
T0 assists Da Qiao Xiti to strengthen, Yao Mei weakens or strengthens? Say goodbye to the shooter and hug Zhu Bajie

author:Old Encounter Game Commentary

4.18's hero balance adjustment involves a lot of heroes, let's talk about them one by one, focusing on the Yao Mei who everyone is puzzled about.


T0 assists Da Qiao Xiti to strengthen, Yao Mei weakens or strengthens? Say goodbye to the shooter and hug Zhu Bajie

Let's talk about what everyone is most concerned about first.,This time the adjustment is deeper.,I'm also the conclusion after testing some data and considering the version.,Of course, it's just a personal guess.。 If the skill bonus is changed to the target's extra health, it is destined to miss most shooters, because their extra health is 0, and only a few shooters will produce some equipment with added health in the later stage, such as Marco Polo, Di Renjie, etc. The new version of Yao changes the outfit, and the magic is stronger, and there will be no obvious gap between the amount of shields with these shooters who come out of the flesh in the later stage, but the shields that don't get out of the meat shooters are much less.

T0 assists Da Qiao Xiti to strengthen, Yao Mei weakens or strengthens? Say goodbye to the shooter and hug Zhu Bajie

In the early and middle stages, the shield value must be lower for those who don't get meat, but it is enhanced with some of the extra health points throughout the period, for example, many Yellow Shield Overlord reloaded warriors are very popular now, so their income will be higher than the old version, and Yao's shield can be brushed once, and two shields in a fight add up to a lot more than this shield.

T0 assists Da Qiao Xiti to strengthen, Yao Mei weakens or strengthens? Say goodbye to the shooter and hug Zhu Bajie

If it's a tank like Zhu Bajie, it's even more fierce, with an extra health of seven or eight thousand, a shield of more than three thousand in the later stage, two shields of more than six thousand, and the health of a top shooter. But it doesn't make much sense to be with tanks, after all, they don't lack this bit of health, and Yao can't follow them to kill indiscriminately, so it's more reliable to be with the soldiers.

My understanding is that it is enhanced, and now the income from some tanks or fighters is not low, and there are more people who can follow, plus the current version is that these people are more fierce. And in terms of Yao's strength and status, there is no need to weaken it, so don't worry about the friends who play Yao~

Big Joe

T0 assists Da Qiao Xiti to strengthen, Yao Mei weakens or strengthens? Say goodbye to the shooter and hug Zhu Bajie

This change is very easy to understand.,The core of the mid-laner specialization Da Qiao has been cut down.,The strength has plummeted.,It's not much use in the first place.,Now the life-saving ability is gone.,It's better to play honestly as an auxiliary.。 The second is that the attack speed bonus of the ultimate becomes a shield bonus, which is properly enhanced, after all, there are few heroes who need attack speed, but the shield is what everyone needs. This point of cooldown reduction increased by the ultimate,It's completely optional.,It's too little and too little.,After full cooldown, it's 2.4 seconds more than the old version.,It's gone in the blink of an eye.。


T0 assists Da Qiao Xiti to strengthen, Yao Mei weakens or strengthens? Say goodbye to the shooter and hug Zhu Bajie

Hit a non-hero unit can also have a shield, strengthening is for sure, and the ability to stir up the stick is stronger when the flesh is out.


T0 assists Da Qiao Xiti to strengthen, Yao Mei weakens or strengthens? Say goodbye to the shooter and hug Zhu Bajie

The ability to control a skill is weakened, and this is still very hurtful, because most of the time it is to hit people with the far end, and their body is relatively brittle, and the risk of sticking to the face is too great, and now the far end can't be controlled, if the ultimate can't cooperate with teammates, then the comprehensive strength will be relatively low, and it will eat the lineup and eat teammates more.

Wang Zhaojun

T0 assists Da Qiao Xiti to strengthen, Yao Mei weakens or strengthens? Say goodbye to the shooter and hug Zhu Bajie

The amplitude of the early damage is weakened,The damage of passive and strengthened basic attack is the key to the first level and even the early battle,This damage is low, Wang Zhaojun's early strength will be much lower,Although the AP bonus has been increased,But who is out of this thing?,Now there are a few mages who can still appear in the middle of the pure law.。

Ji Xiaoman

T0 assists Da Qiao Xiti to strengthen, Yao Mei weakens or strengthens? Say goodbye to the shooter and hug Zhu Bajie

The main thing is that after the enhancement effect is over, it will enter the cooldown, so that the vacuum period of Ji Xiaoman's skills will become longer, and the rhythm will be slowed down.

Mai Shiranui

T0 assists Da Qiao Xiti to strengthen, Yao Mei weakens or strengthens? Say goodbye to the shooter and hug Zhu Bajie

This wave is a big strengthening.,There's a qualitative leap in the ability to clear the line.,Although there is a certain amount of consumption capacity.,But the damage is halved when you use the consumption of small soldiers.,Plus the damage of this skill has been lowered.,So the consumption is still a direct hit.,Indirect hit consumption ability is average.。 Some of the other stat tweaks are just for balance, but they don't matter, and it's a good thing for Shiranui to have more time to play the rhythm.


T0 assists Da Qiao Xiti to strengthen, Yao Mei weakens or strengthens? Say goodbye to the shooter and hug Zhu Bajie

The kill line has been increased, and the slash against the monster has changed from a percentage to a fixed health slash, and this effect is definitely better than the percentage, because the health of the monster is relatively low, so the farming speed will be enhanced. At the same time, the health of the wild monster is locked when the slash is removed, and the ability to fight and grab the wild monster on the opposite side is weakened, so everyone can fight and punish fairly. The second skill damage increase is a simple and crude enhancement, and there is nothing to say.

Yang Yuhuan

T0 assists Da Qiao Xiti to strengthen, Yao Mei weakens or strengthens? Say goodbye to the shooter and hug Zhu Bajie

Optimize the sense of impact, this can feel a little better, and there is nothing to say.