
The Russian army continued to attack the defense line of the Ukrainian army from the town of May Day to Neversk and launched a fierce attack on Netelové!

author:Shandong veteran

On April 19, the Russian army successfully attacked the Ukrainian defense line between the town of May Day and Nevelsk, and then quickly launched a fierce attack on the strategic location of Neterovo (Netelové).

The Russian army continued to attack the defense line of the Ukrainian army from the town of May Day to Neversk and launched a fierce attack on Netelové!

Russian troops today occupied the southern part of the village of Netellovo (Netelove), forcing Ukrainian troops back to the northern regions. The Ukrainian army held its ground on several key double-storey buildings, which have become the last line of defense of the Ukrainian army in front of Karlovka.

Step by step, the Russian army is approaching the positions of the Ukrainian army, preparing to launch a final charge. At the same time, in Krasnogorovka, another battlefield, the southern units of the Russian army continue to consolidate their positions and prepare for the upcoming raid.

The Russian army continued to attack the defense line of the Ukrainian army from the town of May Day to Neversk and launched a fierce attack on Netelové!

The target of the raid was an important defense point of the Ukrainian army - the refractory plant. In order to weaken the defense of the Ukrainian army, Russian pilots and artillery continued to carry out precision bombing of the plant and Severotelovo.

As the battle progressed, the armies of both sides engaged in a fierce contest on this land.

The Russian army continued to attack the defense line of the Ukrainian army from the town of May Day to Neversk and launched a fierce attack on Netelové!

Judging by the current situation between Russia and Ukraine, the Russian army has a small salient in the direction of Georgiivka. According to the situation in these days, Russian troops launched an offensive south of Krasnogorovka, occupying a number of construction areas south of the town. For this move, if analyzed tactically, it is clear that the Russian army needs to get a support point in the city department.

Since the front in Georgiivka was a bit prominent, this would cause a lot of pressure on the southern flanks of the salient. The actions of the Russian army are to gradually flatten the distance from the salient and relieve the pressure on the Russian army in the salient.

The Russian army continued to attack the defense line of the Ukrainian army from the town of May Day to Neversk and launched a fierce attack on Netelové!

As for the analysis of the situation in the direction of Krasnogorovka-Georgiivka, I still do not recommend attacking Krasnogorovka now, and still relying on the occupied urban areas in the south, to the west and south, to clear the section north of Georgiivka (previously analyzed), which will greatly increase the pressure on the rear line and transportation when the Russian army attacks Kurakhovo, and can obtain a certain tactical mobility and initiative.

The advantage of this is to provide more space for the Russian army to attack Krasnogorovka, which is beneficial for the Russian army to attack from the east or from the south. #春日生活打卡季#