
It is said that there is no future in part-time work, so why would many people rather go to work than start a business?

author:Colorful drawing board aKI

#为什么很多人宁愿打工不愿创业? #

Today, I would like to discuss with you a widely discussed question: Why do many people prefer to work part-time rather than start their own business? Part-time work and self-creation seem to be two completely different life paths, but the "mystery of choice" hidden behind them has a profound impact on the trajectory of our lives.

It is said that there is no future in part-time work, so why would many people rather go to work than start a business?

First, let's take a look at why the average person would rather work part-time than do business. In real life, many people do not have a clear plan for their career development, nor do they have a clear direction. This is often the result of a lack of knowledge and vision. For example, imagine an assembly line worker in a factory who does not know the work and wages of other factories, so he does not have sufficient basis to make a choice. In addition, for the average person, financial pressure is also a big reason. Compared with starting your own business, the money from a part-time job is a little less, but it is better than stability, and you can basically solve your own life problems. But starting a business is about taking a big risk, and for many families, giving up their career for a stable job is likely to not meet even the most basic cost of living, which is why most people are reluctant to start a business.

But even high-level white-collar workers with permanent jobs in large companies are reluctant to start their own businesses. A big reason is that the cost of options is simply too great. Now that you've made a lot of money, it's too risky to start a new business. In addition, some people feel that they have played a great role in large enterprises due to their high self-evaluation, so they also have high requirements for the selection of entrepreneurial projects, and the result is that they have fewer opportunities to choose. In addition, the narrowness of the field of vision cannot be ignored. Many high-level white-collar workers focus on "tall" projects, but ignore those projects that look ordinary but have a large market space. Such a narrow vision made them lose many opportunities to choose entrepreneurial projects, and in the end they could only stay in their own comfort zone.

It is said that there is no future in part-time work, so why would many people rather go to work than start a business?

When discussing the choice between "part-time job" and "entrepreneurship", we should not ignore the time and risks involved in "starting a business". There is no doubt that starting a business is a very risky thing to do, and many people are afraid to do it for fear of failure. But the process of starting a business is long, ranging from one year to two years. For many, the long wait and the uncertain cost make them prefer to stay in an industry they know rather than take a risk.

Finally, there is the inertia of some people, which cannot be ignored. Although some people know that entrepreneurship is important, they lack the motivation to act and are not motivated enough to realize their dreams. This inertia makes them prefer to work in a relaxed environment rather than take risks to chase higher goals.

It is said that there is no future in part-time work, so why would many people rather go to work than start a business?

In short, the choice between employment and entrepreneurship is not only a simple economic issue, but also involves many factors such as personal psychology, risk perception and time cost. Every person's decision has his own reasons and reasons, and we must respect and understand the choices of different ethnic groups. Whether you are going to work or go into business, you should follow your abilities, interests and prospects according to your own abilities, interests and futures, rather than blindly conforming to the herd.