
What is "upstairs innovation and downstairs entrepreneurship"? They experienced it up close......

author:Shenzhen is bright
What is "upstairs innovation and downstairs entrepreneurship"? They experienced it up close......


April 16th

"Zhihui Science City Advanced Institute Open Day"

The open month of Xinhu Street Science City was held

The event aims to strengthen the relationship between scientific research institutions and the

Exchange and cooperation between enterprises in the jurisdiction

Promote scientific and technological innovation and optimize the business environment

Jointly promote the development of enterprises

What is "upstairs innovation and downstairs entrepreneurship"? They experienced it up close......

During the event, representatives of enterprises in the jurisdiction visited the Industrial Innovation and Transformation Center of the Institute of Synthesis of the Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (hereinafter referred to as the "Innovation Center"). Everyone visited the exhibition hall and open space of the center to learn about the achievements of scientific and technological innovation up close. Experts accompanied the explanation and answered the questions of enterprise representatives on the application and cooperation of science and technology.

What is "upstairs innovation and downstairs entrepreneurship"? They experienced it up close......

According to reports, the innovation center pioneered the "upstairs innovation downstairs entrepreneurship complex" model, and the "∞" symbol and three-dimensional slogan in the exhibition hall indicate the grand vision and long-term goal of the innovation center "from 0 to 1 to 10 to infinity".

This event promoted cooperation and exchanges between the innovation center and enterprises in the jurisdiction to achieve win-win development. Representatives of enterprises actively interacted with each other, shared their experiences, and discussed possible areas and ways of cooperation between the Innovation Center and enterprises, and the atmosphere was warm.

What is "upstairs innovation and downstairs entrepreneurship"? They experienced it up close......

Representatives of the company said: "I was deeply impressed by this visit, and I was able to get a close understanding of the development of cutting-edge synthetic biology technology. Everyone is full of confidence in the development of national science and technology. At the same time, it is believed that Guangming Science City can be at the forefront of China's scientific and technological innovation and development. ”

It is worth mentioning

In the "Guangming Science City Open Month"

There are more free venues waiting for you to experience~

(Poke text for details↑)


Follow the Bright King

Let's check in the charming Science City together~

Content source: Bao'an Daily Bright Media

Editor: Mak Yongyu

Reviewer: Jin Feng, Chen Yuanyuan, Xie Yanli

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