
The anus is moist, itchy, and discharged, and 3 causes are very common, and your doctor tells you

author:Dr. Li from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology talks about health

In our daily lives, the topic of anus is often not so embarrassed to mention. However, it is this embarrassment that makes many people choose to be patient or avoid anal problems, rather than actively seeking solutions.

You must know that more than 60% of the world's people suffer from anal problems to some extent, which not only affects their physical health, but also inadvertently affects the quality of life. If you're one of them, it's important to understand the common causes of a wet, itchy anus with discharge.

The anus is moist, itchy, and discharged, and 3 causes are very common, and your doctor tells you

1. The prevalence and impact of anal discomfort

Anal problems, which may sound a bit blushing, are really common, just like a cold. According to statistics, more than 60% of people have encountered the problem of dampness or itching in their anus.

These seemingly small problems, if not dealt with in a timely manner, may turn into big problems, affecting work and life. Anal discomfort can make people restless, and they may even miss the best time for treatment because they are too embarrassed to seek medical attention.

The anus is moist, itchy, and discharged, and 3 causes are very common, and your doctor tells you

2. Common cause 1: parasitic infection and its harm

When it comes to anal dampness, some people may think of eczema or skin problems, but did you know that parasitic infections are also a common cause?

Roundworms, in particular, are little things that sneak in while you're asleep, slipping out of your anus and happily laying eggs on your warm sheets.

The next day, you may notice that the area around your anus is wet and itchy. This is not a joke, but a "greeting gift" left by roundworms.

In this case, no matter how much water you wash or how thick the paper is, you can't solve the fundamental problem. Because the problem is in the body, those pesky parasites are still roaming in your gut.

So, if you find yourself with such symptoms, don't hesitate, act quickly, go to the hospital for a check-up, once the parasite is found, the doctor will prescribe you the corresponding anthelmintic drugs, in order to solve the problem fundamentally.

The anus is moist, itchy, and discharged, and 3 causes are very common, and your doctor tells you

3. Common cause 2: inflammation of the anal sinus and the formation of anal fistula

When it comes to anal itching and discharge, many people may first think of hemorrhoids, but in fact, inflammation of the anal sinuses is also a cause that cannot be ignored.

The anal sinus is a small gland located in the lining of the anal canal, and its main function is to secrete fluid, which helps keep the anus moist. When these glands become inflamed, anal sinusitis can be formed, which can even progress to anal impotence.

Anal sinusitis is usually caused by a bacterial infection caused by poor anal hygiene, prolonged sitting, or hair near the anus. At the beginning of the infection, you may just feel a little damp and uncomfortable in your anus, but as the inflammation worsens, a purulent discharge will gradually appear, sometimes accompanied by severe pain.

Anal fistula is a further development of anal sinusitis, which is an abscess formed by an infection that is left untreated. Not only does anal impotence cause persistent discharge, but it can also cause severe pain and itching.

In this case, the patient may need surgery to remove the abscess and repair the anal canal.

Treatment of anal sinusitis and anal dysentery usually requires comprehensive management, including medication, good personal hygiene, and, in some cases, surgery. It is important to consult a doctor as soon as symptoms appear, and not to delay treatment due to shame.

The anus is moist, itchy, and discharged, and 3 causes are very common, and your doctor tells you

4. Common cause 3: anal sphincter dysfunction

The anal sphincter is a group of muscles that surround the opening of the anus, and their main function is to control bowel movements. When the sphincter becomes dysfunctional, it can lead to decreased anal control, which can cause moist or even involuntary discharge from the anus.

Anal sphincter dysfunction can be caused by a variety of causes, including reproductive history, chronic constipation, anal fissures, or direct muscle damage.

For example, women who have undergone a difficult birth or major surgery may have weakened sphincter function due to damage to muscles and nerves. In addition, long-term constipation can also lead to excessive strain on the anal sphincter, which can cause functional impairment.

Treating this condition often requires a multi-faceted approach. First, your doctor may recommend anal sphincter training to build muscle strength and improve control.

In addition, adjusting the diet, increasing fiber intake, and keeping the stool open are also key parts of treatment. In some cases, if the dysfunction is due to muscle or nerve damage, surgery may be needed to repair it.

Anal health problems are a complex and pervasive phenomenon that affects the quality of our daily lives. Understanding the common causes of moist, itchy, and discharged anus is essential to detect and treat these discomforts promptly.

Once you find that there are uncomfortable symptoms in the anus, you should seek help from a doctor immediately to avoid a minor illness from becoming a major illness and affecting the quality of life. At the same time, maintaining good personal hygiene, eating reasonably, and exercising moderately are all effective ways to maintain anal health.

The anus is moist, itchy, and discharged, and 3 causes are very common, and your doctor tells you

5. Anal fissure and its impact on anal health

Anal fissure, the term sounds painful, but it actually is. Anal fissure is a laceration of the mucosa of the anal canal, usually caused by hard and dry stools and excessive straining during bowel movements. Such a tear is not only painful, but can also cause bleeding and increased discharge in the anal area.

Whenever I have a bowel movement, this small laceration is like a stinging wound, which makes people feel painful. The impact of anal fissures on anal health cannot be underestimated. It not only affects the patient's daily life, but can also lead to the formation of chronic anal fissures due to repeated irritation and infection.

Chronic anal fissures may form spasms in the muscles that further exacerbate the problem of pain and discharge. Treatment of anal fissures usually involves softening the stool, reducing irritation during bowel movements, and sometimes using topical medications or surgery.

The anus is moist, itchy, and discharged, and 3 causes are very common, and your doctor tells you

6. Prevention and treatment: how to maintain anal health in daily life

When it comes to anal health problems, prevention is often more important than cure. The key to maintaining anal health lies in the details of daily life. The first thing is to keep the anus clean and dry.

After each bowel movement, wash with warm water, dry gently, and avoid using rough tissues to irritate the anus. In addition, a reasonable diet is also crucial.

High-fiber foods can make stools softer and reduce pressure and damage to the anus during bowel movements. For patients who already have anal problems, treatment needs to be determined according to the specific cause.

For example, parasitic infections require anthelmintic drugs, anal sinusitis may require antibiotic treatment and, in severe cases, surgery, and anal fissures may require local medications or even anal fissure incision.

Under the guidance of a doctor, patients can also relieve symptoms by means of sitz baths, local cold compresses, etc.

The anus is moist, itchy, and discharged, and 3 causes are very common, and your doctor tells you


The health problem of the anus is not an unspeakable secret, it is a problem that each of us can face. By understanding the common causes, taking the right precautions, and seeking help from a medical professional in a timely manner when problems arise, we can nip these problems in the bud and maintain our physical health and quality of life.

Remember, a healthy lifestyle and a positive attitude towards treatment are powerful weapons in our fight against anal health problems.