
Alert! These 10 foods may increase the risk of dementia

author:Dr. Luo Xixi

In recent years, numerous studies have revealed some of the types of foods that can contribute to dementia. Therefore, it is important to maintain a healthy diet, as some foods can improve brain health, while others may increase the risk of dementia and other serious health problems. Let's take a look at the foods that may increase the risk of dementia.

1. White food

White foods are at the top of the list of foods that can trigger dementia, and this includes refined grain products such as white bread and white rice. It is important to note that these foods tend to cause a sharp rise in insulin, which in turn causes inflammation in the body and delivers harmful toxins to the brain, which is thought to be a possible trigger for dementia.

Alert! These 10 foods may increase the risk of dementia

2. Sugars

If you want to protect your brain health, you should avoid excessive sugar intake. Excessive sugar intake can trigger an inflammatory response inside the brain, while also dramatically raising blood sugar levels, depriving the brain and body of the energy they need.

Alert! These 10 foods may increase the risk of dementia

3. Processed meats

Processed meat is popular but it's rich in nitrates, a cancerous compound that causes the liver to produce fats that are toxic to the brain. These fats interfere with the blood-brain barrier, leading to damage to brain cells and inducing insulin resistance.

Alert! These 10 foods may increase the risk of dementia

4. Processed cheese

Processed cheeses, or processed cheeses such as mozzarella sticks, American, lezhi beef and cheese wafers, are also among the foods that can trigger dementia. Consuming too much processed cheese can accumulate protein in the body, which is thought to be linked to the onset of dementia. In addition, the saturated fat in cheese can clog the blood vessels in the heart and brain, and excessive intake can lead to brain inflammation, memory impairment, and a higher risk of stroke. It is advisable to replace cheese slices with healthier foods such as almonds.

Alert! These 10 foods may increase the risk of dementia

5. Microwave popcorn

Microwave popcorn contains a chemical called diacetyl, which is thought to cause an increase in the number of amyloid plaques in the human brain, and there is a strong link between the accumulation of these plaques in the brain and dementia and Alzheimer's disease.

6. Alcohol

Excessive alcohol consumption can cause serious effects on the brain, including metabolic changes, decreased brain volume, and neurotransmitter disorders or chemicals needed to hinder internal communication in the brain. Alcoholics tend to be deficient in vitamin B1, which can lead to brain disorders that develop into Korsakov syndrome, a condition characterized by severe brain damage characterized by vision problems, confusion, unsteady gait, and memory loss. Some alcoholic beverages also contain nitrates, which have been linked to dementia.

Alert! These 10 foods may increase the risk of dementia

7 Foods that contain a lot of trans fats

Trans fats (a.k.a. trans fatty acids) are a type of unsaturated fat that is harmful to brain health. Trans fats, which occur naturally in animal products, are not the problem, the real problem lies in industrially produced hydrogenated vegetable oils, which are commonly found in many baked goods. Studies have shown that consuming too much of these oils can lead to poor memory, cognitive decline, reduced brain volume, and an increased risk of dementia.

Alert! These 10 foods may increase the risk of dementia

8. Highly processed foods

Highly processed foods are also a possible cause of dementia due to their high levels of added fat, sugar and salt. Foods such as candy, potato chips, commercially available seasonings, prepared meals, and instant noodles are often low in nutrients and calories, which can easily lead to weight gain and negatively affect the brain.

Alert! These 10 foods may increase the risk of dementia

9. Fish with high mercury content

It may come as a surprise to include fish in the list of foods that can trigger dementia, as fish is often seen as a good food for brain health. Stay away from fish that are high in mercury as they may put a person at risk of dementia. Mercury is a heavy metal pollutant and nerve agent that can persist in animal tissues for long periods of time.

10 margarine

Margarine is one of the foods that people who want to keep their brains healthy because it not only contains a lot of chemicals but is also highly processed. The researchers noted that the diacetyl component has been linked to dementia because it promotes the aggregation of β-amyloid, which is one of the hallmarks of dementia. Diacetyl is also thought to increase the toxicity of this protein in the brain.

Alert! These 10 foods may increase the risk of dementia

Conclusion – Foods that can cause dementia

As one of the most important organs in the human body, the brain needs to be properly cared for. It controls our breathing, heartbeat, and the functioning of our systems, so it's important to stay away from foods that can trigger dementia and stick to a healthy diet. While research into the relationship between dementia risk and diet is ongoing, at this stage, it's best to focus on a balanced and healthy diet to ensure your brain is working optimally as you age.

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