
Luxembourg's first-level administrative division mark

author:Flying Shadow of Black Flame

The country of Luxembourg is today divided into 12 cantons (French: canton; German: Kanton; Luxembourgish: Kanton), which are further divided down into 102 municipalities (French: commune; German: Gemeinde; Luxembourgish: Gemeng). Above the county, there used to be districts (French: district; German: Distrikt; Luxembourgish: Distrikt), which has now been abolished.

Luxembourg's first-level administrative division mark

1. The county of Clervaux (French: Canton de Clervaux; German: Kanton Clerf; Luxembourgish: Kanton Klierf) is a county in northern Luxembourg with its capital at Clervaux. It has an area of 342.17 square kilometers and a population of 18,081. It is divided into 5 municipalities.

Luxembourg's first-level administrative division mark

2. The county of Capellen (French: Canton de Capellen; German: Kanton Capellen; Luxembourgish: Kanton Capellen) is a county in southwestern Luxembourg with the capital of Capellon. It has an area of 199.21 square kilometers and a population of 48,187. It is divided into 9 municipalities.

Luxembourg's first-level administrative division mark

3. The county of Diekirch (German: Kanton Diekirch; French: Canton de Diekirch; Luxembourgish: Kanton Dikrech) is a county in northern Luxembourg with its capital Diekirch. It has an area of 214.93 square kilometers and a population of 33,944. It is divided into 10 municipalities.

Luxembourg's first-level administrative division mark

4. The county of Echternach (German: Kanton Echternach; French: canton d'Echternach; Luxembourgish: Kanton Iechternach) is a county in eastern Luxembourg with its capital at Echternach. It has an area of 185.54 square kilometers and a population of 18,899. It is divided into 7 municipalities.

Luxembourg's first-level administrative division mark

5. Canton d'Esch-sur-Alzette (French: Canton d'Esch-sur-Alzette; German: Kanton Esch an der Alzette; Luxembourg: Kanton Esch-Uelzecht) is a county in southwestern Luxembourg with its capital at Esch-sur-Alzette. It has an area of 242.77 square kilometers and a population of 176,820. It is divided into 14 municipalities.

Luxembourg's first-level administrative division mark

6.7.777(Source:Kanton Greven music: Canton de Grevenmacher; editing by Kanton Gréiwemaacher)) I think it's a good way to do it. It's not a one-way or the other. 面积211.37 平方公里,人口31,378人。 下分8个市镇。

Luxembourg's first-level administrative division mark

7. The Canton de Capellen (French: Canton de Capellen; German: Kanton Capellen; Luxembourg: Kanton Kapellen) is a county in southern Luxembourg with its capital at Luxembourg City. Like Melsch County, it is a county completely surrounded by other counties and has no borders with other countries. It has an area of 238.46 square kilometers and a population of 182,607. It is divided into 11 municipalities.

Luxembourg's first-level administrative division mark

8. The county of Melsch (German: Kanton Mersch; French: canton de Mersch; Luxembourgish: Kanton Miersch) is a county in central Luxembourg with its capital in Melsch. Like the counties of Luxembourg, it is completely surrounded by other counties and has no borders with other countries. It has an area of 223.90 square kilometers and a population of 32,112 people. It is divided into 10 municipalities.

Luxembourg's first-level administrative division mark

9. Canton de Redange (French: Canton de Redange; German: Kanton Redingen; Luxembourgish: Kanton Réiden) is a county in western Luxembourg with its capital at Redange. It has an area of 267.49 square kilometers and a population of 14,499. It is divided into 10 municipalities.

Luxembourg's first-level administrative division mark

10. The county of Remich (German: Kanton Remich; French: Canton de Remich; Luxembourgish: Kanton Réimech) is a county in eastern Luxembourg with its capital Remich. It has an area of 127.87 square kilometers and a population of 22,366. It is divided into 8 municipalities.

Luxembourg's first-level administrative division mark

11. The county of Fianden (German: Kanton Vianden; French: canton de Vianden; Luxembourgish: Kanton Veianen) is a county in northern Luxembourg with its capital Fianden. It has an area of 78.52 square kilometers and a population of 5,163. It is divided into 3 municipalities.

Luxembourg's first-level administrative division mark

12. The county of Wirtz (German: Kanton Wiltz; French: canton de Wiltz; Luxembourgish: Kanton Wiltz) is a county in northwestern Luxembourg with its capital city of Wirtz. It has an area of 264.55 km² and a population of 16,735. It is divided into 7 municipalities.

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