
Are you afraid of dementia when you are old? Don't eat like this! Expert: Do two actions often, and your brain will be younger!

author:Longnan Wudu released

Source: Yangshengtang

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Daily diet is closely related to our health, and we all know that many diseases are caused by eating. And experts tell us that the health of the brain is also affected by diet, and some common eating habits can even accelerate the degeneration of the brain and make us stupid.

Four Bad Eating Ways to Make Your Brain Stupid

1. Heavy metal elements

Studies have shown that long-term excessive intake of heavy metals such as aluminum, lead, and manganese can lead to cognitive impairment and seriously affect brain health.

The heavy metal elements in daily food mainly come from food additives, such as alum, baking powder, etc., which contain aluminum. Experts recommend that the amount of aluminum consumed per kilogram of body weight should not exceed 1 mg in a week's time unit, and many vendors in the market will have the problem of excessive additives for the taste of food.

Are you afraid of dementia when you are old? Don't eat like this! Expert: Do two actions often, and your brain will be younger!

Among the common foods, fritters and vermicelli are easy to exceed. For example, it is recommended that you reduce the number of times you eat them, eat them once every week or two, and try to avoid excessive intake of aluminum. It is best to choose a vermicelli that is softer after soaking in hot water, and the amount of alum in such vermicelli will be relatively small.

Are you afraid of dementia when you are old? Don't eat like this! Expert: Do two actions often, and your brain will be younger!

In addition, some families will use aluminum pots and pots when cooking, and aluminum elements will also precipitate after heating, so it is not recommended to use them.

2. High cholesterol

Studies have found that people with higher levels of cholesterol in their blood are three to five times more likely to develop Alzheimer's disease than those with normal cholesterol. And as people age, the body will remove cholesterol slowly, and long-term high-cholesterol diet will cause high cholesterol levels in the blood, which will not only affect physical health, but also cause a series of diseases related to dementia.

Are you afraid of dementia when you are old? Don't eat like this! Expert: Do two actions often, and your brain will be younger!

3. Don't eat staple foods

Unlike other organs, the brain does not have the ability to store glycogen, and needs blood flow to supply it with glucose, nutrients, and neurons for metabolism anytime and anywhere. Staple foods are mainly rich in carbohydrates, which are converted into glucose faster than fat, and can be supplied to the brain in a timely manner. If you don't eat staple foods for a long time, it will cause neurons to be in a state of low glucose metabolism for a long time, and lack energy for activity.

Are you afraid of dementia when you are old? Don't eat like this! Expert: Do two actions often, and your brain will be younger!

It is recommended that each person consume 4 taels of raw rice and noodles per day, and men or manual laborers can eat more in moderation.

4. Sweets

Consuming too much sugar over a long period of time may lead to an increase in blood sugar, which can lead to a decrease in metabolic mechanisms. Studies have found that diabetic patients are more likely to develop dementia than the general population due to the reduced ability to use sugar. Therefore, it is recommended that everyone eat less sweets, and sweets can be used as part of the staple food as a meal, and diabetics should pay more attention to the amount of control.

Are you afraid of dementia when you are old? Don't eat like this! Expert: Do two actions often, and your brain will be younger!

Three nutrients to prevent Alzheimer's

1. Choline

There is a substance called choline, which is an energy source for brain activity, and proper supplementation of choline can help us prevent the occurrence of Alzheimer's disease.

90% of choline is provided by lecithin, we all know that egg yolk is rich in lecithin, so egg yolk is also the highest choline content in common foods, but at the same time, egg yolk belongs to a high cholesterol diet, so it is recommended that healthy people eat one egg yolk per person per day, and patients with hypercholesterolemia eat one every other day or half a day.

Are you afraid of dementia when you are old? Don't eat like this! Expert: Do two actions often, and your brain will be younger!

In addition, soybeans are also rich in choline, and the choline content of soybean skin is the highest in soy products.

2. Folic acid

A study in the United States on the elderly found that people with low blood levels of folic acid are more likely to develop Alzheimer's disease, and their brain function is not good, and their cognitive ability is poor, so folic acid supplementation is also helpful for the prevention of Alzheimer's disease.

Are you afraid of dementia when you are old? Don't eat like this! Expert: Do two actions often, and your brain will be younger!

Among the common foods, the folic acid content of dark vegetables is relatively high, such as amaranth, chrysanthemum, rape, spinach, etc. However, folic acid is also very unstable, so it is recommended that vegetables are best bought and eaten now, cooked and eaten, and eaten raw or cold to avoid the destruction of folic acid to the greatest extent.

3,Ω3 fatty acids

Studies have also found that omega 3 fatty acids also help to delay brain aging, common foods, deep-sea fish contain high omega 3 fatty acid content, such as sardines, salmon, saury, etc., in recent years, because of changes in fish feed, some shallow sea fish and freshwater fish in omega 3 fatty acid content is relatively high, such as mackerel, mackerel, sea bass, etc.

Are you afraid of dementia when you are old? Don't eat like this! Expert: Do two actions often, and your brain will be younger!

Two sets of finger exercises, often do brain ageless


Spread out the palms of both hands, make a fist with your left hand, stretch out your thumb, make a fist with your right hand, wrap your thumb in the palm of your hand, and then open your fingers again and exchange movements, make a fist with your right hand and extend your thumb, and wrap your left thumb in the heart of your fist. This action is repeated and alternate, and it must be synchronized to achieve the purpose of exercising the coordination of the left and right brains.

Are you afraid of dementia when you are old? Don't eat like this! Expert: Do two actions often, and your brain will be younger!


Make an "OK" gesture with the left hand and "yes" with the right hand, and then exchange movements with both hands at the same time, i.e. "yes" with the left hand and "OK" with the right hand.

Are you afraid of dementia when you are old? Don't eat like this! Expert: Do two actions often, and your brain will be younger!

Stick to a good habit and keep your brain young

The program once invited a 92-year-old long-lived old man Grandpa Gu, who is still flexible in his 90s, thanks to his good habit of keeping a diary for 2 or 30 years.

Long-term sedentary life can cause the possibility of Alzheimer's disease. Experts advocate that the elderly should not be separated from society, and that physical and mental work should be combined to form a regular life.