
The Warriors threw 380 million for nothing! The most expensive army disintegrated and changed blood? Curry spoke: I can't imagine that there is no Tang Chasing

author:Li Xilin's basketball lore
{"info":{"title":{"content":"勇士白扔3.8亿!最贵军团解体大换血?库里发声:无法想象没汤追","en":"The Warriors threw 380 million for nothing! The most expensive army disintegrated and changed blood? Curry spoke: I can't imagine that there is no Tang Chasing"},"description":{"content":"北京时间4月17日,勇士在附加赛客场94比118输给国王,遗憾出局,结束这个赛季征程。勇士是本赛季的联盟最贵军团,但是却...","en":"On April 17, Beijing time, the Warriors lost to the Kings 94-118 in the playoffs, unfortunately out, ending the season's journey. The Warriors are the league's most expensive team this season, but..."}},"items":[]}