
Why are there more and more pharmacies on the streets? What do pharmacies do to make money?

author:Idle Lamb eZK
{"info":{"title":{"content":"为什么街道上的药店越来越多?药店靠啥来赚钱?告诉你实情","en":"Why are there more and more pharmacies on the streets? What do pharmacies do to make money?"},"description":{"content":"走在熟悉的街道上,突然发现三家新开的药店鳞次栉比地排开在忙碌的市场旁,每家门口都挂着大大的“开业促销”和“特价药品”标牌...","en":"Walking on the familiar street, I suddenly found three newly opened pharmacies lined up next to the busy market, and large \"opening promotion\" and \"special medicine\" signs hung on the door of each house..."}},"items":[]}