
Someone in the shoe circle changed careers to Tun PS5 and wanted to make the difference, and was ridiculed by console players: very smart

author:Nomad starry sky

在发售3年多之后,曾经一机难求的PS5现在已经可以轻易入手,早在23年黑五促销季前夕,PlayStatio高管Eric Lempel就表示“现在任何想要PS5的人都能买到了。”



Someone in the shoe circle changed careers to Tun PS5 and wanted to make the difference, and was ridiculed by console players: very smart
Someone in the shoe circle changed careers to Tun PS5 and wanted to make the difference, and was ridiculed by console players: very smart
Someone in the shoe circle changed careers to Tun PS5 and wanted to make the difference, and was ridiculed by console players: very smart
Someone in the shoe circle changed careers to Tun PS5 and wanted to make the difference, and was ridiculed by console players: very smart
Someone in the shoe circle changed careers to Tun PS5 and wanted to make the difference, and was ridiculed by console players: very smart