
Without review and filing, it will not be allowed to be disseminated on the Internet! The new regulations for the filing of micro-short dramas have been implemented

author:Prof. Kobayashi

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The short drama industry has entered a new era: under the new filing regulations, the industry reshuffle is accelerating, and the content is Wang Cheng's trend

Recently, the short drama circle has exploded. Why? Because the State Administration of Radio and Television has made a big move and launched a new filing reminder for the micro-short drama industry. At this moment, the short drama industry can be regarded as ushering in an era of "strong supervision".

When it comes to the new filing rules, it's no joke. Each platform must report all information on micro-short dramas that have not yet been filed to the corresponding provincial-level competent department for radio and television within the specified time. It's like if you buy a new car at home, you have to go to the DMV to get a license plate quickly, if you don't have a license, do you dare to go on the road?

As soon as this new regulation came out, there were a few happy and a few sad in the short drama industry. Those well-made skit teams with good content are happy in their hearts. They feel that the new filing regulations are like a sieve, sieving out all the scum in the industry, and what remains is high-quality. In this way, their good works can be more easily seen by the audience, and they can also get more resources and opportunities.

But those skit teams that rely on vulgar and marginal content to attract attention are worried. They know that once this new regulation is implemented, their messy things will definitely not pass the trial. If you want to continue in this business, you have to think carefully about how to make something of quality.

In fact, this new filing regulation did not appear out of nowhere. Now that the short drama market is so hot, everyone wants to get a piece of the pie, but some people, in order to make money, dare to shoot any bad movie and any vulgar content. If this continues, how can the short drama industry develop healthily? Therefore, the State Administration of Radio and Television has made such a move to set up rules for the short drama industry, so that everyone can act in accordance with the rules.

In this new regulation, micro-short dramas are also classified according to the investment amount. If there is a large amount of investment, it will be under the management of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television, if the investment is medium, it will be under the management of the provincial-level radio and television department, and if there is little investment, the platform will manage it itself. In this way, the review work will be more targeted, and the quality of the skit will be better guaranteed.

Without review and filing, it will not be allowed to be disseminated on the Internet! The new regulations for the filing of micro-short dramas have been implemented

Moreover, many places across the country have launched the "online audio-visual program filing system". The system acts like an "electronic butler", making the filing process more convenient and faster. The filing entity only needs to fill in the form and upload the information on the system to complete the filing application. In this way, it not only improves work efficiency, but also reduces the operating costs of the enterprise.

Of course, the new filing rules are not flawless. Some small production companies and independent creators are worried that they have few funds and limited resources, and may not even be able to touch the threshold for filing. Others say that as soon as this new regulation comes out, the production cycle of short dramas may become longer, and some originally planned projects may have to be shelved or even canceled.

For these concerns, industry insiders also gave advice. They said that small production companies and independent creators can strengthen cooperation, share resources, and work together to meet the challenges of filing. At the same time, they can also pay more attention to market dynamics and audience needs, and create short dramas that are more in line with market tastes. As for those projects that may be affected, they suggest that the producer plan in advance and arrange the time reasonably to avoid delaying the progress due to filing.

In general, the new regulations for the filing of short dramas are like a major reshuffle in the industry. It allows the short drama industry to develop more standardized and healthy, and also improves the overall quality and viewing experience of short dramas. For those who are really talented and powerful, this is undoubtedly a good opportunity to show their talents, and for those teams who rely on vulgar and inferior content to make a living, they have to think carefully about how to transform.

The implementation of this new regulation has also made the audience look forward to it even more. They want to see more high-quality, creative short dramas, rather than shoddy and vulgar garbage films. In this way, the short drama industry can truly achieve benign development and form a virtuous circle.

Of course, no reform can be achieved overnight. There will certainly be a variety of problems and challenges in the implementation of the new filing regulations. But as long as we all work together and work together, I believe that the short drama industry will be able to usher in a better future.

Let's talk about the significance behind the new filing regulations. In fact, this is not only to regulate the industry and improve quality, but also to protect those who really love short dramas and make short dramas with their hearts. Think about it, if the market is flooded with a lot of low-quality and vulgar content, how can those who work hard to make short dramas live?

Therefore, the new filing regulations are like a protective barrier, blocking those bad content from the door, so that the truly talented and powerful short drama team can stand out. In this way, the skit industry can form a more fair and healthy competitive environment, so that everyone can speak on their own strength.

Without review and filing, it will not be allowed to be disseminated on the Internet! The new regulations for the filing of micro-short dramas have been implemented

Moreover, this new filing regulation will also help promote the innovation and development of the short drama industry. You think, with this rule, those skit teams that started by plagiarism and imitation can't get along. They have to find ways to innovate and break through in order to gain a foothold in this industry. In this way, more novel and creative works can emerge in the short drama industry, so that the audience can enjoy and enjoy watching it.

Therefore, although the new regulations for the filing of short dramas have brought certain challenges and changes to the industry, it has brought more opportunities and hopes. It makes the skit industry more standardized and healthy

As mentioned earlier, the implementation of the new regulations for the filing of short dramas has actually brought more possibilities to the short drama industry. For creators, they are no longer limited to the pursuit of short-term clicks and traffic, but pay more attention to the depth and breadth of content, and strive to enhance the artistic value and viewing value of short dramas.

In this way, short dramas are no longer just a part of fast food culture, but have become a carrier that can carry more cultural connotations and artistic pursuits. At the same time, it also gives young creators more opportunities and platforms to show their skills in this industry and realize their creative dreams.

In addition, the new filing regulations also promote the integrated development of the short drama industry and other related industries. For example, some excellent short plays may be adapted into films, TV series, or stage plays to further expand their reach and audience. At the same time, the short drama industry can also carry out in-depth cooperation with tourism, culture and other related industries, and jointly launch some short drama works with local characteristics and cultural connotations, bringing a more colorful audio-visual experience to the audience.

In short, the implementation of the new regulations on the filing of short dramas not only standardizes the order of the industry, improves the quality of works, but also opens up a broader space and possibilities for the future development of the short drama industry. We have reason to believe that in the near future, the short drama industry will usher in a more prosperous and better tomorrow.

(Disclaimer) The process and pictures described in the article are from the Internet, and this article aims to advocate positive social energy and no vulgar and other bad guidance.

Without review and filing, it will not be allowed to be disseminated on the Internet! The new regulations for the filing of micro-short dramas have been implemented