
Expert Recommendation | The 5th "New Discoveries: Popular Science Booklist" shortlisted books (17)

author:New Discovery Magazine
Expert Recommendation | The 5th "New Discoveries: Popular Science Booklist" shortlisted books (17)

Spring is in full bloom, and the long-awaited fifth issue of "New Discoveries: Popular Science Booklist" is finally here!

"New Discoveries Popular Science Booklist" is the first booklist brand in China to specifically review popular science books, with the purpose of leading readers to pay attention to scientific reading, adhering to the value proposition of "science into the future", and is committed to gathering good popular science books from all over the country, and regularly launching a national popular science book list with selection credibility, social influence and market recognition. The book list is divided into three sub-lists: Science and Humanities, Science Life, and Science Youth.

At present, 46 shortlisted books have been produced, and today's two good book recommendations are freshly released, so stay tuned~

Scientific Life: Sub-book List


Expert Recommendation | The 5th "New Discoveries: Popular Science Booklist" shortlisted books (17)

[J] by Kento Yamamoto

Translated by Chai Jingmei


Tianjin Science and Technology Press Reader culture

November 2023


Where does saliva come from? Why do people fart? Why is it so sour when an elbow is struck? Is seeing really believing?

The human body is beautiful and mysterious.

During his medical studies, the author was shocked by the fact that the human body is very heavy! One leg weighs 10 kilograms, which is quite difficult to lift, and the arms, which seem to be very light, also weigh 4~5 kilograms, which is beyond imagination. Strangely, we have no idea how much these "parts" we carry with us every day. The science that can answer this question is medicine – the science that combines a variety of modern technologies to explore the truth about the human body and disease.

In this book, you will learn about the little-known miraculous functions of the human body, the stories of medical sages, the history of the war between humans and microbes, and the modern medical technology that you may not understand.

A journey from ancient times to the present, from head to toe, to see the beauty of the human body and medicine, start now!

Expert recommendation

Our bodies may be our "most familiar strangers", and we move around with this skin on our shoulders every day, but often only when we are sick do we think of caring for our tired bodies, or when we get the medical examination report, we only think of worrying about it. In this sense, "Touching Yourself to Learn the Human Body" can be described as a map of the use of the body for busy modern people.

The book is practical and interesting, and although it is preceded by a diagram of the names of bones and organs throughout the body, it is not as systematic as the textbook. The author, Kento Yamamoto, is a surgeon, but he is also well aware that he is not dealing with medical students sitting in a classroom, so he structures the book with interesting questions, such as "why do tears flow", "what is a fart", "why is an elbow hit numb and painful", etc., all of which are things that everyone can experience every day. Starting from daily experience, and then leading readers to explore the physiological and medical knowledge behind it, this book really has the meaning of "taking the body closely" to learn science.

On the basis of helping readers understand the human body, the author also introduces the common knowledge about diseases in a special chapter. In addition to the specific explanations, the author also gives very thoughtful reminders, such as telling us that patients are those who "need to be treated or isolated", not simply "people who test positive", and that "the presence of cancer cells in the body" does not mean that people will get cancer, and only when the cancer cells multiply, destroy surrounding organs and may be life-threatening, they will be considered "sick" and treated for treatment. And all that. I guess the author should be an empathetic doctor in reality. I believe that with these intimate reminders, the next time we open the physical examination report, we will feel a lot more relaxed.


Expert Recommendation | The 5th "New Discoveries: Popular Science Booklist" shortlisted books (17)

Zheng Mingguang is the editor-in-chief


Shanghai Science and Technology Press

January 2024


Nuclear energy is a great discovery in human history, an important product of scientific and technological progress, and a major breakthrough in the evolution of human civilization. The peaceful use of nuclear energy has provided a tremendous impetus for the development of human society, and only by entering it, understanding it, and studying it in depth can we better make nuclear energy safely and efficiently benefit the world.

This book is a popular science book that introduces the development of nuclear energy, covering all aspects related to the development of nuclear energy, including how nuclear energy was first discovered, how its energy was used and caused disasters in its application, and under what circumstances the fourth generation of nuclear power technology was iterated.

Although this book is a technical popular science, it objectively introduces the tortuous journey of human exploration of nuclear energy in concise and humorous language, and at the same time, it expresses human curiosity about world exploration, concern for human development and continuous pursuit of technological risk control, and finally returns to the simple desire of "people-oriented" technological development.

Expert recommendation

This is a popular science book that I have been looking forward to for a long time. Nuclear, nuclear energy, nuclear radiation, nuclear safety, the public is both familiar and incomprehensible, and the misunderstanding is deep, leading to very emotional opposing views and positions. In the absence of effective "nuclear" science popularization, all kinds of pseudo-science and rumors are flooded with all kinds of self-media, which has caused serious troubles to the development of nuclear energy on the mainland. This book not only provides a systematic and popular introduction to nuclear power, nuclear energy, nuclear radiation, and nuclear safety, but also confronts nuclear accidents, nuclear radiation, nuclear waste, nuclear pollution, and other issues of great public concern, and conducts detailed and objective analysis, especially the major nuclear power plant accidents, including the major catastrophic accidents of Three Mile Island in the United States, Chernobyl in the Soviet Union, and Fukushima in Japan, and their impacts. The book also makes a good analysis of how to overcome the panic and irrationality of the masses who talk about "nuclear" and "radiation" discoloration. The book also introduces the future development of nuclear energy, including the safer and cleaner fourth generation of nuclear energy, and the emerging fusion nuclear energy, showing readers the role of nuclear energy in the future of mankind. Space nuclear energy in the space age may not be familiar to most readers, and this book also makes a good outlook.


Expert Recommendation | The 5th "New Discoveries: Popular Science Booklist" shortlisted books (17)