

author:Ashi talks about life

Real Madrid, as the top giant team in Europe, is still very fast to update the team. At the end of this season, Real Madrid will also start a new era. The youngsters will also be a mainstay in the Real Madrid squad. And some meritorious veterans will also choose to leave and start their retirement careers.


Among them, Real Madrid's meritorious captain, Nacho, who has been with Real Madrid for 24 years, also announced that he will leave Real Madrid at the end of the season. As a 34-year-old veteran, Nacho actually has a very high status in the Real Madrid team. As a native player who came to Real Madrid's youth academy at the age of 11, Nacho has received a lot of support at Real Madrid. Even last season, when he wanted to leave, fans were reluctant to let Nacho go. But after the end of this season, Nacho did not get a contract extension from Real Madrid President Florentino.


The superstar will also choose to leave at the end of the season, and during his time at Real Madrid, Nacho won 21 trophies. also witnessed the peak of Real Madrid's Galaxy Battleship, and won the Champions League treble with the team. But now at the age of 34. If you want to continue your career as a player, you must also find a home. Inter Milan is very interested in Nacho, whose contract has expired, and wants to sign Nacho as a team reinforcement this summer.


Inter's leakage behavior is also acceptable for Nacho. He also wants to continue playing in the top five leagues, and he has more opportunities at Inter. Coupled with Inter's visa-free, the salary is naturally more generous, which also allows Nacho to solve the problem of the pension contract.