
New education into Wuxiang, starting from need, from belief, into persistence!

author:New Net Division
New education into Wuxiang, starting from need, from belief, into persistence!

HAO Xiaodong.

New education, heart education, line education

New education into Wuxiang, starting from need, from belief, into persistence!
New education into Wuxiang, starting from need, from belief, into persistence!

On the 13th, after participating in the symposium, he came out of the gate of the Wuxiang County Education Bureau and walked back to the hotel, Tang Yong, the former director of the Education Bureau of Langzhong City, Sichuan Province, said: "Wuxiang is also Wenxiang. ”


Some time ago, Brother Sun Jiantong, the head of the reading community of the director of the New Education Teachers Reading Club and the former director of the Education Bureau of Luoyang High-tech Zone, told me that he wanted to organize an offline reading exchange activity to promote online reading among the directors. This activity was strongly supported by the Wuxiang County Education Bureau.

Being able to take the initiative to develop and do things actively is what I value the most. In order to support the event, he returned to Wuxiang on the weekend to participate in the reading exchange meeting of the director of the New Education Teachers' Reading Club and the Wuxiang County Education Bureau, and visited Taihang Primary School and Wuxiang No. 4 Middle School.

To read enlightenment, to learn self-cultivation. Tang Yong, former director of the Education Bureau of Langzhong City, Sichuan, Sun Jiantong, former director of the Education Bureau of Luoyang High-tech Zone, Li Donghong, director of the Education Bureau of Qin County, Li Wenbo, director of the Education Bureau of Tunliu District, Sun Guoxiang, a famous teacher in Hebei Province and Yanshan County United Primary School, Gao Guihua, director of Wanyou Kindergarten in Wei County, Hebei Province, and other guests gathered in Wuxiang to talk about their reading experience. Li Shiping, director of the Wuxiang County Education Bureau, introduced Wuxiang's experience in promoting the work of new network teachers.

Teacher Zhu Yongxin said, "The level of reading and learning determines the level of work and leadership to a large extent" and "the reading and study of leading cadres is the need to assume their duties and missions."

Reading by the director of education has an exemplary role for all principals, teachers and students, and is of great significance for forming a good atmosphere of advocating knowledge and loving reading, and promoting the improvement of teachers' educational literacy and the construction of a scholarly campus.

New education into Wuxiang, starting from need, from belief, into persistence!


At the exchange meeting, Director Li Shiping introduced the promotion of new education experiments in Wuxiang County in 2023. After listening to the report, I was very emotional, and I basically participated in the work of Wuxiang last year. But some of the circumstances behind the scenes are only known today. Director Li said that after she took office, she helped the principals deal with various debts, selected talents, and tried her best to create a good environment for the principals to start a business in many aspects. I know that these are easy to say, but behind the scenes, there are many difficulties to overcome, in addition to feelings, it also requires courage and wisdom.

I often communicate with principals in China, and I hear many helpless voices: some principals want to go out to study, but the Education Bureau does not approve it; some principals want to lead teachers to carry out curriculum reforms, but the leaders of the Education Bureau say that the principals should just seize the safety; and some principals are disturbed by other aspects, resulting in no mood and energy to focus on running schools......

But none of these situations exist in Wuxiang.

In Wuxiang, it is the director who urges the principal and teachers to study, and it is a large number of learning, and it is to study in the developed areas of domestic education. Last year alone, more than 400 principals and teachers went out of the province to study in Nantong, Xuzhou, Suzhou, and Guangzhou in Jiangsu. As long as it is for the development of the school, the Education Bureau will strongly support it. Director Li said that this is also due to the bold work style and open and forward-looking work concept of He Siyu, Secretary of the Wuxiang County Party Committee, and the good situation of Wuxiang's current vigorous entrepreneurship.

There is a detail that impresses.

During a casual chat, a friend talked about the fact that a few principals in some counties were "stronger" than the director. Director Li Shiping said with a smile: "Isn't this also a good thing? If the principal of the family is devoted to his work and thinks about improving the quality of education and teaching every day, the director of the bureau will be relieved." "What is most important to Director Li is the quality of education, not the power in his hands.

Director Li Shiping is particularly good at "borrowing" in his work. She told me that as long as there are various activities of the new network division, they are welcome to hold them in Wuxiang. Of course, I know that this is also a support and trust for me. In the past year, dozens of people from the new education team have come to Wuxiang to organize various trainings.

All the experts and famous teachers who came to Wuxiang praised Director Li Shiping. After Liu Yuan, the famous principal of Suzhou, took care of the principal's competition, he wrote an article "How happy it is for the principal to meet a good director". After Liu Xianglai, a special-grade teacher in Jiangsu Province, came to the training, he wrote an article "It is difficult and easy to become an expert". Tang Yong, former director of the Langzhong Municipal Education Bureau, wrote an article "Red Wuxiang, Beautiful Education" after participating in the reading exchange meeting. These experts who have traveled north and south in China and have seen the world have all written articles and praised Wuxiang Education.

The changes in education in Wuxiang, especially the strong learning atmosphere of teachers in Wuxiang, have also attracted the attention of education colleagues in surrounding counties. Li Donghong, director of the Qinxian County Education Bureau, made a speech on "The Mental Journey of Joining the New Network Division", he said: "For a period of time, Li Shiping, director of the Wuxiang Education Bureau, has been in the circle of friends every day to make a speech on study and work, and he has insisted on it for a long time, which is very admirable. ”

In this event, Li Wenbo, director of the Tunliu County Education Bureau, also brought the director of the teaching and research department, the principal and the teachers to participate.

New education into Wuxiang, starting from need, from belief, into persistence!


New education and new network teachers are also being promoted in many counties in China, but there are not many such effects in Wuxiang County. Why did the new education experiment quickly take root in Wuxiang and show a trend of burning the prairies?

In addition to the many common factors, I think there are three factors that are particularly important:

First, people are the first factor. If the person is right, the thing is right. The solid promotion of new education in Wuxiang is mainly due to the personal promotion of Director Li Shiping and the full cooperation of Deputy Director Li Dajun. There are a large number of principals and principals with strong executive power, such as Guo Jianjun (who has been transferred to Taihang Cadre Management College), Pan Xiangcheng, Du Jun, Shi Zhiqiang, Zhang Aiwen, Liu Xudong, Li Jun, Liu Jianying, Guo Xianhong, Zhang Yangsheng, Zhao Zhiping, Liu Dongping, etc. It is a group of teachers who deeply identify with the new education, such as Li Yan, Liu Huanfen, Zhang Yanxia, Liu Jing, Liu Lifang, Wu Caixia, Li Ling, Qiao Meiling, and Zhang Xiaoli, have emerged.

Second, trust is power. Director Li Shiping and Deputy Director Li Dajun have great trust in me, and they have silently and vigorously supported all the activities organized by the new network division. As soon as I come back, I will be asked to talk to the principal and teachers. Because of mutual trust, a lot of communication costs are saved and the efficiency of doing things is improved. Because of trust, you don't need to go around the bend, you can face the problem head-on, and you can communicate with your heart. Because of trust, I have more worries and worries about the work in my hometown.

Third, action pays off. The results that can be achieved today are related to the fact that the Education Bureau has insisted on Qingshan not to relax and has been pushing forward unceasingly since last year. Whenever something is new, there are always people who don't adapt to it. There is always opposition to any new reform. Whenever you want to really do something, you will always encounter difficulties and doubts of one kind or another. But as long as we are not afraid of difficulties, do not waver, do not slacken, do not look back, do one thing after another, and solve one problem after another, it will eventually be effective. Persist in creating miracles, and the effect is created over time.

In the process of solidly promoting new education, there is a lot of knowledge to learn and a lot to do, but I think the most important thing is to lead by value.

I know that the concept of test-oriented education is deeply ingrained in our minds, and I know the importance of grades to every family and child. The more this happens, the more we need to keep coming back and asking ourselves:

What kind of education is high-quality education?

What kind of school are we going to run?

In what ways can we improve our scores and grades?

What kind of students do we want to develop for the future?

What kind of teachers do we hope to emerge?

What model do we use to improve the quality of education in the county?

If these questions are not clearly and profoundly considered, they are prone to deviate, deform, or even waver in action.

New education into Wuxiang, starting from need, from belief, into persistence!


On April 14, I gave a report to the principal and key teachers of Wuxiang, as well as the principal and teachers from Qinxian and Tunliu.

I analyzed why teachers have participated in so many trainings in the past and there is still no fundamental change? What kind of learning can promote change? What is the difference between the new network teacher and the current main training in China? How many stages do new network teachers go through in the regional promotion? What are the characteristics of each stage, what strategies can be adopted, and what goals do we want to achieve?

The overall promotion of the new network division in the county will go through three stages: romantic, precise and comprehensive.

Qin County is in the romantic stage. Many principals and teachers are still adapting and getting to know each other. In addition to the active participation of a group of teachers, there are also various voices, questioning, bystanding, and even opposing. These are normal and even valuable. Those voices of doubt keep us sober, humble and low-key.

Wuxiang has entered the precision stage, which is characterized by:

The county joins the new education experiment. Implement the Ten Actions of New Education. The learning of new network teachers is integrated with the new education action. Role model principals and teachers go out of the county to give lectures and reports. Self-organization of new network teacher learning has emerged. Teachers began to publish professional articles in journals.

In the future, it will enter the comprehensive stage:

The quality of education and teaching at the county level has been significantly improved. A set of mature operating mechanisms has been formed, and the experience of new education counties with distinctive characteristics has been condensed. Cultivate a group of influential role model teachers in China. A number of new educational experimental schools with their own characteristics have emerged. Apply for relevant scientific research topics and publish articles and monographs. Organize new education open weeks, seminars, and co-reading camps on a regular basis. Normalize the welcome of domestic study delegations.

New education into Wuxiang, starting from need, from belief, into persistence!


Because of the trust of Director Li Shiping and Deputy Director Li Dajun of the Education Bureau, and because this is my hometown, I have integrated a natural hometown feeling into my work, and I have a kind of vigilance that cannot fail. Because of the good education ecology in my hometown, especially this time, I listened to the real feelings of Liu Dongping, the director of Wuxiang County Kindergarten, and Li Xiuping, the deputy director of Hongxing Kindergarten, on learning, and I also have more expectations and longings for the future education of Wuxiang. Let education also become another business card in addition to the red culture of Wuxiang.

At the end of the report, I told the principals that the new network division entered Wuxiang: starting from need, from believing, becoming by persistence, and failing by impatience.

New education into Wuxiang, starting from need, from belief, into persistence!

Li Donghong, Director of the Qin County Education Bureau: The mental journey of joining the new network teacher

Hao Xiaodong: The educators of Qin County that I admire Xinwang Shiqin County "Building an Ideal Classroom" Advanced Seminar

New education into Wuxiang, starting from need, from belief, into persistence!

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New education into Wuxiang, starting from need, from belief, into persistence!
New education into Wuxiang, starting from need, from belief, into persistence!

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Source: Hao Xiaodong

Author: Hao Xiaodong

Editor: Fu Lijing

New education into Wuxiang, starting from need, from belief, into persistence!

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