
At the end of April, the Zodiac Pig meets someone who asks about your privacy, don't be stupid, tell the truth, give you three tricks, and make him shut up


As the saying goes: "There are many people who are popular", and this sentence is really not wrong at all. Especially for the friends of the zodiac pig, at the end of April, there may be people who will inquire about your privacy for various purposes. Don't be stupid and tell the truth, today I will give you a few tricks to make you no longer a "gossip center".

The first trick: change the topic and take a detour

At the end of April, the Zodiac Pig meets someone who asks about your privacy, don't be stupid, tell the truth, give you three tricks, and make him shut up

In this case, the easiest thing to do is to change the subject and take a detour. If the other person starts asking questions, you shift the conversation to all sorts of seemingly inconsequential things like weather, sports, politics, and so on. This way, you won't offend the other person and avoid talking about sensitive topics. Remember, the pigs are good at "playing haha"!

The second trick: vague answers, vague words

At the end of April, the Zodiac Pig meets someone who asks about your privacy, don't be stupid, tell the truth, give you three tricks, and make him shut up

If you really can't change the subject, then use a vague answer and be vague. For example, you can say, "Oh, my privacy? I think we're all about the same." Or "Privacy issues?" I've never thought about it. Such an answer will not reveal too much information, but also make the other party scratch their heads and be bored.

The third trick: respond with a smile, smile and don't answer

At the end of April, the Zodiac Pig meets someone who asks about your privacy, don't be stupid, tell the truth, give you three tricks, and make him shut up

If the other person is really "cheeky", then respond with a smile and smile without answering. Use your smile and sense of humor to defuse the awkwardness while remaining silent. Remember, pigs are good at resolving embarrassment!

Of course, all three of the above tricks require you to stay calm and confident. Don't forget, Zodiac Pig friends are optimistic, confident, and charismatic, and if used correctly, these tricks will make you feel comfortable when it comes to private inquiries.

If you don't think these tricks are enough, then I'll recommend one more tip - and that's to fight back with humor. When the other person is really excessive, you can fight back with humor, which not only shows your sense of humor, but also lets the other person know that you are not easy to bully. For example, you can say, "Privacy, I'm a zodiac pig, I have mysterious powers!"

In addition to the above tips, I would like to recommend some useful tools to deal with privacy inquiries. The first is "automatic blocking", you can turn on the blocking function of your phone or computer to avoid some unnecessary interruptions. The second is the "circle of acquaintances", choose some reliable and well-known circles to avoid some unnecessary troubles. Finally, "be prepared" and prepare some private materials such as your own photos and family background in case you need them.

In general, the friends of the zodiac pig must be calm, confident, optimistic, and witty when facing privacy inquiries. People with good luck leave a sentence of "good luck", for themselves and their families to receive luck, this year's fortune is prosperous, financial luck is prosperous, and the career is thriving! Follow the pace of luck, have a smooth journey! I hope everyone can have a happy and stable end of April!