
Tell each other: these things can't be put in the air fryer!

author:Longnan Wudu released

Source: Hubei Daily

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Air fryer

As a new kitchen "artifact"

It has become everyone's "new favorite" for making food

But some netizens found out

yourself in the process of using the air fryer

Spontaneous combustion occurred

Tell each other: these things can't be put in the air fryer!
Tell each other: these things can't be put in the air fryer!
Tell each other: these things can't be put in the air fryer!

Why does an air fryer catch fire?

What do I need to pay attention to when using it?

What kind of food is not recommended to be heated in the air fryer?

A microwave-safe utensil that can be used

Can you put it in an air fryer?

Let's answer them one by one today

Everyone's doubts

· How the air fryer works ·

1. The heater above the air fryer generates high-temperature hot air, which reaches the surface of the food by convection, and then cooks the inside of the food through heat conduction.

Tell each other: these things can't be put in the air fryer!

2. Inside the fryer, the hot air circulates quickly and heats up quickly.

Tell each other: these things can't be put in the air fryer!

3. The food is located in a basket with holes, which increases the contact with hot air, and the surface moisture dries quickly to achieve a crispy taste.

Tell each other: these things can't be put in the air fryer!

01 Why does an air fryer catch fire?

When the air fryer is working, the temperature is very high, and the baking paper and oil blotting paper, which have a low ignition point and light weight, are likely to be rolled up by the hot air if they are not completely covered by the ingredients when used in the air fryer, and they will be ignited when they touch the heating tube, resulting in a fire. Let's take a look at the following set of experiments↓↓↓

Tell each other: these things can't be put in the air fryer!

02What do I need to pay attention to when using it?

Tell each other: these things can't be put in the air fryer!

03What kind of food is not recommended to be heated in the air fryer?

Do not put food with closed shells, such as eggs, chestnuts, etc., which has the risk of bursting and burning.

Tell each other: these things can't be put in the air fryer!

04Can you put the utensils that can be used in the microwave oven into the air fryer?

Tell each other: these things can't be put in the air fryer!

The air fryer can hold heat-resistant glass and stainless steel utensils, not ordinary glass and plastic containers.