
Lautaro is not on the pitch tonight: Serie A, Inter against Cagliari.

author:Qiu Yitong
{"info":{"title":{"content":"今晚劳塔罗不在赛场:意甲,国米对阵卡利亚里。","en":"Lautaro is not on the pitch tonight: Serie A, Inter against Cagliari."},"description":{"content":"国际米兰上轮激战乌迪内斯赢球后,继续勇往直前追求联赛冠军。而他们的对手卡利亚里近期表现不俗,刚战胜亚特兰大。国米力争冠军...","en":"After winning against Udinese in the last round, Inter Milan continued to pursue the league title. Their opponents, Cagliari, have been in good form of late, having just beaten Atalanta. Inter strive for the title..."}},"items":[]}