
Raising Junzi Orchid, there are 6 "taboos", bypassing the huhu flowering, crazy and beautiful!

author:Inspector Flower

Gentleman's orchid, the name reveals a sense of elegance, its actual form is even more elegant and extraordinary, the leaves are straight, the flower type is unique, no matter how the home decoration changes, a pot of orchid can always be just right to embellish it, enhance the owner's taste.

Raising Junzi Orchid, there are 6 "taboos", bypassing the huhu flowering, crazy and beautiful!

However, although the orchid is beautiful, it is not easy to maintain, and many flower lovers often encounter the dilemma that the orchid does not grow new leaves and does not bloom. The reason for this is probably the following 6 taboos.

Raising Junzi Orchid, there are 6 "taboos", bypassing the huhu flowering, crazy and beautiful!

1. Avoid soil compaction and impermeability

Flowers are the first to raise roots, and the growth of the root system is closely related to the soil environment.

The root system of the orchid is full of flesh and has extremely high requirements for the soil. If it is planted in compacted and impermeable soil, the root system cannot stretch, breathing is blocked, and it is naturally difficult to grow strongly.

In the long run, the orchid will become more and more sluggish, the leaves will wither and yellow, and even the fragrance will disappear.

Raising Junzi Orchid, there are 6 "taboos", bypassing the huhu flowering, crazy and beautiful!

Therefore, it is important to choose a loose, breathable and well-drained soil for Monarch Orchid. Humus or pine needle soil are excellent choices.

These two types of soil are loose, permeable, and rich in various nutrients needed for the growth of Monarch Orchid, which can provide a good growth environment for it.

Raising Junzi Orchid, there are 6 "taboos", bypassing the huhu flowering, crazy and beautiful!

2. Avoid excessive watering

Watering is a crucial part of the process of raising flowers, but many flower lovers often do not do too much when watering.

Sometimes overwatering, resulting in serious water accumulation in the pot, the root system of Junzi Orchid soaked in water for a long time, easy to cause root rot, sometimes too lazy, not watering for a long time, resulting in soil drought, compaction, Junzi Orchid can not absorb enough water and nutrients, naturally difficult to thrive.

Raising Junzi Orchid, there are 6 "taboos", bypassing the huhu flowering, crazy and beautiful!

The correct watering method should be "see dry and wet, do not dry and do not water, and water thoroughly". That is, before each watering, make sure that the soil has dried thoroughly to avoid water accumulation in the pot;

At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that the soil is wet when watering to avoid the occurrence of half-cut water. In this way, we can provide a suitable water environment for the orchid and promote its healthy growth.

Raising Junzi Orchid, there are 6 "taboos", bypassing the huhu flowering, crazy and beautiful!

3. Do not change the pot all year round

In the process of maintaining the orchid, many flower friends often ignore the importance of repotting.

They believe that as long as they provide enough nutrients and water for the orchid, they don't know that not changing the pot for a long time will have a great impact on the growth of the orchid.

Raising Junzi Orchid, there are 6 "taboos", bypassing the huhu flowering, crazy and beautiful!

It seriously affects the ability of Monarch Orchid to absorb water and nutrients.

With the continuous growth of the plant, the original pot can no longer meet the development needs of its root system, and not changing the pot for a long time will inevitably affect its normal growth and flowering.

Raising Junzi Orchid, there are 6 "taboos", bypassing the huhu flowering, crazy and beautiful!

Therefore, it is recommended that flower lovers should change the potting soil for the orchid once a year, and prune the excessively long root system and aging leaves to maintain the vitality of the plant.

Raising Junzi Orchid, there are 6 "taboos", bypassing the huhu flowering, crazy and beautiful!

It is best to choose the time to change pots in spring and autumn, and the climate in these two seasons is more suitable for the growth and recovery of Junzi orchid.

When changing pots, you can choose a slightly larger pot to provide enough space for the growth of the root system of the orchid;

At the same time, new nutrient soil and base fertilizer are added to provide sufficient nutrient support for the growth of Junzi orchid.

Raising Junzi Orchid, there are 6 "taboos", bypassing the huhu flowering, crazy and beautiful!

4. Avoid insufficient light

Although the orchid prefers a semi-shady environment, the lack of light for a long time can also affect its normal growth and flowering.

Some flower friends place the orchid in a dark corner or a sunny place for a long time to maintain, resulting in the inability to carry out normal photosynthesis and nutrient accumulation, and the leaf color becomes lighter, thinner and even long, and it will also affect the differentiation of flower buds and the quality of flowering.

Raising Junzi Orchid, there are 6 "taboos", bypassing the huhu flowering, crazy and beautiful!

Therefore, it is recommended that flower friends should give it appropriate light conditions in the process of maintaining Junzi Orchid.

Except for the summer heat, when it needs proper shade, it can be placed in a bright indoor place in other seasons, and it can also be moved outdoors to receive scattered light at regular intervals to promote its photosynthesis and nutrient accumulation.

Raising Junzi Orchid, there are 6 "taboos", bypassing the huhu flowering, crazy and beautiful!

5. Avoid improper fertilization

Fertilization is an indispensable part of the process of raising flowers, but many flower lovers often fall into misunderstandings when fertilizing. They either do not apply fertilizer for a long time, resulting in a lack of nutrients and stunted growth;

Either too much fertilizer is applied at one time, which leads to the occurrence of root burning. These improper fertilization methods will have a great impact on the growth of the orchid.

Raising Junzi Orchid, there are 6 "taboos", bypassing the huhu flowering, crazy and beautiful!

The correct fertilization method should follow the principles of fertilization operations.

In the growth period, you can apply a well-rotted organic liquid fertilizer or compound fertilizer and other fertilizers to supplement nutrients for Junzi orchid every half a month or so; before flowering, you can also add some phosphorus and potassium fertilizers to promote flower bud differentiation and improve the quality of flowering; pay attention to avoid the use of raw fertilizer or thick fertilizer to avoid the occurrence of fertilizer damage.

Raising Junzi Orchid, there are 6 "taboos", bypassing the huhu flowering, crazy and beautiful!

6. There is no temperature difference during the flowering period

The flowering of the Monarch Orchid requires a certain temperature difference stimulation to bloom smoothly, and some flower lovers ignore this point in the process of maintenance. They put the orchid in a constant temperature environment for a long time, resulting in the phenomenon that the orchid cannot feel the change in temperature and does not bloom for a long time or the flowering quality is poor.

Raising Junzi Orchid, there are 6 "taboos", bypassing the huhu flowering, crazy and beautiful!

In order to promote the smooth flowering of Junzi orchid, it is recommended that flower lovers appropriately increase the temperature difference between day and night before and after the flowering period for stimulation treatment.

Raising Junzi Orchid, there are 6 "taboos", bypassing the huhu flowering, crazy and beautiful!

During the day, you can place it in a warm place indoors and move it to a cool and ventilated place outside at night, so that it can promote smooth flowering and improve the quality of flowering for a period of time.