
The 76ers narrowly defeated the Heat, Butler fought with an injury and Herro was out of the sky, and there was still a play?

author:Be your own balance
The 76ers narrowly defeated the Heat, Butler fought with an injury and Herro was out of the sky, and there was still a play?

北京时间4月18日,NBA东部附加赛开始, 热火客场‬挑战‬‬费城76人,赢球的‬正式‬进入‬季后赛‬,输球‬的‬依然‬有‬杀入‬正赛‬的‬机会‬。

比赛开始后‬,76人‬状态‬不错‬,在‬哈里斯带领下‬打出‬小高潮‬,但‬热火‬队‬很快‬予以反击‬,在‬末节‬连得‬8分‬,以23比‬22反超‬76人‬‬。 第一节‬中‬巴特勒‬反击‬碰撞‬倒地‬,好在‬及时‬返场‬。 第二节‬,热火继续发力‬吧把‬比分‬扩大到‬11分。 上半场‬热火‬以‬51比‬39领先结束。

The 76ers narrowly defeated the Heat, Butler fought with an injury and Herro was out of the sky, and there was still a play?


The 76ers narrowly defeated the Heat, Butler fought with an injury and Herro was out of the sky, and there was still a play?

The 76ers continue to work hard! The Heat lost this game, Butler limped after the game, and although Herro scored 25 points, his shooting percentage was a bit low, can the Heat still advance to the playoffs?