
10 yoga balance asanas, if you can stick to 30s, prove that the body control is excellent!

author:Yuyu loves yoga

Yoga balance asana can not only strengthen the lower back & legs, improve concentration, stimulate the nervous system, but also increase the stability of the foot and ankle and reduce the probability of wrestling.

10 yoga balance asanas, if you can stick to 30s, prove that the body control is excellent!

The one-legged standing balance asana in yoga is an extremely difficult class of asanas that help to enhance the body's sense of balance, flexibility, and core strength. One-legged balanced asana is a common asana in yoga. It helps to stretch the legs, eliminate excess fat and fat in the abdomen, massage the abdominal organs, enhance digestion, strengthen the body's sense of balance, and improve concentration.

10 yoga balance asanas, if you can stick to 30s, prove that the body control is excellent!

Here are 10 one-legged standing balance poses, different levels of difficulty, see how many you can do?


10 yoga balance asanas, if you can stick to 30s, prove that the body control is excellent!
  • Mountain Standing. Place your full weight on your left foot and lift your right foot off the ground. Place your heels as far as possible on your standing leg with your toes down.
  • To prevent your right foot from sliding down, actively press your left leg and the ball of your right foot together. Retract your right knee and open your hip. Fold your hands together in front of your chest or raise them above your head and gaze ahead. Hold for 5 breaths, then switch sides.

Warrior 3

10 yoga balance asanas, if you can stick to 30s, prove that the body control is excellent!
  • Warrior 1 starts, with his right knee forward, lowers his torso and raises his left leg so that his body is parallel to the ground. Stretch your hands forward, and if your shoulders are uncomfortable when you put them together, spread your arms shoulder-width apart. If stretching your arms causes pain or pressure in your lower back, place your hands on your hips.
  • Work your abs and hold the pose for five breaths. Then switch sides to practice.

Standing hand grasping toe extension A

10 yoga balance asanas, if you can stick to 30s, prove that the body control is excellent!
  • Mountain Pose begins. Shift your body weight to your left leg and lift your right leg. Grasp the right big toe with the first two fingers and thumb of your right hand. Place your left hand on your hips.
  • Keep your standing leg straight, straighten your right leg, and keep your torso upright. Stay here, or fold your torso forward over your outstretched leg. Hold for five breaths, then switch sides.

Standing hand grasping toe extension B

10 yoga balance asanas, if you can stick to 30s, prove that the body control is excellent!
  • Starting with A, keep your standing leg straight and your right leg straight to the right, looking to the left side.
  • After five breaths, bring your leg back to right and repeat on the left side.


10 yoga balance asanas, if you can stick to 30s, prove that the body control is excellent!
  • Mountain Pose begins. Shift your weight to your left foot and lift your right knee. Cross your knees slightly in front of your left knee and wrap your right toe around the back of your left calf.
  • Place your left elbow cross over your right elbow. Try to bring the tips of your left fingers towards the base of your right palm, then lift your elbows up. Hold for five breaths, relax, and do the other side.


10 yoga balance asanas, if you can stick to 30s, prove that the body control is excellent!
  • Warrior 2 begins. Place your left hand on your left hip and your right arm straight, shift your weight to your right foot and lift your left foot. Place the palm of your right hand flat on the ground below your shoulder.
  • Distribute your weight evenly between your right hand and foot. Raise your left arm and gaze at your left hand. Hold for five breaths, then exit the asana and switch sides.

Dance style

10 yoga balance asanas, if you can stick to 30s, prove that the body control is excellent!
  • Mountain Pose begins. Inhale, shift your weight to your left foot and bend your right knee. Grab your right foot with your right hand. Extend your left arm forward, press your right foot outward, open your shoulder, and lean your torso slightly forward. Elevate your right foot as high as you can and extend your right hip flexors.
  • Take five breaths here and switch sides.

Standing split

10 yoga balance asanas, if you can stick to 30s, prove that the body control is excellent!
  • Start with a mountain pose, take a deep breath and exhale and bend forward. Transfer the weight to your right foot and palm and lift your left leg up. Tighten your jaw, pull your torso towards your right leg, take a deep breath, and relax your shoulders away from your ears.
  • Breathe five times here. Then exit the side-swapping exercise

Leg toe

10 yoga balance asanas, if you can stick to 30s, prove that the body control is excellent!
  • Let's start with the Half Lotus Tree Pose. Bend your right knee, sink your hips, and elevate your right heel. Balance with your fingers and focus a little ahead. The center of gravity comes to the right heel.
  • Keeping your spine stretched and your abdominal core activated, slowly lift your hands off the ground. The ball of the right toe compacts the ground to find balance. Try to take as many breaths as possible.

Bird of Paradise pose

10 yoga balance asanas, if you can stick to 30s, prove that the body control is excellent!
  • Mountain Pose begins. Exhale and bend forward. Bend your right leg and lift your heel. Extend your right arm under your right thigh. Rotate your left arm inward. Clasp your hands behind your thighs. The center of gravity shifts to the left leg. Lift your right leg off the ground.
  • Activate the core, find a Drishti, and slowly stand up. Roll your shoulders back and lift your ribcage. Then slowly straighten the lifted leg, hold for a few breaths and switch sides.

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