
Maling Town, Hengzhou City: The base is busy with a bumper harvest of cabbage

author:Nanning Agriculture

Recently, in the cabbage planting base of Longping Village, Maling Town, Hengzhou City, cabbage has been harvested.

Growers are organizing workers to harvest cabbage, picking, packing, loading, and being busy in an orderly manner. Cabbage, also known as cabbage, is planted in the cabbage planting base of Longping Village, Maling Town, with a total of about 50 acres of cabbage, and it is expected that about 200 tons can be harvested this time. Maling Town has a mild climate and fertile land, which is very suitable for the growth of cabbage, the cabbage planting cycle is generally about 2 months, and the annual planting is generally 2 in winter and spring, according to incomplete statistics, the planting area of cabbage in Maling Town in 2023 is about 6,000 mu, the yield per mu is about 4 tons, and the total output is nearly 24,000 tons, according to the market price of 0.5 yuan per catty, the annual output value is more than 24 million yuan.

Maling Town, Hengzhou City: The base is busy with a bumper harvest of cabbage
Maling Town, Hengzhou City: The base is busy with a bumper harvest of cabbage

In recent years, relying on the advantages of resources, on the basis of continuing to improve and strengthen the traditional advantageous agricultural industry, Maling Town has actively planned new ways for the diversified development of the industry, continuously adjusted the structure of the agricultural industry, and explored the "1+N" inter-cropping (set) mode of papaya and dwarf crops, "papaya planting, melon peel trunk crushing, pig manure fermentation, farmhouse fertilizer and papaya" The ecological cycle chain and other practices have achieved good results, improved land utilization rate and increased economic value per unit area, transformed resource advantages into development advantages, continued to promote industrial efficiency, agricultural production, farmers' income, and help rural revitalization.

At present, Maling Town is vigorously promoting spring ploughing production, and Maling Town Agricultural Water Conservancy Station organizes agricultural technicians to shuttle through the fields to provide agricultural technology services. Especially since the beginning of this year, in order to effectively control the "non-grain" and "non-agricultural" of cultivated land, the agricultural water conservancy station of Maling Town has divided into sub-districts and sub-districts to mobilize all villages (communities) to plant spring-planted agricultural industries with local characteristics according to the actual planting conditions of their own villages (communities), so as to achieve suitable grain for grain, oil for oil, vegetables for vegetables, and fertilizer for fertilizer, so as to improve land use efficiency and promote farmers' continuous income increase.

Maling Town, Hengzhou City: The base is busy with a bumper harvest of cabbage

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Source: Hengzhou release, Maling Town Agricultural Water Conservancy Station

Author: Wang Zhao Ma Yuanmei

Editor: Nanning Agricultural Information Center

Legal Counsel Unit: Guangxi Fayan Law Firm

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