
Zichuan District will do ten practical things for women and children in the district in 2024!

author:Zichuan Women's Federation

In 2024, Zichuan District will do ten practical things for women and children in the district

In 2024, on the basis of extensively soliciting the opinions of the grassroots people, Zichuan District will focus on the most concerning, direct and practical issues of women and children, and actively solve key and difficult problems in the development of women and children from the perspective of promoting the survival, protection and development of women and children, so as to seek good, practical and difficult things for women and children.

1. Promote women's employment, entrepreneurship and innovation

Zichuan District will do ten practical things for women and children in the district in 2024!
Zichuan District will do ten practical things for women and children in the district in 2024!

During the year, more than 60 online and offline job fairs such as the "Spring Breeze Action" were held in Zichuan District, adhering to the principle of combining the provision of jobs with career guidance services, and carrying out online one-on-one free career guidance for women in need, so as to effectively improve the employability of women in Zichuan District and promote the employment of women in Zichuan District. (Implementing Units: District Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, District Women's Federation)

2. Implement the "Caring Mother" caring action

Zichuan District will do ten practical things for women and children in the district in 2024!
Zichuan District will do ten practical things for women and children in the district in 2024!

Organize all the full-time cadres of the women's federation in the region to be "caring mothers", form a team of caring mothers, and drive the executive committee of the women's federation, members of the women's enterprise association, and women volunteers to participate in the activities of pairing and caring for children in difficulty, forming a support mechanism of "1 left-behind child in distress + N help groups" to help the majority of children in the region grow up healthy and happy. (Implementing Units: District Women's Federation)

3. Implement the family quality improvement project

Zichuan District will do ten practical things for women and children in the district in 2024!
Zichuan District will do ten practical things for women and children in the district in 2024!

Promote the construction of child-friendly families, relying on the Zichuan District Family Education Guidance Center, community parent schools and other positions, make good use of the "family education lecturer group" to carry out family education at different school stages, hold 100 family education lectures during the year, provide offline and online family education guidance services, and create a new situation in family education work in our district. (Implementing Units: District Women's Federation, District Education and Sports Bureau)

Fourth, the implementation of the "Xin Yuan" female employee mediation action

Zichuan District will do ten practical things for women and children in the district in 2024!
Zichuan District will do ten practical things for women and children in the district in 2024!

Give full play to the role of the female employee rights protection workstation, and provide one-stop services such as labor policy consultation, legal aid, labor rights protection, and employment guidance for more than 500 female employees in our district. Establish work systems and work ledgers related to workstations, promote the standardized operation of rights protection stations, provide more targeted services for female employees, and enhance their sense of gain, happiness and security. (Implementing Units: District Human Resources and Social Security Bureau)

5. Carry out livelihood assistance activities for orphaned and difficult children

Zichuan District will do ten practical things for women and children in the district in 2024!
Zichuan District will do ten practical things for women and children in the district in 2024!

Distributed 4.21 million yuan of basic living expenses to more than 190 orphaned children in our district. Among them, the basic living expenses of socially dispersed orphans and de facto unsupported children are 1,848 yuan/month/person, and the basic living expenses of key children in distress are 1,364 yuan/month/person, improving the living conditions of orphaned children in our district and helping children grow up healthily. (Implementing Units: District Civil Affairs Bureau)

6. Free pre-pregnancy health and "two cancers" examinations

Zichuan District will do ten practical things for women and children in the district in 2024!
Zichuan District will do ten practical things for women and children in the district in 2024!

Free pre-pregnancy health check-ups are carried out for couples preparing for pregnancy in the whole region, so as to prevent and block the occurrence of birth defects from the source and improve the quality of the population. We will further implement the "two cancers" free screening and assistance project, complete the "two cancers" free examinations for 20,000 urban and rural women aged 35-64 during the year, continue to carry out the "two cancers" insurance work for low-income school-age women, and continue to improve the "two cancers" care service system of "screening + assistance + insurance + assistance". (Implementing Units: District Women's Federation, District Finance Bureau, District Health Bureau)

7. Promote the construction of child-friendly cities

Zichuan District will do ten practical things for women and children in the district in 2024!
Zichuan District will do ten practical things for women and children in the district in 2024!

Adhere to the perspective of "one meter height", create a child-friendly growth environment, create 3 high-quality child-friendly communities, explore and promote 9 child-friendly practice bases, and actively carry out activities that are in line with children's physical and mental characteristics, and are educational, interesting, experiential, practical and inclusive, so as to guide children to participate in practice and ensure children's healthy growth and all-round development. (Implementing Units: District Women's Federation)

8. Implement actions to improve children's cultural literacy

Zichuan District will do ten practical things for women and children in the district in 2024!
Zichuan District will do ten practical things for women and children in the district in 2024!

20 reading promotion activities were carried out in various forms for minors, such as reading sharing sessions, Chinese culture classes, and parent-child reading rooms. The 5th Science and Technology Model Competition of Zichuan District was held to promote the development of science and technology education for young children and primary and secondary school students in the district, and to further cultivate and improve the scientific and technological innovation ability of young children and primary and secondary school students. (Implementing Units: District Bureau of Culture and Tourism, District Association for Science and Technology)

9. Implement mental health counseling actions

Zichuan District will do ten practical things for women and children in the district in 2024!
Zichuan District will do ten practical things for women and children in the district in 2024!

The Rainbow Light Mental Health Center of Zibo University of Technology is used to carry out mental health work for women and children, and psychological assistance is provided for special groups. Establish a professional team for mental health work to carry out psychological assessment and intervention for adolescent students to prevent crisis events. (Implementing Units: District Education and Sports Bureau)

10. Implement actions to expand and empower high-quality educational resources

Zichuan District will do ten practical things for women and children in the district in 2024!
Zichuan District will do ten practical things for women and children in the district in 2024!

Shuangquan School was built and put into use, and small-scale schools in rural areas in the southeast were gradually integrated and optimized. Invest 500,000 yuan to renovate and expand the Gongyi Kindergarten in Zichuan District to promote the balanced allocation of educational resources. (Implementing Units: District Education and Sports Bureau)

Editor: Zhu Yingrong Review: Qi Dongmei

Zichuan District Women's Federation

Zichuan District will do ten practical things for women and children in the district in 2024!
Zichuan District will do ten practical things for women and children in the district in 2024!