
5 kinds of food come with "progesterone", and women should be willing to eat it after the age of 45 to go through menopause smoothly

author:Dr. Shen popularized science

Menopause is an important stage in a woman's life, and it marks the natural process of a woman's gradual transition from childbearing age to non-childbearing age.

During this stage, a woman's ovarian function gradually decreases and estrogen levels decline, leading to a series of physical and psychological changes. These changes may include hot flashes, night sweating, irregular menstruation, mood swings, etc., which have a certain impact on a woman's life.

In addition to estrogen, there is another important hormone that plays a key role in the female body, and that is progesterone. Progesterone and estrogen go hand in hand to maintain women's physical health.


What is Progesterone?

Progesterone, as a unique progesterone in the female body, plays an important role in the body's hormone family. This hormone is mainly secreted by the ovaries and plays a central role in the physiological role of women.

5 kinds of food come with "progesterone", and women should be willing to eat it after the age of 45 to go through menopause smoothly

Its responsibilities are not limited to maintaining the health of the uterus and shaping a woman's secondary sex characteristics, in fact, it is like an elegant conductor, regulating a woman's complexion, skin condition, and even the speed of aging.

Imagine that among women of the same age, those with ample progesterone levels tend to have more rosy faces and more focused eyes, as if time has left fewer marks on them.

They are more likely to be the kind of people to be envied, because there is an invisible force in their bodies that silently guards their youth and beauty.

However, despite its importance, many women know little about progesterone. They may not know what happens if their bodies are deficient in this hormone.

5 kinds of food come with "progesterone", and women should be willing to eat it after the age of 45 to go through menopause smoothly

Maybe they don't even know if they're in a state of progesterone insufficiency. More worryingly, many women don't know that progesterone deficiency can also affect their fertility.


If a woman has progesterone insufficiency, there will be 4 manifestations in the body, check yourself

When a woman's progesterone levels are insufficient, the body sends signals in a variety of ways. Here are four physical manifestations that may indicate progesterone insufficiency, female friends may wish to check themselves.

First of all, an irregular menstrual cycle can be a clear sign of a lack of progesterone. Progesterone plays a key role in the menstrual cycle, and it helps maintain the stability of the endometrium. When progesterone levels are insufficient, it can lead to shortened or prolonged menstrual cycles and even trigger irregular bleeding.

Secondly, insufficient progesterone may also affect a woman's fertility. Progesterone is essential for the implantation and development of embryos. If progesterone levels are insufficient, it may lead to difficulty conceiving or an increased risk of miscarriage after pregnancy.

5 kinds of food come with "progesterone", and women should be willing to eat it after the age of 45 to go through menopause smoothly

In addition, women with progesterone deficiency may also experience some emotional and psychological changes. Progesterone plays a role in regulating mood and reducing anxiety and depression. When progesterone levels are insufficient, women may experience mood swings, anxiety, or fatigue easily.

Finally, insufficient progesterone may also affect a woman's sleep quality. Progesterone helps maintain normal sleep patterns, and when progesterone levels are insufficient, it can lead to problems such as insomnia, dreams, or poor sleep quality.


5 kinds of food come with "progesterone", and women should be willing to eat it after the age of 45 to go through menopause smoothly

After the age of 45, women face a series of physical and psychological changes as ovarian function gradually declines, the most significant of which is menopause.

In order to survive this special period smoothly, in addition to maintaining good lifestyle habits and mentality, diet is also a part that cannot be ignored.

5 kinds of food come with "progesterone", and women should be willing to eat it after the age of 45 to go through menopause smoothly

There are five kinds of foods, which are known as natural "progesterone", which are not only delicious for women, but also a good helper for menopause.

1. Black beans.

Black beans are known as the "Valley of the Kidneys", which are rich in phytoestrogens, which have a similar structure to estrogen in women's bodies, which can help regulate endocrine and relieve the uncomfortable symptoms of menopause.

2. Figs

。 It is rich in vitamins and minerals, especially flavonoids, which are effective in maintaining cardiovascular health and relieving symptoms such as hot flashes.

3. Soy products. Soy products such as tofu and soy milk are a source of high-quality protein, and are also rich in isoflavones, which are phytoestrogens that can mimic estrogen in the human body, help regulate endocrine and relieve the discomfort of menopause.

5 kinds of food come with "progesterone", and women should be willing to eat it after the age of 45 to go through menopause smoothly

4. Lemon

。 It is rich in vitamin C and a variety of minerals, which can help remove free radicals from the body, maintain the elasticity and radiance of the skin, and also promote calcium absorption and prevent osteoporosis.

5. Walnuts

。 It is rich in a variety of unsaturated fatty acids and minerals to protect cardiovascular health, and it is also rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which can help relieve anxiety and depression and keep menopausal women happy.


Is higher progesterone levels better?

Higher progesterone levels are not always better, and high progesterone levels can lead to a range of health problems. For example, long-term high levels of progesterone may increase a woman's risk of gynecologic cancers such as breast cancer and endometrial cancer. In addition, high levels of progesterone may also cause problems such as irregular menstruation and infertility.

Therefore, we need to maintain a balanced view of progesterone levels. A woman's progesterone levels should fluctuate within the normal range so that the body can be healthy. If you have abnormal progesterone levels, you should seek medical advice and treatment promptly.

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