
DNF: The worst CP weapon summary!Sword Emperor Big Cross Dog doesn't add it.,The blind man's negative promotion is very humorous.

author:DNF Xiaoxian
{"info":{"title":{"content":"DNF:最差CP武器汇总!剑帝大十字狗都不加,瞎子负提升很幽默","en":"DNF: The worst CP weapon summary!Sword Emperor Big Cross Dog doesn't add it.,The blind man's negative promotion is very humorous."},"description":{"content":"大家都知道在前段时间,策划发布了有关CP武器改版的消息!称会在5.9版本对CP武器进行第2批加强,暂定有10个职业。由于...","en":"As we all know, some time ago, the plan released the news about the revision of CP weapons! It was said that the second batch of CP weapons would be strengthened in version 5.9, and there were tentatively 10 classes. Because..."}},"items":[]}