
Husbands and wives are really strange, they quarrel every day, they make trouble every day, they won't get divorced, and those who don't quarrel leave them

author:Pick up the tattered little songs

The quarrel during the run-in period of the first two years of marriage was unavoidable, and we also quarreled very badly in those two years, and beat me once, and now I have been married for more than ten years, and there is no second time, I beat him [tears]

Husbands and wives are really strange, they quarrel every day, they make trouble every day, they won't get divorced, and those who don't quarrel leave them

How can a husband and wife not quarrel, the more noisy the relationship, the better, if they don't quarrel, they are all separated, for so long in a lifetime, how can two people who have nothing to do get together and live together?

Husbands and wives are really strange, they quarrel every day, they make trouble every day, they won't get divorced, and those who don't quarrel leave them

My husband said that he would change me after winning 5 million, and I was waiting for this day to change him, so he shut up.

Husbands and wives are really strange, they quarrel every day, they make trouble every day, they won't get divorced, and those who don't quarrel leave them

We've been arguing for almost ten years, we're always arguing and fighting, and we're still arguing before we have children, and we can't tell the difference, and every time we quarrel, we get angry, but it's good to be angry, and now I don't want to quarrel, I guess I can't leave it in this life [covering my face]

Husbands and wives are really strange, they quarrel every day, they make trouble every day, they won't get divorced, and those who don't quarrel leave them

My son said why did you choose Dad, why do so many people choose people with a bad temper, get angry at every turn, find the kind of good temper is not good? It doesn't matter if he has money or not, the one who doesn't lose his temper is the best, I said that's it now, what else can I do?

Husbands and wives are really strange, they quarrel every day, they make trouble every day, they won't get divorced, and those who don't quarrel leave them

Married for 20 years, quarreled for 20 years, at the beginning of the said that after giving birth to a child, he didn't leave, and when the child was older, he didn't leave, and when the child became an adult, he didn't leave.

Husbands and wives are really strange, they quarrel every day, they make trouble every day, they won't get divorced, and those who don't quarrel leave them