
One aspirin a day, what will happen to the body in the end? The answer is revealed, and it is recommended to tell your parents

author:Dr. Leah

Everything in the world is strange, and this is especially true in the world of medicine. In this vast treasure trove of medicines, some of the names of drugs we may never have heard of, while others are well-known to the general public.

Aspirin is one of the bright stars of these many drugs. In the more than 100 years since its birth, its various miraculous effects have been gradually discovered and widely used in the field of medicine. Among them, the role of aspirin in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases is particularly eye-catching.

Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases have become a common type of disease in modern society, and if they are not effectively controlled for a long time, these diseases are extremely harmful to physical health, and may even threaten the life safety of patients in serious cases.

The emergence of aspirin has opened up a new path for the treatment and prevention of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. With its unique pharmacological effects, aspirin can effectively reduce the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, bringing good news to many patients.

One aspirin a day, what will happen to the body in the end? The answer is revealed, and it is recommended to tell your parents

Therefore, in order to protect the cardiovascular system and prevent such diseases, some people start to eat one pill every day. Can eating one tablet a day really protect the cardiovascular system in the long run?


One aspirin a day, what will happen to the body in the end? The answer is revealed, and it is recommended to tell your parents

A study published in the journal JAMA revealed that for people with non-cardiovascular disease, the risk of major bleeding increased by nearly half when taking a drug regularly.

This poses a conundrum: while the drug can significantly reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and death, thereby contributing to a longer life, the potential risk of bleeding should not be overlooked.

Do the benefits of long-term use of this drug really outweigh the potential harms? In the face of this seemingly paradoxical situation, how do we choose? Should we take this drug, and can we rely on it for a long time?

One aspirin a day, what will happen to the body in the end? The answer is revealed, and it is recommended to tell your parents

Before we can worry about whether or not to take it, we need to have an in-depth understanding of our physical condition. If you are in good health, it is not necessary to take this medication as it may not provide cardiovascular protection and may affect your health, so it is not recommended.

However, the situation is different for people at high risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. They can consider taking this medicine for prophylaxis, but the dose must be strictly controlled to ensure that it is taken in small doses.

For people over the age of 70 or under 40, the current evidence is not sufficient to recommend the use of this medicine. Whether it needs to be taken or not should be assessed on a case-by-case basis, which varies from person to person.

Therefore, we can conclude that it is feasible for some people to take this drug daily to prevent cardiovascular disease, but it is not suitable for everyone.

One aspirin a day, what will happen to the body in the end? The answer is revealed, and it is recommended to tell your parents

This drug has both its advantages and disadvantages. We should analyze according to our actual situation, weigh the risk of taking it and not taking it, and compare the risk of bleeding and the risk of blood clots.

Keep in mind that no medicine is a panacea, let alone a miracle drug. When it comes to preventing cardiovascular disease, it is equally important to live a healthy lifestyle, such as avoiding smoking and alcohol, being physically active, and maintaining a healthy weight.


Can I have a brain hemorrhage if I take aspirin for a long time?

Long-term use of aspirin, especially without the advice and guidance of a doctor, does pose a risk of serious side effects such as intracerebral hemorrhage.

Aspirin mainly works by inhibiting platelet aggregation, thereby preventing cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. However, because of its anticoagulant effect, long-term use in large quantities may cause the blood to be too thin, increasing the risk of bleeding. This risk is particularly significant in older people, people with high blood pressure, or people with pre-existing cerebrovascular disease.

One aspirin a day, what will happen to the body in the end? The answer is revealed, and it is recommended to tell your parents

In addition to intracerebral hemorrhage, long-term use of aspirin may also cause other bleeding disorders, such as gastrointestinal bleeding, fundus bleeding, etc. Therefore, when prescribing aspirin, doctors usually carefully evaluate the pros and cons according to the patient's specific situation to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the medication.

It is important for patients to follow their doctor's instructions and take their medications on time and in the right amount. If any discomfort or suspected bleeding symptoms occur, the drug should be discontinued immediately and a doctor should be sought for help. In addition, regular medical check-ups and blood tests are also important means to detect potential risks in a timely manner.


Who are the contraindications to aspirin?

First, aspirin may worsen bleeding symptoms in patients with bleeding disorders. This is because aspirin inhibits platelet aggregation, which increases the risk of bleeding. Therefore, patients with bleeding disorders such as gastric ulcers and duodenal ulcers should use aspirin with caution.

Secondly, people who are allergic to aspirin also need to avoid using it. Allergic reactions can manifest as symptoms such as rashes, difficulty breathing, laryngeal edema, and in severe cases, can be life-threatening. If you experience these symptoms after taking aspirin, seek immediate medical attention.

One aspirin a day, what will happen to the body in the end? The answer is revealed, and it is recommended to tell your parents

In addition, pregnant and breastfeeding women should also be cautious when using aspirin. Although aspirin can relieve pain during pregnancy to some extent, long-term heavy use may cause adverse effects on the fetus. Breastfeeding women should also be cautious and consult a doctor when taking aspirin, as the drug may be passed to the baby through breast milk.

Finally, patients with severe hepatic and renal insufficiency should also avoid aspirin. Because aspirin requires the involvement of the liver and kidneys in the metabolism process in the body, liver and kidney insufficiency may lead to obstruction of drug metabolism, thereby increasing the concentration of the drug in the body and aggravating side effects.