
After the summit of the United States, Japan and the Philippines, Japanese media: China, Japan and South Korea will also hold a trilateral meeting

author:Mr. Chen

The US-Japan-Philippines summit is surging, and China-Japan-ROK cooperation may become the key to breaking the deadlock

Washington's political scene is changing, and a seemingly ordinary summit of the three countries has caused an uproar. On April 11, Biden, Fumio Kishida and Marcos gathered together to discuss the "security plan". However, the intentions and motivations behind this summit are far from what they seem.

After the summit of the United States, Japan and the Philippines, Japanese media: China, Japan and South Korea will also hold a trilateral meeting

The joint statement after the summit was even more intriguing. The three countries claim to share a common "pursuit of values" and emphasize upholding so-called "international rules". On closer examination, however, these "rules" seem to serve the selfish interests of some countries more than regional peace and stability. Sensitive issues such as the South China Sea and the East China Sea have been frequently mentioned, and the spearhead is directed at China. However, the fact is that Nanhai Zhudao has been China's territory since ancient times, and any country's provocation and interference is a serious violation of China's sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Biden made a promise to Marcos at the summit, claiming that if the Philippines is "attacked" in the South China Sea, the United States will stand by the Philippines. This is undoubtedly emboldening the Philippines to confront China over the South China Sea. Such a move by the United States has not only aggravated regional tensions, but also highlighted its ambition to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries and undermine regional peace and stability.

After the summit of the United States, Japan and the Philippines, Japanese media: China, Japan and South Korea will also hold a trilateral meeting

At the same time, Japan is not willing to be lonely. Fumio Kishida took the opportunity of his visit to the United States to hype up China-related issues in an attempt to use the power of the United States to balance China. However, no matter how much Japan hypes up, the fact that the Diaoyu Islands are China's territory is irrefutable and irrefutable. The patrol of the Chinese coast guard in the territorial waters of the Diaoyu Islands is a resolute response to Japan's provocative actions.

Just when the US-Japan-Philippines summit was in an uproar, a news about China, Japan, and South Korea planning to hold a high-level meeting quietly came out. This has undoubtedly brought new variables to the regional situation. As important forces in Asia, the cooperation between China, Japan and the ROK is of great significance to maintaining regional peace and stability. However, due to historical issues and current conflicts of interest, cooperation between the three countries has been slow.

After the summit of the United States, Japan and the Philippines, Japanese media: China, Japan and South Korea will also hold a trilateral meeting

But this time, the three countries seem intent on breaking the deadlock. After the news came out that China, Japan, and the ROK planned to hold a meeting at the highest level, it attracted widespread attention from the international community. The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs also responded positively to this, saying that it welcomed the strengthening of cooperation among the three countries to jointly promote regional peace and development.

In fact, there is great potential for cooperation between China, Japan and South Korea. The three countries have a broad foundation for cooperation in the economic, cultural and other fields, and as long as they can overcome the problems left over from history and the conflicts of interest in reality, they can achieve win-win development. And the intervention and provocation of the United States will only make cooperation between the three countries more difficult.

After the summit of the United States, Japan and the Philippines, Japanese media: China, Japan and South Korea will also hold a trilateral meeting

Therefore, for China, Japan and the ROK, it is imperative for the three countries to strengthen cooperation and promote regional peace and stability. Only through dialogue and consultation can differences and disputes be resolved and common development and prosperity can be achieved. The U.S. intervention and provocation will only make the regional situation more complicated and tense.

In short, although the convening of the US-Japan-Philippines summit has brought new variables to the regional situation, it has also provided new opportunities for cooperation among China, Japan and the ROK. In this era of challenges and opportunities, the three countries should seize the opportunities, strengthen cooperation, and jointly promote regional peace, stability, development and prosperity.

After the summit of the United States, Japan and the Philippines, Japanese media: China, Japan and South Korea will also hold a trilateral meeting

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