and finished products in the production process according to regulations;

4. Record the records of relevant quality reports;

5. Other matters arranged by the leader.


Recruitment position 2: Accountant (two days off)


Number of recruits: 1

Job Responsibilities:

1. Examine and approve financial revenue and expenditure, review financial special reports and accounting statements, and countersign major financial revenue and expenditure plans and economic contracts;

2. Prepare and implement the budget, participate in the formulation of fund raising and use plans, and ensure the effective use of funds;

3. Review the accounting information provided by the company;

4. Responsible for reviewing the accounting statements submitted by the company's headquarters and subordinate units, preparing comprehensive financial analysis reports and special analysis reports, and providing a reliable basis for the company's leadership decision-making;

5. Formulate the company's internal financial and accounting systems and working procedures, organize the implementation and supervise the implementation after approval;

6. Organize the preparation and realization of the company's financial revenue and expenditure plan, credit plan and cost plan.


Recruitment position 3: sales (single holiday)


Number of recruits: 2

Job Responsibilities:

1. Responsible for the sales and promotion of the company's products, familiar with the types and characteristics of the company's condiments;

2. According to the marketing plan, complete the department's sales target;

3. Develop new markets, develop new customers, and increase the scope of product sales;

4. Responsible for the collection of market information and the analysis of competitors in the jurisdiction;

5. Manage and maintain customer relationships and long-term strategic cooperation plans between customers.

Job Requirements:

1. Age requirement: 18~50 years old

2. Educational requirements: high school

3. Work experience: 1-3 years


Five insurances, holiday benefits



Yongchuan these hospitals, enterprises...... A lot of people are hiring


Yongchuan these hospitals, enterprises...... A lot of people are hiring

Source: Yongchuan Hospital Affiliated to Chongqing Medical University, Yongchuan Employment, Chongqing Qianzhiyi Media Co., Ltd., Yongqihui Enterprise Service Platform

Editor: Lan Mingyue on duty Review: Wu Ailing Wang Dongmei Producer: He Li Kang Junjun Director: Yu Miao Director: Yongchuan District Party Committee Propaganda Department Yongchuan District Government Information Office Yongchuan Douyin: Cqyc49898780 Report Tel: 023-49898780

Cooperation telephone: 023-49358943

Yongchuan these hospitals, enterprises...... A lot of people are hiring