
The 2024 "new blood pressure standard" was announced, and it is no longer 120-80mmHg!

author:Longnan Wudu released

Source: Xiao Li Knowledge Science Popularization

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High blood pressure, a latent health killer in modern society, is becoming more and more rampant, making people's daily lives feel like walking on thin ice, and the slightest carelessness can lead to a dangerous abyss.

Although the medical community has not yet found a cure, with careful observation of the fluctuations of the patient's blood pressure, it has been able to skillfully administer medicine and stabilize the turbulence of the disease. It is important to know that once the wild horse with high blood pressure gets out of control, it may trigger a chain reaction of countless complications and even threaten the peace of life.

The 2024 "new blood pressure standard" was announced, and it is no longer 120-80mmHg!

The 2024 "new blood pressure standard" was announced, and it is no longer 120-80mmHg!

Normal human blood pressure: <130/85mmHg

Partial hypertension value: 130~139/85~89mmHg

Grade 1 hypertension: This is the primary stage of hypertension, and blood pressure is usually between 140-159/90-99mmHg.

Grade 2 hypertension: At this point, blood pressure is usually in the range of 160-180/100-110 mmHg.

Grade 3 hypertension: This is the most severe stage of hypertension, with blood pressure above 180/110 mmHg or low blood pressure above 110 mmHg.

The 2024 "new blood pressure standard" was announced, and it is no longer 120-80mmHg!

If your blood pressure is high or not, you can tell if you look at your face that there is one abnormality on your face, and you should be alert to high blood pressure

1. Blushing

There are many causes of blushing, of course, after sun exposure, spicy food, drinking, excessive mental stress, nervousness, anger, etc., it will make the body appear and make the face red.

However, for some patients with hypertension, facial redness will also occur, and if facial redness occurs in daily life, it is recommended to seek medical treatment in time.

The 2024 "new blood pressure standard" was announced, and it is no longer 120-80mmHg!

2. Nasal bleeding

The formation of hypertension will cause special manifestations on the patient's face, especially the formation of cerebral hemorrhage due to the development of hypertension, and the nasal bleeding will be more obvious at this time.

Due to the severity of the local bleeding, patients may have increased intracranial pressure, which may rupture capillaries, which may lead to nasal bleeding.

The generation of this signal should not be ignored, and the body should be checked for cerebral hemorrhage, so that the symptomatic treatment can be improved and the continuous development of the disease can prevent the threat to human health.

The 2024 "new blood pressure standard" was announced, and it is no longer 120-80mmHg!

3. Headache

Headache, in particular, is often listed as one of the prominent symptoms in high blood pressure. When the blood vessels inside the body are hit by excessive pressure, blood flow is restricted, resulting in insufficient oxygen supply to the brain, which can cause headaches and other uncomfortable symptoms.

This headache is actually a painful way for the brain to remind us that high blood pressure is not only a "silent killer", but also manifests itself in the form of physical pain.

The 2024 "new blood pressure standard" was announced, and it is no longer 120-80mmHg!

4. Tinnitus

The blood pressure is unstable, and it has been rising, which will cause great stimulation to the nervous system of the human body, and for a long time, it will break the capillaries in the ear, which will eventually lead to the appearance of tinnitus, and there will be tinnitus symptoms in both ears, and the duration is also very long.

The 2024 "new blood pressure standard" was announced, and it is no longer 120-80mmHg!

Blood pressure control: Please eat 4 more dishes

1. Garlic

The allicin contained in garlic has a good bactericidal effect, and can also help relieve the pressure on the cardiovascular system. In life, when stir-frying vegetables or eating noodles, you can choose more garlic as an ingredient for better results.

The 2024 "new blood pressure standard" was announced, and it is no longer 120-80mmHg!

2. Serena

Celery is a common leafy green vegetable, and people can use its leaves to scramble eggs or make celery leaf soup. Although people usually pay more attention to the rhizomes of celery, in reality, celery leaves are more nutritious. Celery leaves not only have the effect of lowering blood lipid and blood pressure levels, but also can supplement high fiber, which is effective in relieving constipation.

The 2024 "new blood pressure standard" was announced, and it is no longer 120-80mmHg!

3. Black fungus

Black fungus is known as the scavenger of the human body, which contains a lot of minerals and vitamins, help enter the intestines and purify the blood, but also can reduce the three highs, prevent coronary heart disease and arteriosclerosis, and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

It is recommended to wash the black fungus and blanch it, then soak it in cool boiled water, drain the water, put it on a plate and add light soy sauce and chili oil to mix evenly. It not only lowers blood pressure, but also fights blood clots, helping to soften and unclog blood vessels.

The 2024 "new blood pressure standard" was announced, and it is no longer 120-80mmHg!

4. Spinach

Spinach is also one of the common vegetables, there are many ways to make it, and scrambled eggs with spinach are a very common practice in life.

The medical efficacy of spinach has been recognized for a long time, and Li Shizhen's "Compendium of Materia Medica" records that eating more spinach can clear the blood veins and quench thirst. Whether it is the leaves of spinach or the roots of spinach, it has a good effect of lowering blood pressure and replenishing qi and blood.

The 2024 "new blood pressure standard" was announced, and it is no longer 120-80mmHg!

Blood pressure is easy to fluctuate in spring, remind: If you don't want your blood pressure to soar, do these 5 details

1. Reasonable supplementation of vitamin C and protein

Patients with high blood pressure should eat more foods containing vitamin C, such as tomatoes, rape, bok choy and citrus fruits.

In addition, deep-sea fish should be eaten 2~3 times a week, because it contains high-quality protein, which can improve the elasticity and permeability of blood vessels, promote the excretion of sodium ions, and then assist in lowering blood pressure. However, hypertensive patients with renal insufficiency refuse to eat high-protein foods.

The 2024 "new blood pressure standard" was announced, and it is no longer 120-80mmHg!

2. Keep exercising

In the spring, when the weather warms up, you can go outdoors to absorb fresh air, do more exercise, improve the body's metabolism, improve the oxygen supply of the heart and brain, enhance the body's immunity, and enhance the brain's regulation of the contraction and relaxation function of the heart vasoconstriction.

The 2024 "new blood pressure standard" was announced, and it is no longer 120-80mmHg!

3. Calm down

Mood swings can easily cause blood pressure fluctuations, bring discomfort to hypertensive patients, and even have the risk of bursting blood vessels. Therefore, patients with high blood pressure must pay attention to managing their emotions, learn to reduce pressure on themselves, don't be careful, and don't be too themselves and others. Nothing is more important than health, and peace of mind is the best medicine to prevent disease.

The 2024 "new blood pressure standard" was announced, and it is no longer 120-80mmHg!

4. Drink tea appropriately

Tea contains a lot of tea polyphenols and potassium, which can reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. In addition, drinking more tea can help control blood pressure and prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and high blood pressure, especially black tea and green tea. However, strong tea should not be drunk, so as not to overexcite the brain, which will cause blood pressure to fluctuate too much.

The 2024 "new blood pressure standard" was announced, and it is no longer 120-80mmHg!

5. Control your weight

Studies have shown that for obese people, they suffer from high blood pressure much more frequently than normal people. So at this time, we have to control our weight, generally speaking, a body mass index between 18.5 and 23.9 is normal.

And every time we lose 1 kilogram of weight, the blood pressure in the body will be reduced by 4 mm Hg, and only by controlling the weight can the cholesterol content in the body be reduced, thereby lowering blood pressure.

The 2024 "new blood pressure standard" was announced, and it is no longer 120-80mmHg!

In addition, patients with hypertension should pay attention to regular monitoring and recording of blood pressure to observe whether there are abnormal fluctuations in blood pressure. At the same time, it is also necessary to pay attention to the physical condition of the individual, if there is a headache, dizziness and other discomforts, it is recommended to seek medical attention in time to find out the cause and treat it.

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