
What should parents do when their children are willful and unreasonable?

author:vimfun Weifan Psychology

First, understand the reasons behind your child's behavior, which may be because they are scared, helpless, bored, or lack of attention, and they may behave just to attract the attention of others.

1. When children show unreasonable behavior, the first thing to do is to listen to their voices. Understand their needs and feelings, and why they behave the way they do.

What should parents do when their children are willful and unreasonable?

2. Use positive language and body language to communicate with your child and encourage them to express their thoughts and feelings. Use open-ended questions to guide them to share their perspectives while giving them the time and space to think and express themselves.

3. Parents need to clearly express their expectations and rules, as well as the possible consequences of not following the rules. Use simple and clear language and avoid using a threatening or accusatory tone.

4. Make children feel understood and supported by building relationships of trust and respect. Give your child positive feedback, praise them for their efforts and progress, and encourage them to try new things and face challenges.

What should parents do when their children are willful and unreasonable?

5. When children exhibit unreasonable behavior, try to provide some options or set clear goals for them to help them focus and reduce stress. For example, let them choose which TV show they want to watch or which friend they want to hang out with.

6. Sometimes, moderate concessions can help build a child's self-esteem and self-confidence. However, care should be taken to avoid over-compromising or making the child feel that unreasonable demands can always be accommodated.

7. Set clear rules and expectations for your child and make sure they understand why and what they mean. The rules should be clear, consistent, and fair so that the child can understand and follow.

What should parents do when their children are willful and unreasonable?

8. When children show good behavior or progress, give them positive rewards and feedback to encourage them to continue their efforts. Rewards can be verbal praise, bonus points, or in-kind prizes, among other things.

9. Excessive punishment may make children feel frustrated and helpless without helping them learn self-discipline and responsibility. The appropriate punishment should be proportionate, specific, and relevant to the violation.

10. Parents are role models for their children. By demonstrating good behavior and attitude, parents can help their children learn how to cope with setbacks and manage emotions.

11. It is very important to remain calm and patient in the face of your child's willful and unreasonable behavior. Avoid emotional outbursts or impulsive reactions to show a good parental image.