
The fortune teller of the feng shui master who is "like a god" is exactly right? It turns out that there is an "inside line" behind it

author:Poster News

If there is a person who is known as a feng shui master, and you have never known you, you can calculate your health and family situation at the first meeting, and the calculation is very accurate, will you believe it?

If this seemingly "god-like" master charges you tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even millions, claiming that he can change his fortune by doing so, will you take the bait?

Have you ever thought about why this master can tell fortunes so accurately?

Let's take a look at what happened to these ladies in Shanghai↓↓↓

Calculate that "there will be a catastrophe"

But it is also known as spending money to transfer

Ms. Hu: She said I was going to have a serious illness in 2025.

Policeman: And then?

Ms. Hu: She said that if you pay for it, I will transfer it to you, and the disease will not be born, so she said.

The fortune teller of the feng shui master who is "like a god" is exactly right? It turns out that there is an "inside line" behind it

The woman in the video is Ms. Hu, who just transferred more than 30,000 yuan to a so-called feng shui master, and was persuaded by a friend to call the police. Just a few hours before she called the police, Ms. Hu met a man known as a feng shui master. The other party's words made her very worried.

The fortune teller of the feng shui master who is "like a god" is exactly right? It turns out that there is an "inside line" behind it

Ms. Hu herself suffers from diabetes and often suffers from numbness in her hands and feet. Ms. Hu, who has always been very concerned about her health, was a little scared when she heard that she was going to be seriously ill. What scared her even more was that she had never met this so-called master, but the other party could accurately calculate her family situation.

The fortune teller of the feng shui master who is "like a god" is exactly right? It turns out that there is an "inside line" behind it

Chen Yimin, police officer of Xinsong Police Station, Minhang Branch of Shanghai Public Security Bureau: If I help you calculate your birthday, you can tell some very private content of your aunt, such as your children are now separated from you, and your wife died in a few years.

The fortune calculated by the so-called master is almost the same as Ms. Hu's real situation, and now Ms. Hu panicked, is she really facing a serious illness?

The fortune teller of the feng shui master who is "like a god" is exactly right? It turns out that there is an "inside line" behind it

Paying to avoid the disease, Ms. Hu transferred more than 30,000 yuan to the so-called feng shui master.

Chen Yimin, police officer of Xinsong Police Station, Minhang Branch of Shanghai Public Security Bureau: At that time, the aunt Kali had 35,800, and the master's asking price was 45,800. The master said that you transfer 35,800 out first, and the remaining 10,000, after you transfer it to me later, I can help you do it. At the same time, she also told her aunt not to tell this matter, she said that if you said this matter, it would be a leak of heaven.

The fortune teller of the feng shui master who is "like a god" is exactly right? It turns out that there is an "inside line" behind it

Although she was told that speaking out was "leaking the secrets", Ms. Hu still told her friends how she was going to get sick. Ms. Hu's friend immediately saw that this was a scam and quickly persuaded her to call the police, which led to the beginning of the show.

The police suspected that Ms. Hu had been defrauded and immediately launched an investigation. However, in the face of the police's questioning, Ms. Hu could not answer a single question.

Policeman: Where is the fortune teller?

Ms. Hu: There is a special place for fortune telling.

Police: Where?

Ms. Hu: It's in Minhang.

Police: Where is Minhang?

Ms. Hu: I don't know.

The fortune teller of the feng shui master who is "like a god" is exactly right? It turns out that there is an "inside line" behind it

Why didn't Ms. Hu know the location of the fortune telling? It turned out that Ms. Hu was taken directly to the master from the beauty salon that day. The person who took her over was Yang, the manager of a beauty salon.

Ms. Hu: She said that the sides of your eyebrows are all white, which is not good, and it is something that affects you. If you get this eyebrow line right, it will be smoother.

The fortune teller of the feng shui master who is "like a god" is exactly right? It turns out that there is an "inside line" behind it

While taking care of Ms. Hu's skin, Yang told her that the reason why he understood the knowledge of these feng shui fortunes was that he was taught by a very famous feng shui master.

The fortune teller of the feng shui master who is "like a god" is exactly right? It turns out that there is an "inside line" behind it

Liang Xinye, police officer of the Criminal Investigation Detachment of the Minhang Branch of the Shanghai Municipal Public Security Bureau: Yang said that this feng shui master taught in the Department of Civil Engineering of Jiaotong University, teaching the I Ching class, and then said that he had a national second-level feng shui master certificate, which was very powerful, and he was a feng shui master recognized by the state.

Yang also told Ms. Hu that this so-called feng shui master not only has a not simple identity, but also can really be transferred after he does it.

Chen Yimin, police officer of Xinsong Police Station, Minhang Branch of Shanghai Public Security Bureau: Yang said that recently, our store has a wide range of financial resources and a continuous flow of customers. Why? It's because we recently met a very good master who helped us change some things in the store, such as the furnishings, and changed some decorations to make our store feng shui better.

The fortune teller of the feng shui master who is "like a god" is exactly right? It turns out that there is an "inside line" behind it

After listening to Yang's introduction, Ms. Hu became curious about this master. So, Yang drove Ms. Hu to meet the master.

Liang Xinye, police officer of the Criminal Investigation Detachment of the Minhang Branch of the Shanghai Municipal Public Security Bureau: We thought it was strange at first, the manager of this beauty shop was so kind to take her to see feng shui, and also drove her own private car, spending so much time.

Beauty salons as accomplices

The female customer was defrauded of more than 4.5 million yuan

Just when the police launched an investigation, also in Shanghai, there was a lady who paid more than 4.5 million yuan to the so-called master in order to seek "transshipment". What's more coincidental is that the friend who recommended her to change her luck is also the manager of a beauty salon. Transshipment, beauty salons, and friend recommendations, are these just coincidences? Of course not, it is the beauty salon that acts as an accomplice and carries out the scam.

Ms. Liao, 46, often goes to the beauty salon for maintenance, and she has a good conversation with the manager of the beauty salon, Qian. In Ms. Liao's view, Qian can be regarded as her best friend, a person she can talk about and trust unconditionally.

Ms. Liao used to suffer from depression, and Qian would often accompany her to the hospital for check-ups. As the relationship between the two became closer and closer, Qian suggested that Ms. Liao find a feng shui master for transfer. Under the recommendation of Qian, Ms. Liao met the master.

Ms. Liao: The master sees that I am not in good health. What did I say I wasn't in good health? I said no, I said that on purpose. She said you've used a knife, and I was surprised. She knows all about the knife.

Ms. Liao was surprised, this master could accurately calculate even if he had undergone surgery, is there really such a god?

The fortune teller of the feng shui master who is "like a god" is exactly right? It turns out that there is an "inside line" behind it

Ms. Liao: I kept asking her if you knew her very well? She said no, I also met for the second time, the first time we met, it meant that someone else introduced her, and then there was a queue, and there were a lot of people in line.

The fortune teller of the feng shui master who is "like a god" is exactly right? It turns out that there is an "inside line" behind it

With a friend's guarantee, Ms. Liao slowly unguarded. She asked the feng shui master if there was a way to change her fortune, and he told her that spending some money on a ritual could change her health luck.

The fortune teller of the feng shui master who is "like a god" is exactly right? It turns out that there is an "inside line" behind it

Under the joint persuasion of this so-called master and her friend Qian, Ms. Liao began to spend money on transfers, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, but her fortune did not seem to change. At this time, Qian came to comfort her again.

Chen Yimin, police officer of the Xinsong Police Station of the Minhang Branch of the Shanghai Municipal Public Security Bureau: She said that the change of the entire magnetic field is relatively slow, not overnight. At the same time, I have been friends with you for so many years, and I will not lie to you. It's just flickering and playing the emotional card, we have already spent so much money before, we might as well spend a little more money to turn your fortune around.

Since then, Ms. Liao has paid a total of 4.538 million yuan to the master in order to improve the health of her family and the operation of her tea factory.

So, what is the origin of this master? How was she able to tell the victim accurately when she met her for the first time, and what role did the beauty salon play in the process of spending money? With the police investigation, the truth gradually emerged.

The fortune teller of the feng shui master who is "like a god" is exactly right? It turns out that there is an "inside line" behind it

Chen Yimin, police officer of the Xinsong Police Station of the Minhang Branch of the Shanghai Municipal Public Security Bureau: According to the follow-up investigation, it was found that the country did not have the title of this second-level feng shui master at all, and their university also said that there was no so-called master who came to the school to teach courses in feng shui and I Ching. As for her academic qualifications, she didn't go to college, and she used to be a staff member who helped others with her eyebrows.

The police arrested the so-called feng shui master Sun, and also seized the props and scripts she used in fortune telling.

In this list, it is mentioned that the process of the victim when he goes to meet the master, how to deal with the target group of people with bad fortune or bad family luck, etc.

The fortune teller of the feng shui master who is "like a god" is exactly right? It turns out that there is an "inside line" behind it

After investigation, Sun used some contacts he had made in the beauty industry to collude with 37 beauty salons in Shanghai to defraud customers.

The fortune teller of the feng shui master who is "like a god" is exactly right? It turns out that there is an "inside line" behind it

Zhang Yingyi, Prosecutor of the First Procuratorate Department of the People's Procuratorate of Minhang District, Shanghai: The first step is to pave the way for customers through the beauty shop in advance, so that customers are interested in Master Sun, and the second step is to meet Master Sun in the process of meeting Master Sun, Master Sun through the advance report of the beauty shop owner, the customer's private information will be told during the fortune telling, so that the customer thinks that this is the customer information calculated by Master Sun through fortune telling.

The fortune teller of the feng shui master who is "like a god" is exactly right? It turns out that there is an "inside line" behind it

The WeChat chat records between the master Sun and the manager of the beauty salon show that before the store manager took the victim to the master to tell his fortune, he would send the customer's name, birthday, occupation, children's status, family status and other information to Sun in advance, and even provided the customer's usual consumption amount in the store.

Liang Xinye, police officer of the Criminal Investigation Detachment of the Minhang Branch of the Shanghai Municipal Public Security Bureau: I first touched the economic situation of these customers, and according to their economic situation, when they are rich or have no money, they set the price, and this price is not fixed.

Zhang Yingyi, Procurator of the First Procuratorate Department of the Minhang District People's Procuratorate in Shanghai: For example, in the case of "replenishing the treasury", the price she offers is completely different for different victims, and the difference is very large. Some may only have one or two thousand, but some are as high as hundreds of thousands.

The fortune teller of the feng shui master who is "like a god" is exactly right? It turns out that there is an "inside line" behind it

The transfer records between Master Sun and her partner Cheng and a number of beauty salon managers show that she will share 50% of her income with the store managers, so these store managers will be very active in pulling heads.

In the name of looking at Feng Shui

More than 20 million yuan was defrauded in one year

The fortune teller of the feng shui master who is "like a god" is exactly right? It turns out that there is an "inside line" behind it

The procuratorate alleged that between June 2022 and June 2023, Sun and Cheng defrauded a total of more than 20 million yuan in the name of feng shui, and 17 people, including beauty salon staff Qian and Qin, defrauded more than 7 million yuan to 70,000 yuan respectively. For the purpose of illegal possession, the above-mentioned defendants used methods to fabricate facts and conceal the truth to defraud others of money, and should be investigated for criminal responsibility for the crime of fraud.

The fortune teller of the feng shui master who is "like a god" is exactly right? It turns out that there is an "inside line" behind it

On February 29 this year, the Shanghai Minhang District People's Court made a judgment on the case, and the defendants Sun and Cheng were sentenced to 11 years and 10 years in prison, deprived of political rights for one year, and fined 300,000 yuan respectively for committing fraud. Defendants Qian X, Qin X and 17 other defendants committed the crime of fraud and were sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment ranging from three years to six months, suspended sentences of five to one year, and fined.

(CCTV News Client)