
New energy vehicles will sell 11 million units! Exports are slightly weak! Independent brands have obvious advantages, still accounting for 82% of the market share

author:Modern Logistics News
{"info":{"title":{"content":"新能源车将卖1100万台!出口略显疲态!自主品牌优势明显,仍占82%的市场份额","en":"New energy vehicles will sell 11 million units! Exports are slightly weak! Independent brands have obvious advantages, still accounting for 82% of the market share"},"description":{"content":"点我直接订阅《现代物流报》2023年,在国家促消费政策和新能源车企持续促销刺激下,新能源车产销率分别增长36%和38%,...","en":"In 2023, stimulated by the national pro-consumption policy and the continuous promotion of new energy vehicle companies, the production and sales rate of new energy vehicles will increase by 36% and 38% respectively,..."}},"items":[]}