
Steel prices are going to fall? Wait, at present, the rally is not over, and scrap steel is not rising

author:Scrap steel futures prices

Important information about scrap

1. Today's scrap prices continue to rise, and the market demand has improved, but because the profits of steel mills have not improved significantly, the support for scrap is weak, and the specific trend needs to wait and see the price trend of snails.

2. Most of the recent steel prices have risen, driving the market sentiment to pick up, and the hot metal continues to increase, which has a certain support for raw material prices. In addition, some coke enterprises took into account that some coal prices fell to a low level, and the decline was limited in the later stage, and coke enterprises began to appropriately replenish the cost-effective coal types, and the transaction volume of the coking coal market improved.

3. With the increase in pig iron prices, downstream foundry enterprises are cautious in procurement, high-priced resource transactions have slowed down, and new orders in the market are not ideal. On the whole, the cost of raw materials is still expected to rise, and the pig iron market is expected to continue to rise.

On April 19, the national scrap continued to rise. The average price of scrap steel in 45 major markets across the country was 2,449 yuan/ton, an increase of 7 yuan/ton from yesterday's price. Iron ore bifocal pulled up steel prices, steel mill losses slightly alleviated, and scrap steel cost performance narrow range repair, steel mill scrap inventory downward, so the enthusiasm for scrap increased; market receipt slightly eased, merchants look forward to the rise of sentiment, close to the May Day holiday, part of the pace of shipments slowed down, is expected to be next week scrap steel market or will be stable and small rise.

At present, the core of market transactions is still the strengthening of raw materials and the increase in costs brought about by the resumption of production, as well as the continuous destocking of finished products, and the month-on-month improvement of supply and demand structure. In addition, superimposed in the second quarter of the policy is expected to pick up, the issuance of special bonds is expected to accelerate, the early stage of the treasury bond project or accelerate the landing, if the effective improvement of project funds will bring about a rebound in physical workload, the improvement of rebar and hot coil terminal demand is beneficial to the multi-effect. Focusing on the structural changes in the follow-up terminal replenishment and output growth, it is expected that this round of rising market will continue, and as the May Day holiday is approaching, the pre-holiday replenishment demand is still the focus of market attention.

On the whole, near May Day steel enterprises to increase the demand for raw material replenishment, short-term scrap support is acceptable, but before the large-scale repair of steel enterprise profits, the price increase of scrap steel is restricted, and it is expected that the recent scrap steel will be stable and strong according to its own situation.

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Important information about spot futures rebar

The national macro policy continues to warm, the construction project of additional treasury bond funds has been gradually launched, the market investment is expected to increase, the spot price has continued to rise, coupled with the bottoming out of iron ore and bifocal, the cost has continued to strengthen, and the ex-factory price of steel mills has been promoted......

The black plate fluctuated in a narrow range, and the main thread force ran below the 3700 line, and the hot coil closed at 3835 points. The spot price of thread in some major cities in the country was raised, Shanghai three-level seismic rebar remained stable at 3650 yuan/ton, the price of hot coil rose in individual cities, and Shanghai hot coil also held stable at 3880 yuan/ton, with a premium. Nanjing, Jinan, Hefei, Fuzhou, Wuhan, Taiyuan, Chongqing, Kunming, Xi'an and other half of the market rebar prices rose 10-40 yuan/ton.

Macro: The central bank said that there is still room for future monetary policy, and it will choose the opportunity to make good use of reserve tools; according to a report by ABC on the 19th, Israel attacked a location in Iran; Changsha fully lifted housing purchase restrictions, and the down payment ratio for the first home on Xiamen Island dropped to 20%.

Industry: Luo Tiejun, vice president of the China Iron and Steel Association, said that the current steel industry is facing a strong supply capacity and weakening demand of the outstanding contradiction, and into the "prisoner's dilemma", the China Iron and Steel Association attaches great importance to this year's crude steel output control policy, is cooperating with the national ministries and commissions to carry out relevant work. The United States plans to impose new restrictions on Chinese steel and aluminum products.

On the whole, the steel market fundamentals preference, but the uncertainty of the external environment rises, if the supply blindly expands, it will break the preference pattern, and it is expected that the steel market will fluctuate steadily tomorrow, and the range is limited.

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On April 19, the spot market rose steadily

Among the 24 markets for building materials, 11 markets rose 10-30 yuan/ton, and the average price of rebar 20mmHRB400E was 3772 yuan/ton, up 16 yuan/ton from the previous trading day;

Among the 24 markets of hot coil, 9 markets rose 10-20 yuan/ton, and the average price of 4.75 hot-rolled coil was 3845 yuan/ton, up 6 yuan/ton from the previous trading day;

Among the 23 markets for medium and heavy plates, 9 markets rose 10-30 yuan/ton, and the average price of 14-20mm medium plate was 3914 yuan/ton, up 9 yuan/ton from the previous trading day.

Futures shock adjustment

On April 19, the main force of black rebar fell 11 to close at 3675, down 0.3%, the main force of hot coil fell 10, closed at 3835, down 0.26%, the main force of coking coal rose 7, closed at 1802.5, up 0.39%, the main force of coke rose 8.5, closed at 2308, or 0.37%, and iron ore fell 3, closed at 871, down 0.34%.

Steel prices are going to fall? Wait, at present, the rally is not over, and scrap steel is not rising

Market analysis and comprehensive views

Macro policy is still the bottom of the economic recovery and development, the second quarter more funds gradually put in place, boost the disk operation sentiment, but steel spot production rebounded, into the recovery stage, and the downstream terminal demand started limited, the market has a price without the market has appeared, high supply constraints inventory depletion, business speculative demand falls, the overall transaction is weak, the market cautious wait-and-see majority, considering the increase in spot lack specifications, merchants are reluctant to sell and are reluctant to sell at a lower price, it is expected that tomorrow's steel prices will rise steadily, with a range of 10-20 yuan / ton.

Factors influencing the price of steel

01. The leading enterprises of steel enterprises control the production rhythm according to demand

China Iron and Steel Association: At present, the steel industry is facing a prominent contradiction between strong supply capacity and weakening demand, and has entered the "prisoner's dilemma", the key is that leading enterprises take the lead in controlling the pace of production according to demand, and the top priority is to maintain the stability of the regional market for rebar. The China Iron and Steel Association attaches great importance to the crude steel output regulation policy this year, and is cooperating with national ministries and commissions to carry out relevant work.

With the continuous rise in steel spot prices, the profits of steel mills have been repaired, the enthusiasm for production has rebounded, the resumption of work and production of steel enterprises has increased, the average daily output of molten iron in steel mills has continued to rise, and the steel output has increased slightly, but the pressure on steel supply in the mainland is still large.

02. Ministry of Industry and Information Technology: The industrial economy has generally achieved a good start

According to reports, the added value of industrial enterprises above designated size increased by 6.1% year-on-year in the first quarter, the highest value in eight quarters. The level of intelligence has been improved, and 421 national intelligent manufacturing demonstration factories have been cultivated. The deployment of "dual gigabit" networks has been steadily promoted, with a total of 3.647 million 5G base stations built, the penetration rate of 5G users exceeding 60%, and the number of gigabit cities reaching 207.

In the first quarter, the manufacturing industry as a whole achieved a good start, the industrial economy developed steadily and well, the business environment continued to be optimized, and capital investment is expected to pick up, especially the country vigorously promoted the trade-in, eliminated backward equipment and production capacity, increased market investment opportunities, drove more steel demand, and benefited the steel price trend.

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03. The iron ore inventory in the port hit a new high in the past two years

Although the arrival of foreign mines is high, although with the recovery of steel mill profits, the demand for iron ore is high, and the average daily iron ore volume of the port is maintained at more than 3 million tons, but the domestic iron ore inventory in 45 ports still increased by 720,900 tons to 145,594,700 tons, after nearly half a year of growth, its cumulative increase is close to 35%, and continues to refresh the new high since May 2022, and the number of ships in the port increased by 9 to 117 this week.

With the rise in international crude oil and gold and other commodity prices, iron ore with financial attributes has been promoted to follow the continuous rise of foreign mines, and the price of domestic imported ore has continued to rise, driving the production cost of steel enterprises and pushing up the ex-factory price of steel mills.

Steel prices are going to fall? Wait, at present, the rally is not over, and scrap steel is not rising

Today's steel mill market summary and trend forecast

Today's steel mill guidance price rose steadily. At present, the profits of steel mills have been greatly repaired, and the inventory pressure has also been greatly eased, the demand for manufacturing is released more fully, and the probability of the subsequent steel market will evolve into the resumption of steel mill production, making up for the lower supply, and the inventory of steel mills will slow down. However, the rebound of molten iron will drive the demand for raw materials to increase, which may further push steel prices upward, and steel mill prices are expected to continue to be firm in the short term.

Steel mill price adjustment on Friday, April 19, 2024

First, the Yangtze River Iron and Steel Hefei building materials price adjustment policy

On April 19, Yangtze River Iron and Steel raised the ex-factory price of building materials in Hefei by 20 yuan:

1. Thread: raised by 20 yuan, and the price of Φ18mm seismic thread is 3710 yuan/ton;

2. Screw: 20 yuan up, and the price of Φ8mm seismic snail is 3990 yuan/ton;

The above adjustments are tax inclusive and will be implemented from April 19, 2024.

Second, Masteel building materials price adjustment policy

On April 19, Masteel raised the price of building materials in Ma'anshan and Hefei by 30 yuan:

1. High line: raised by 30 yuan, the current Φ8mmHPB300 high line guide price in Hefei is 4660 yuan/ton, and the Φ8mmHPB300 high line guide price in Ma'anshan area is 4650 yuan/ton;

2. Thread: raised by 30 yuan, the guide price of Φ20mmHRB400 rebar in Hefei is 4400 yuan/ton, and the guide price of Φ20mmHRB400 rebar in Ma'anshan area is 4390 yuan/ton;

3. Snails: raised by 30 yuan, the guide price of Φ8mmHRB400 coiled snails in Hefei is 4660 yuan/ton, and the guide price of Φ8mmHRB400 coiled snails in Maanshan area is 4650 yuan/ton.

The above adjustments are tax inclusive and will be implemented from April 19, 2024.

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Third, Jiangsu Nangang building materials price adjustment policy

On April 19, the price adjustment information of Jiangsu Nangang construction steel is as follows:

Thread: raised by 20 yuan, the current Φ16-20mmHRB400 rebar execution price is 3710 yuan/ton;

Remarks: 100 yuan for 12mm screw, 60 yuan for 14mm, 30 yuan for 22mm and 25mm, 60 yuan for 28mm and 32mm, 30 yuan for seismic resistance, and 50 yuan for nuclear power thread;

The above adjustments are tax inclusive and will be implemented from April 19, 2024.

Fourth, the price adjustment policy of building materials in Jinan, Shandong Iron and Steel Group

On April 19, Shandong Iron and Steel raised the guide price of threads and coiled snails in Jinan by 20 yuan:

After adjustment, the guide price of straight snail HRB400E22mm is 3680 yuan/ton, and the guide price of coiled snail HRB400E10mm is 3980 yuan/ton.

Fifth, Yongfeng, Shiheng building materials price adjustment policy

On April 19, Yongfeng and Shi Heng raised the ex-factory price of construction steel by 20-40 yuan/ton:

1. The guide price of rebar is raised by 20 yuan/ton, the guide price of rebar is 3640 yuan/ton, the execution price of Φ22mmHRB400 rebar is 3670 yuan/ton, and the price of 10mm is 150 yuan/ton, 150 yuan/ton is added, 150 yuan/ton is added, 120 yuan/ton is increased by 14mm, 90 yuan/ton is increased by 16, 18, 20 and 25mm, 150 yuan/ton is increased by 28-32mm, and 280 yuan/ton is increased by 36-40mm. Tons, HRB400E same price for the same specification, HRB500 high strength and the same specification for the same price increase of 220 yuan/ton.

2. The guide price of coiled snail is raised by 40 yuan/ton, and the execution price of Φ10mmHRB400 coiled snail is 3960 yuan/ton, 6mm is increased by 350 yuan/ton, 8mm is increased by 30 yuan/ton, and 12mm is increased by 200 yuan/ton HRB400E;

3. The guide price of the high line was raised by 40 yuan/ton, and the execution price of Φ10mmHPB300 coiled snail is 3960 yuan/ton, the price of 6mm is 350 yuan/ton, the price of 8mm is increased by 30 yuan/ton, and the price of 12mm is increased by 200 yuan/ton.

All prices include tax.

Sixth, Wenfeng East China plate price adjustment policy

On April 19, the price of Tangshan Wenfeng East China was raised by 20 yuan, the base price of ordinary plate was 3860 yuan (the proportion of low-alloy varieties was 50%), the carbon plate material was added 80 yuan, and the low-alloy material was added 200 yuan-220 yuan.

7. Jiujiang Pinggang Jiangyin and Wuxi regional price adjustment policies

Jiujiang Pinggang Jiangyin, Wuxi regional plate on April 19 guide price: 3930 yuan/ton for general plate, 4020 yuan/ton for low-alloy plate, compared with yesterday's price, the price rose 30 yuan/ton.

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8. Yutian Jinzhou wire rod price adjustment information

On April 19, the benchmark price of Yutian Jinzhou wire rod was raised by 20 yuan, after the adjustment:

1. Now HPB300 material 8-10mm high wire is 3720 yuan, 6.5/12mm plus 60 yuan;

The ex-factory price of 2,6mm is 3840 yuan.

9. Tangshan Donghua wire rod price adjustment information

On April 19, the ex-factory price of Tangshan Donghua was raised by 40 yuan, after the adjustment:


10. Jinnan iron and steel product price adjustment information

On April 19, the ex-factory price of Shanxi Liheng building materials was stable (ton price, the same below):

1. The ex-factory price of Φ18-22mmHRB400E rebar is 4040 yuan, 12 plus 200 yuan, 14 plus 200 yuan, 16 plus 50 yuan, 28-32 plus 150 yuan;

2. The ex-factory price of Q235 material 8-10mm high line is 3690 yuan, 6.5 plus 50 yuan, and Q195 material 6.5 high line is increased by 110 yuan on the basis of 235 material;

3. The ex-factory price of Φ8-10mmHRB400E coiled snail is 3830 yuan, 6 plus 200 yuan, 12, 14 plus 150 yuan, and the above price will be implemented from April 19, 2024.

11. Puyang Iron and Steel Plate Price Adjustment Information

On April 19, the price of Puyang Iron and Steel plate was stable (limited orders):

1. The base price of inventory spot is 3670 yuan/ton

2. The base price of general carbon mark-up specifications, manganese plates, fixed rolling, and varieties of steel is 3,800 yuan/ton, excluding heat-treated materials

3. The base price of general carbon non-markup specifications is 3810 yuan/ton

4. The base price of wear-resistant steel is 3700 yuan/ton

5. The base price of Q550-Q690 thickness below 50 is 3650 yuan/ton, and the base price of thickness above 50 (including 50) is 3700 yuan/ton

6. The base price of other heat treatment materials is 3700 yuan/ton, and the customization is negotiable

12. Jingye Iron and Steel Medium and Heavy Plate Price Adjustment Information

On April 19, the price of conventional materials of Jingye Iron and Steel was stable, with a price lock policy of 3,810 yuan, a price lock policy of Hebei, Shanxi and Shandong of 3,830 yuan, 3,820 yuan in Beijing and Tianjin, and 3,810 yuan in Henan.

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13. Tiangang medium and heavy plate price adjustment information

On April 19, Tiangang Q235B medium and heavy plate was raised by 20 yuan, and the price of the lock order was reported at 3890 yuan (14-25 base price), Q355B4090 yuan, including tax.

14. Tangshan Ruifeng reel price adjustment information

On April 19, the ex-factory price of Tangshan Ruifeng coil tape was raised by 10 yuan: 605-640 reported 3770 yuan, 685-729 reported 3800 yuan, 960-980 reported 3780 yuan, including tax.

15. Henan Jigang building materials price adjustment information

From 0:00 on April 19, 2024, Henan Jigang Group will raise the price of building materials by 40 yuan/ton:

1. The price of bar thread was raised by 40 yuan/ton;

2. The price of round and snail for construction was raised by 40 yuan/ton;

3. The price of construction round steel was raised by 40 yuan/ton.

16. Price adjustment information of Xianggang building materials

On April 19, the ex-factory price of Xianggang building materials was raised by 10 yuan, after the adjustment:

1. The ex-factory guide price of 18mm rebar made of HRB400E material is 3740 yuan/ton;

2. The factory guide price of HRB400E material 8-10mm coiled snail is 3840 yuan/ton;

3. The ex-factory guidance price of HPB300 material 8-10mm high line is 3940 yuan/ton.

XVII. Price adjustment information of Zhougang building materials

Notice of Adjustment of Steel Sales Price of Steel Price (2024) No. 043 (implemented from 0:00 on April 19, 2024):

1. Zhou Steel: ribbed steel bars increased by 40 yuan/ton.

2. The above prices are cash prices excluding tax.

18. Price adjustment information of Lianyuan Steel building materials

On April 19, the ex-factory price of Lianyuan Steel building materials was raised by 20 yuan, after the adjustment:

At present HRB400E the guide price of Φ18mm rebar is 3720 yuan/ton;

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19. Price adjustment information of Baotou Yaxin New Building Materials

On April 19, the ex-factory price of Baotou Yaxin construction steel was stable (tonnage, the same below):

1. The ex-factory price of HRB400EΦ18-25mm thread is 3740 yuan, 12-14mm is 140 yuan, 16mm is 30 yuan, and 28-32mm is 50 yuan;

2. At present, the ex-factory price of HPB300 wire rod Φ8-10mm high wire is 3700 yuan, 12mm is 20 yuan, and 6mm is 200 yuan;

3. The ex-factory price of HRB400EΦ8-10mm coiled snail is 3780 yuan, 12mm is 20 yuan, and 6mm is 180 yuan.

The above prices are tax-inclusive prices. Effective April 19, 2024.

20. Fuxin special steel building materials price adjustment information

On April 19, the ex-factory price of Zunyi Fuxin special steel building materials was stable (ton price, the same below):

1. At present, the guide price of HRB400EΦ18mm rebar is 3680 yuan, and the price is increased by 80 yuan, 12/14 plus 110 yuan, 16 plus 80 yuan, 20, 22, 25 plus 80 yuan, 28 plus 160 yuan, 32 plus 210 yuan;

2. At present, the guide price of HRB400EΦ8-10mm coiled snail is 3820 yuan, the price is increased by 80 yuan, and the coiled snail 6 is added to 300 yuan.

3. At present, the guide price of HPB300Φ8-10mm high line is 3780 yuan, the price is increased by 80 yuan, and the high line 6 is increased by 150 yuan.

4. The fourth-grade HRB500E is added 280 yuan for the third-grade rebar of the same specification.

The above prices are all the prices of the buyer's cash pick-up including tax, and the prices will be implemented from April 18, 2024.

21. Guiyang Changle building materials price adjustment information

On April 19, the ex-factory price of construction steel in Guiyang Changle Steel was stable (ton price, the same below):

At present, the guiding price of HRB400EΦ18mm rebar is 3820 yuan, and the price is increased by 30 yuan, 12/14 plus 150 yuan, 16 plus 80 yuan, 20, 22, 25 plus 80 yuan, 28 plus 200 yuan, 32 plus 250 yuan.

The above prices are all the prices of the buyer's cash and tax;

Measurement method: all are weighed, and the price will be implemented from April 18, 2024.

The latest April 19 national steel price market

On April 19, the national steel price rose and run. Recently, the transaction has improved, traders' confidence has been boosted to a certain extent, the inventory has also declined slightly, the number of steel mills receiving orders remains high, the inventory of steel mills has declined significantly, and it is expected that steel prices will remain volatile and strong tomorrow.

On April 19, the price of building materials: individual increases

Today, the price of building materials in the country has risen by 10-30. The snail rose and fell, the second round of coke rose at the beginning, there were procurement expectations before the holiday, and the short-term double coke was stable and strong. The output of iron ore and molten iron has rebounded, and the willingness of steel mills to resume production has increased, but the upper pressure exists, and the price of building materials is expected to rise steadily tomorrow;

April 19 hot-rolled prices: a slight increase

Today, the national hot-rolled price rose 10-20, the volume fell, the transaction as a whole was generally weak, speculation and rigid demand were significantly reduced, and the price in most areas was slightly lowered in the afternoon, and the steel mills were slightly weak. It is expected that the hot coil will run in a narrow range tomorrow;

Cold-rolled prices on April 19: the main stable tone

Today, the national cold-rolled price rose by 10-20. The trend of the cost side is differentiated, the high level of iron ore has fallen, the bifocal spot continues to rise, and the overall cost support is still there, and it is expected that the price of cold-rolled coil will continue to run steadily tomorrow;

On April 19, the price of medium and heavy plates: the main steady rise

Today, the national plate rose 10-30. After the replenishment in the early stage, the downstream procurement progress has slowed down, but before May Day, manufacturing and processing enterprises have replenishment needs, plate prices have limited room for callback, and spot prices continue to rise in shocks;

On April 19, the price of hot-rolled strip: the increase was small

Today, the national hot-rolled strip rose 10-20. The disk price has narrowed, the market has been deserted compared with yesterday, and the spot market is more cautious about taking goods, but the price sentiment of manufacturers is high, and the terminal is blocked from taking the goods.

On April 19, the price of large and medium-sized lumber: a sharp increase

Today, the country's large and medium-sized materials rose 10-50, the steel rose and fell, and the spot market continued to rise, but the market transaction was weak after the rise, and the price negotiation transaction was expected to be stable tomorrow.

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On April 19, the price of welded pipes: stable and strong

Today, the national welded pipe price rose by 20-40 yuan. The price support of raw material strip steel is strong, the pipe factory has a narrow range of early increases, and the market trading activity has declined, but the replenishment is still expected before May Day, and the price support still exists. It is expected that the price of pipes will rise steadily tomorrow.

Tomorrow's steel market price trend forecast

There was a restorative adjustment on the market today, but the spot price remained firm. At present, the rally has not ended, mainly because the second round of coke has opened, and the support of the cost side for finished products has continued to strengthen. How will the market go tomorrow, look down......

The influencing factors of the steel market are as follows

1. In March, the mainland exported 9.888 million tons of steel, an increase of 37.9% month-on-month

Steel exports mean that the supply pressure in the domestic market has been effectively alleviated in the short term. Higher export volumes help to digest some excess capacity, especially in the case of relatively weak domestic demand, which is conducive to preventing excessive accumulation of domestic inventories, thereby supporting steel prices. (Sina Finance)

2. The policy of stabilizing the property market has been effective, and financing and sales are now positive

Since the beginning of this year, many indicators of real estate have shown positive signals in March, not only the number of cities with rising housing prices has increased, the month-on-month decline has narrowed, and the transaction volume of new and second-hand houses has also increased compared with the previous period (Oriental Wealth Network)

3. The total inventory of steel decreased by 990,000 tons

This week, the total inventory of the five major varieties of steel was 20.3404 million tons, a decrease of 991,300 tons from the previous month. Among them, the social inventory was 14,915,700 tons, a decrease of 603,500 tons from the previous month, and the inventory of steel mills was 5,424,700 tons, a decrease of 387,800 tons. (Sina Finance)

In terms of the spot market

Today's rebar: steady and upward

This week, the profits of steel mills continued to rise, and the supply of blast furnaces may maintain expansion, supporting raw fuel prices. At the same time, the relationship between supply and demand is gradually improving, and the center of gravity of market transactions is expected to move upward.

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Today's hot roll: shock upward

The rise in raw material prices has led to strong cost support, and spot prices are currently supported. Today's disk fluctuations are running, high-priced resources are still poorly traded, and low-priced resources are still traded. It is expected that the hot coil will be raised in a narrow range tomorrow.

Today's midboard: a narrow upward range

The increase in plate production and the slight decline in demand affected the pace of the rebound, and the spot increase narrowed. However, coke began to rise in the second round, continuing to be strong, steel mills continued to resume production, there is a need to replenish raw material inventory, and it is expected that tomorrow's medium plate will run steadily and strongly.

Today's strip steel: the main steady rise

This week, the total inventory of steel declined, the demand fell slightly, and the output of steel mills decreased, but the demand side gradually rebounded, and the overall transaction in the market increased. Considering that the current market price closely follows the fluctuations of the disk, it is expected that the strip will run steadily tomorrow.

Today's profile: the upper line is the main one

Recently, the price of billet has risen slightly, and the bottom support of the section steel is sufficient, but the market transaction has slowed down significantly compared with yesterday, mainly for low-price resources, and the acceptance of high-priced resources is limited.

Today's pipe: hold steady and rise

The inventory of downstream pipe factories is high, although the market transaction has improved, but the pace of business replenishment has slowed down, but considering that under the strong support of raw material strip, the market trading activity will continue to repair, and it is expected that the pipe will run steadily and strongly tomorrow.

In terms of the raw material market

Billets Today: Running Firmly

At present, the profits of downstream rolling enterprises are shrinking compared with before, so the pace of billet mining of most manufacturers has slowed down slightly, but the second round of domestic raw materials has risen, and the cost support exists, and it is expected that the billet will continue to operate steadily tomorrow.

Iron ore today: Oscillating operation

Iron ore prices have fallen from high levels due to high inventories at the port, but overall the cost drive is still there. This week, the average daily output of molten iron increased by 14,700 tons to 2,262,200 tons, and steel mills continued to resume production.

Today's coke: the shock is strong

Individual coke companies on coke to open the second round of 100-110 yuan/ton, coke price support strengthened, the current coke market bullish sentiment is stronger, coke sales are better, more orders, is expected to run coke tomorrow.

Scrap today: continue to increase

The consumption of scrap steel from steel mills has rebounded, but the overall arrival of the market is relatively average. At present, the enthusiasm of steel mills to use and purchase scrap steel has rebounded before May Day, and it is expected that scrap steel will run strongly tomorrow.

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Pig iron today: generally rising

Coke started the second round of increases, iron ore fluctuated strongly, and the cost of raw materials continued to support pig iron prices. However, the willingness of downstream enterprises to take goods is low, and the transaction is suspended after the rise, and it is expected that the pig iron will run in a narrow range tomorrow.

Integrated perspectives

This week, the blast furnace started and the average daily output of molten iron continued to increase slightly, the cost push strengthened, and the logic of steel mill resumption of production was still in operation. In addition, although the disk is volatile, it has little impact on the spot. In addition, although the current electric furnace profit has been repaired, the profit of flat power is still in a state of loss, and it is difficult for the output to recover significantly in the short term, and the fundamentals are good. It is expected that tomorrow's steel prices will rise steadily, with a range of 10-20 yuan.

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Decision-making suggestions: It is recommended that the total inventory of steel traders be controlled within 4 percent, just need to purchase normally, cash out the high part of high inventory, retain part of the inventory, strive for higher profits, and operate steadily. (For reference only, not investment advice)

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