
As soon as the Chinese side announced that it would visit Russia at a high level, the G7 issued a statement that China and Russia would not be allowed to get closer, and used China-EU relations to threaten them

author:Ink reads spring and autumn

According to the Observer, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Lin Jian announced that China's high-level officials will visit Russia, and the G7 countries have concluded a three-day summit of foreign ministers held in Italy. The summit focused on the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the situation in the Middle East, the Taiwan issue, and China-related issues. On the Ukraine issue, the G7 statement expressed so-called concern about the "military weapons aid and material support provided to Russia" by Chinese companies. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said at a press conference on the same day that China and Russia are not allowed to get closer and use China-EU relations as a threat. Blinken said that China cannot afford to actively develop relations with Europe while at the same time sponsoring the biggest security threat facing Europe after the Cold War.

As soon as the Chinese side announced that it would visit Russia at a high level, the G7 issued a statement that China and Russia would not be allowed to get closer, and used China-EU relations to threaten them

It is understood that before the G7 summit, U.S. Defense Department press secretary Ryder said at a press conference that the United States has found signs that China is "providing military support" to Russia to help Russia carry out a special military operation in Ukraine. It was the United States that grasped the so-called intelligence that "China is systematically helping Russia in its war", which started the public opinion attack on Sino-Russian relations during the summit of the G7 foreign ministers.

Blinken's remarks reflect Western countries' attempts to use China's relationship with Europe as a political bargaining chip, intimidate China, and force China to abandon its new-era strategic partnership with Russia. This remark fully reflects Blinken's arrogance and the hegemonic logic of the United States' "long-arm jurisdiction".

As soon as the Chinese side announced that it would visit Russia at a high level, the G7 issued a statement that China and Russia would not be allowed to get closer, and used China-EU relations to threaten them

As a sovereign and independent country, China has its own principles and consistent position in handling domestic and foreign affairs, and has every right to take necessary measures to firmly defend its legitimate rights and interests. How to develop relations with Russia and Europe is China's internal affair, and countries outside the region have no right to interfere, nor are it the turn of the G7 foreign ministers to make irresponsible remarks. The cooperation between China and Russia is not aimed at third countries and is not interfered with by third parties, and the deep traditional friendship maintained by the two countries is the result of historical development and mutually beneficial cooperation based on the principles of international law, and the G7 is not in a position to ask China to abandon the good relations it maintains with Russia.

Moreover, Sino-European and Sino-Russian relations are completely two issues. As far as China-EU relations are concerned, China and Europe are the two major forces for world peace and the two major markets for common development. China-EU relations are not targeted, dependent on, or constrained by any third party, and the two sides carry out dialogue and cooperation on the basis of mutual respect and mutual benefit, so as to provide more stabilizing factors for the turbulent world situation. Over the past few decades, China-EU cooperation has been rooted in a solid foundation of public opinion, with strong resilience and potential, which cannot and cannot be reversed by any force. In the field of economy and trade, China has become the EU's largest trading partner in 2020, and China-EU economic and trade cooperation has great potential, which is a stabilizer for the high-quality development of the world economy.

As soon as the Chinese side announced that it would visit Russia at a high level, the G7 issued a statement that China and Russia would not be allowed to get closer, and used China-EU relations to threaten them

It is reported that the joint statement issued after the G7 summit inevitably talked about the Taiwan issue, and the statement once again reaffirmed that peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait are indispensable for the security and prosperity of the international community, and supported Taiwan's participation in international organizations, including the World Health Assembly and the World Health Organization.

In this regard, Taiwan's foreign affairs department expressed its high welcome and sincere gratitude, and pledged to continue to work with like-minded partners to strengthen the resilience of the global democratic camp. Taiwan's foreign affairs department also said that since the 2021 G7 summit in Cornwall, UK, G7 members have repeatedly expressed their importance to peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait in the joint communiqué of the meeting for four consecutive years, highlighting that the security of the Taiwan Strait is inseparable from global security and prosperity.

As soon as the Chinese side announced that it would visit Russia at a high level, the G7 issued a statement that China and Russia would not be allowed to get closer, and used China-EU relations to threaten them

The G7 summit arbitrarily discussed the Taiwan issue and supported Taiwan's participation in international organizations, which is a disregard for China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, an intention to develop "official ties" with the Taiwan authorities, and interference in China's internal affairs. However, the Taiwan issue is the core of China's core interests, and China will not compromise or back down, and hopes that external forces will have a clear understanding of the general trend and develop relations with China on the basis of respecting the one-China principle.