
In the family, if you don't want to have enmity between relatives, please abide by the "Four-Six Law"

author:Cloth clothes and coarse food

We often say, "Be measured in everything." ”

But what kind of proportionality is right?

Smart people know how to quantify relationships and form a relatively stable social scale.

In this world, the people who really love you are relatives, and the people who are most likely to make enemies are also.

Trivial matters, magnified, are deep hatred.

In the business field, there is a pattern called "four six open", which is originally an average share of money, as long as you only get forty percent, give sixty percent to the other party. Collaboration will be easier and last.

I have to say that when relatives interact with each other, the "four-six law" is adopted, and the family can be happy.

In the family, if you don't want to have enmity between relatives, please abide by the "Four-Six Law"


Brothers and sisters are filial: you contribute six points, and it is a blessing to suffer losses.

From ancient times to the present, we all advocate the filial piety method of "filial piety is not better than relatives".

There is no way for parents to raise their children absolutely fairly, and if they take care of it, no one will have a good time.

On the other hand, it is not absolutely fair for children to be filial to their parents, after all, the situation of children's small families is different, and everyone does not necessarily live in the same place.

If you contribute six points, that means that the other siblings contribute four points. In this way, you take on a little more pressure of filial piety. At the same time, the filial piety of brothers and sisters is not absent.

No matter how much property you have received from your parents, whether you are favored by your parents or not, your efforts are worth it.

As you are filial to your parents today, your children will be filial to you in the future. One report and one report, this is the best family style.

The formation of family style is also based on your words and deeds.

If brothers and sisters have words and deeds that bear six points of strength, then filial piety to their parents is more than enough. Everything is easy to discuss, and it is also a blessing for old parents.


Quarrels within the family: You are polite and give six points, and it is a blessing to show weakness.

Quarrels are inevitable, and every family has a difficult scripture to read.

But how do you resolve the quarrel in time? It's best to give six points at the time of the quarrel.

Cao Shen, the prime minister of the Western Han Dynasty, after taking office, did not give orders for many days, and all the rules were in accordance with the original.

Emperor Hui of Han didn't know what kind of medicine Cao Shen was selling in the gourd, so he privately summoned Cao Shen's son Cao Shan and asked Cao Shan to inquire more about Cao Shen's true situation at home.

The son's repeated inquiries made Cao Shen angry, and the father and son also quarreled.

Cao Shen also beat his son with 200 whips, and then went to see Emperor Hui of the Han Dynasty, with an attitude of taking the initiative to ask for guilt, explaining that Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, Xiao He and others were well governed, and the rules were very correct, and they should not be changed easily.

Soon, the quarrel subsided, and the son was wronged, but on the whole, he was happy.

As the saying goes, "One mountain cannot tolerate two tigers, unless one is strong and one is weak." ”

Shut up, listen, take the initiative to walk away, speak softly, wait for a while to speak, and talk with a smile are all manifestations of weakness and convey the original intention of reconciliation. The other party will also dissipate the gas in time.

In the family, if you don't want to have enmity between relatives, please abide by the "Four-Six Law"


Husband and wife usually get along: you love him for six points, and the initiative is a blessing.

As lovers, we all look forward to meeting someone who is "the right person".

But after changing from lovers to husband and wife, whether the original family is equal or not, the relationship is not very big. The most important thing is that husband and wife fly together and go hand in hand.

Good couple, you mix well, and I'm not bad.

But it is also impossible to absolutely balance the strength of two people. Therefore, there must be someone who takes the initiative to show favor and love each other a little more.

Meng Guang, one of the four ugly girls, after marrying Liang Hong, took the initiative to change into coarse cloth clothes and work in the fields.

When her husband came back from work, Meng Guang prepared a meal and waited at home.

Meng Guang packed the meal and raised it to the position of her eyebrows to show respect for her husband.

Therefore, the allusion of raising the case and raising eyebrows was left. Their love has become an example for everyone to learn.

Husband and wife for a lifetime, at first, one person chases one person, and later they cherish fate more than one another.

All the cherishing may not necessarily get the same amount of returns, but there is a certain return, and it is right that the husband and wife will accompany each other to old age.

When the husband gets angry, the wife takes the initiative to please him several times, the wife dislikes her husband for being poor, and the husband works harder...... All these things will become good memories and promote happiness in the future.


New Year's holiday gifts: you pay six points, help is a blessing.

In normal times, relatives will also exchange courtesies. Especially after the brothers and sisters have grown up and become a family, everyone has become a lot of small families.

When the children are married, they and their parents are also two families, and everyone must get used to gathering and scattering.

Usually, we think that if the other person gives us a thousand dollars, you have to give a thousand dollars in return. If you don't, you will lose the other party, and you are afraid that the other party will gossip.

"Caigen Tan" said: "Father is kind and filial piety, brother and brother are respectful, even if they do it to the extreme, they are all right, and they can't have the slightest thought of gratitude." If the giver is virtuous, and the recipient is gracious, he is a passerby, and he will become a market. ”

The amount of gifts cannot be absolutely balanced, and if it is balanced, it will become a buy and sell in the market.

As long as your financial conditions are good, then give a little more gifts and add a little bit to each other.

If your conditions are very poor, and you have met generous brothers and sisters, parents, children, then it is okay to accept each other's kindness and return a little less gift.

When the younger generation wants to study and the tuition fee is missing, you give a big gift, which can be regarded as helping to make up for the tuition; when the brother is in trouble, you will send a few thousand yuan, which is also an emergency.

Etiquette is money, but it cannot be measured by the amount of money.

In the family, if you don't want to have enmity between relatives, please abide by the "Four-Six Law"


In this world, the only people who love you selflessly are relatives, and once they turn against each other, there will be no such good love.

As a member of the family, as long as everyone wants to pay a little more than the other party, the home will become a happy harbor, and you can make money in harmony.

Let your relatives have the upper hand, and you are in a low place, it seems that you have suffered a loss, but in fact, your pattern is bigger, and you know how to be a low-key person. As the saying goes, man is king, and water is low.

Hide your strong side and make yourself warm, this is true love.

Of course, when you meet someone who is an inch, you have to keep the bottom line and don't let the other party do whatever they want.

May you be kind to your family, have a ruler in your words and deeds, and advance and retreat in an orderly manner.

Author: Cloth Clothes Coarse Food.

Follow my words and go into your heart.

The pictures in the article come from the Internet.

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