
HR recruitment talent assessment, how to judge the character of candidates?


Company recruitment not only requires candidates to have excellent work ability, but also needs good character, which is also the key to establishing good communication with others and properly handling workplace relationships. As HR, I can only get a preliminary understanding of the character of a job seeker from the resume and the interview process, so what dimensions will I have a preliminary understanding of the character of the job seeker from what dimensions?

I believe that the three dimensions of personality, personality, and mental health are very important for character, and from these three dimensions, we can also preliminarily identify whether a person's character is good or bad, so as to decide whether to keep his name in the next recruitment process.

HR Online Talent Assessment


HR recruitment talent assessment, how to judge the character of candidates?

Online personality assessment

Through the personality test, I can get a first glimpse of the personality traits of the candidate. Personality tests typically assess the candidate's dimensions of openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism (note: the analysis is based on the Big Five personality theory).

In specific applications, for example, a responsible candidate may be more attentive at work, Responsible, such a person has a sense of group, can realize what they should do, what should not be done, and can perfectly complete the tasks assigned by the company; people with high pleasantness index are easier to communicate, can realize the importance of the team, can become the backbone of team development, and can also become a good colleague that people trust; and extroversion shows a person's external tension, and people with extroversion have an active personality and are easy to get along with.

I can analyze whether job seekers can integrate into the value of corporate culture through personality test, three dimensions of pleasantness, responsibility, and extroversion, and can also be used as one of the important bases for job seekers' character. (Note: The short and full version of the Big Five)

Big 5 personality test


HR recruitment talent assessment, how to judge the character of candidates?

Personality Strengths Assessment

The personality test (Dominant Trait Model) is an important tool for judging the character of a job applicant. Personality tests usually focus on the candidate's values, morals, self-perception, etc.

For example, qualities such as integrity, integrity, and diligence will be reflected in personality tests. Honest and honest people dare to do practical things and take responsibility, and diligent people work hard, can integrate well into the collective, and become the company's right-hand man.

When applying for a job, I pay attention to the candidate's score in the personality test, especially the indicators related to integrity and morality, so as to judge whether the candidate has a good character. (Note: Cartel 16pf, Youth Personality Test)

Occupational personality test


Mental health testing


HR recruitment talent assessment, how to judge the character of candidates?

Mental health testing

Mental health testing is also a non-negligible part. In the course of work, it is inevitable to encounter a variety of complex situations such as overtime, transfer, promotion, and competition. Some people have strong psychological tolerance, high resistance to blows, and are very competent for all kinds of work, which shows that their mental health test conditions are normal (depression and anxiety tendencies), and they can maintain a good mood regularly.

A job seeker with good mental health is often more likely to show a positive and optimistic attitude towards life, and this stable and positive emotion can also become one of the important criteria for me to judge the character of a candidate.

Good character for the development of individuals and the development of the enterprise, has a very important role, if you can not filter people with poor character, it will greatly affect the company's brand image, and through personality test, personality test, mental health test and other indicators, we can make a preliminary investigation of a person's character.