
Why do boys object to their girlfriends wearing suspenders? It turns out that boys and girls have different perspectives

author:Happy sharing

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Why do boys object to their girlfriends wearing suspenders? It turns out that boys and girls have different perspectives

‬不是吧 衣服休息怎么看这不宽的吧[捂脸]

Why do boys object to their girlfriends wearing suspenders? It turns out that boys and girls have different perspectives


Why do boys object to their girlfriends wearing suspenders? It turns out that boys and girls have different perspectives


Why do boys object to their girlfriends wearing suspenders? It turns out that boys and girls have different perspectives


Why do boys object to their girlfriends wearing suspenders? It turns out that boys and girls have different perspectives

‬不是吧 原来高视角能看到这么多东西[我想静静][我想静静][我想静静]

Why do boys object to their girlfriends wearing suspenders? It turns out that boys and girls have different perspectives

‬哈哈哈 男生的背心比较宽松吧?[泪奔][泪奔]

Why do boys object to their girlfriends wearing suspenders? It turns out that boys and girls have different perspectives

‬原来是这么回事 懂了[赞][泪奔][泪奔]

Why do boys object to their girlfriends wearing suspenders? It turns out that boys and girls have different perspectives


Why do boys object to their girlfriends wearing suspenders? It turns out that boys and girls have different perspectives

‬哈哈哈 这样子不好吧[看][看][看]

Why do boys object to their girlfriends wearing suspenders? It turns out that boys and girls have different perspectives

‬真的假的[我想静静][我想静静] 以后出门不敢不洗头了

Why do boys object to their girlfriends wearing suspenders? It turns out that boys and girls have different perspectives


Why do boys object to their girlfriends wearing suspenders? It turns out that boys and girls have different perspectives

Is it so outrageous [tears] [tears] [tears]

Why do boys object to their girlfriends wearing suspenders? It turns out that boys and girls have different perspectives

‬哈哈哈 说出了女生心里的想法[看]

Why do boys object to their girlfriends wearing suspenders? It turns out that boys and girls have different perspectives


Why do boys object to their girlfriends wearing suspenders? It turns out that boys and girls have different perspectives


Why do boys object to their girlfriends wearing suspenders? It turns out that boys and girls have different perspectives


Why do boys object to their girlfriends wearing suspenders? It turns out that boys and girls have different perspectives

‬你这就属于有点那个了吧...... [covers face]

Why do boys object to their girlfriends wearing suspenders? It turns out that boys and girls have different perspectives


Why do boys object to their girlfriends wearing suspenders? It turns out that boys and girls have different perspectives


Why do boys object to their girlfriends wearing suspenders? It turns out that boys and girls have different perspectives


Why do boys object to their girlfriends wearing suspenders? It turns out that boys and girls have different perspectives


Why do boys object to their girlfriends wearing suspenders? It turns out that boys and girls have different perspectives


Why do boys object to their girlfriends wearing suspenders? It turns out that boys and girls have different perspectives


Why do boys object to their girlfriends wearing suspenders? It turns out that boys and girls have different perspectives


Why do boys object to their girlfriends wearing suspenders? It turns out that boys and girls have different perspectives

Can you find out the difference?

Why do boys object to their girlfriends wearing suspenders? It turns out that boys and girls have different perspectives
Why do boys object to their girlfriends wearing suspenders? It turns out that boys and girls have different perspectives

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