
"Annotations on Historical Records" of Zhou Benji 26

author:They are all fallen people at the end of the world

In the forty-eighth year, the king collapsed, and the son of Shenliang was established. King Shenliang was established for six years, collapsed, and the king of Ziyun was extended. During the reign of Wang Xun, the East and West Zhou were divided. Wang Xun migrated to the Western Zhou Dynasty.

"Annotations on Historical Records" of Zhou Benji 26

In the forty-eighth year of his reign, King Xian died, and his son Shen Liang Wang Ding succeeded to the position of leader of the tribal alliance, and King Shen Liang died six years after his succession, and his son Xun Wang Yan succeeded to the position of leader of the tribal alliance.

During the reign of King Zhen, the Zhou tribe was divided into two parts, east and west, and King Xun moved the capital to the Western Zhou.

The prince of Wugong of the Western Zhou Dynasty died, and there were five concubines, so he did not need to stand. Sima Jian said to the king of Chu: "It's better to blame the prince for the prince." Zuo Cheng said: "No." Zhou didn't listen, because the public knew that he was trapped and neglected by Zhou. It is better to ask Zhou Jun to be familiar with the establishment, and tell Jian with a slight message, and please order Chu Zizhi to land. "If you make the prince the prince.

The crown prince of the Western Zhou Dynasty, Wu Gong, died, and had five sons, and did not determine a suitable heir, Sima Jian said to the king of Chu that it was better to donate land to help the prince, and asked the king of Zhou to make him the crown prince.

Zuo Cheng said that this is not okay, if the king of Zhou does not listen, then you will inevitably fall into a dilemma, and the king of Zhou will also alienate you, it is better to ask the Duke of Zhou to think carefully, and after confirming, tell Jian with a hint of the method, Jian is asking Chu to offer the land and help Gongzi to blame, and sure enough, Gongzi is made the prince.

In eight years, Qin attacked Yiyang, and Chu rescued him. And Chu took Zhou as Qin's reason and will cut it down. Su Dai said for Zhou and the king of Chu said: "Why is Zhou the disaster of Qin? It is said that Zhou is more Qin than Chu, and he wants to make Zhou enter Qin, so it is called 'Zhou Qin'." Knowing that it is incomprehensible, it will enter Qin, and this is the essence of Qin and Zhou. For the king's plan, Zhou Zhiqin is good, not good in Qin, but also good, in order to neglect Qin. Zhou is not in Qin, and it will be in Ying.

"Annotations on Historical Records" of Zhou Benji 26

In the eighth year of King Zhen, Qin sent troops to attack Yiyang, Chu sent troops to rescue, the Chu tribe was about to send troops to fight him because the Zhou tribe helped Qin, Su Dai came to lobby the king of Chu as a messenger of the Zhou tribe and said, why do you want Zhou to help Qin as a disaster?

It is said that Zhou helped Qin better than Zhou helped Chu, and he wanted to merge the Zhou tribe into the Qin tribe, so he said Zhou Qin.

After the king of Zhou knew that there was no way to explain this matter, he would inevitably be incorporated into Qin, this is to help the Qin tribe to enter the Zhou tribe, for the sake of the king, Zhou should treat him well if he helps Qin, and if you don't help the Qin tribe, you should also treat him well, so that Zhou can alienate Qin, and if Zhou breaks off relations with Qin, he will inevitably be merged into Chu.

Qin borrowed the road for two weeks, and will fight Han. Zhou is afraid of Han, not Qin. Shi Yan said to Zhou Jun: "Why don't you call Uncle Han and say: 'Qin Zhi dares to kill Zhou and kill Han, and believes in Eastern Zhou.'" Why don't you talk to Zhou Di and make it Chu? Qin will be suspicious of Chu, and if he doesn't believe in Zhou, it is Han Buhua. It is also known as Qin said: "Han Qiang and Zhou Di will be suspicious of Zhou and Qin." Zhou didn't dare not accept it. 'Qin will not let Zhou accept it without words, it is to be subject to Han and listen to Qin. ”

The Qin tribe wanted to borrow the road between two weeks to attack the Han tribe, and Zhou was worried about lending the Qin road, and the king of Han was angry, and he was worried that the king of Qin would be angry if he didn't borrow it.

Shi Yan said to the king of Zhou, why didn't he send an envoy to Uncle Han to say that the reason why Qin dared to send troops to attack the Han tribe was because of the words of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, why didn't you give the Western Zhou land and then send an envoy to the Chu tribe? In this way, the king of Qin would inevitably be suspicious of the king of Chu and not believe in Zhou, so he would not attack the Han tribe.

After sending an envoy to the king of Qin, saying that the Han tribe forcibly gave me some land, just to make Qin suspicious of the Zhou tribe, Zhou was weak and did not dare not accept it, and the king of Qin must have no reason for Zhou to refuse the land of the Han tribe, so that he got the land of the Han tribe and did not refuse the request of the Qin tribe.

For individuals, when they are not capable, they will inevitably encounter a dilemma, and in such an environment, they must think calmly and strategically to better protect themselves.

For enterprises, it takes time to grow from small to large, and they will inevitably encounter difficult situations in this process, so actively facing and looking for better strategies can better help them get out of the predicament and get better development space.

"Annotations on Historical Records" of Zhou Benji 26