
To be a happy retiree, these 4 things are important

author:Qianfan said
To be a happy retiree, these 4 things are important

Last night, I went to a bar in the city for the first time.

I've wanted to go to Qingba for a long time, and it took me five years from planning to implementation.

Five years ago, when my daughter and I were visiting Suzhou, we met a lady in her 40s at a teahouse.

As soon as the lady entered the tea room, she didn't even look at the song list, and ordered a dozen songs in a row.

I happened to be sitting next to her, and I was chatting with her in between listening to the commentary. I learned that she flew to Suzhou once a month, and after she came, she only did two things: one was to listen to the commentary, and the other was to go to Qingbar.

She likes to listen to Suzhou Pingdan, every time she listens, it is like a big blood change for her body, the impurities in the blood are brought out, her heart is very clear, and the feeling of emotion in her heart is indescribable.

Listening to her say exactly how I felt when I listened to the commentary, I thought, what does the Qing bar she like look like?

From that day on, the word Qingba entered my mind.

To be a happy retiree, these 4 things are important

Later, I learned from my daughter that the Qing Bar is a place where you can listen to music live, and the environment is similar to a coffee house.

Because of my love for music, I also fell in love with Qingbar.

But go to Qing, there are always scruples in your heart. After all, in the eyes of many people, Qingba is a place where young people go, and I, a middle-aged woman in my fifties, is it abrupt to go to such a place? Is it wrong to be criticized by others? Is it not understood?

When my daughter learned about my desire, she encouraged me to try it out.

She believes that a person should be brave enough to do what he wants to do, not limited by age, not limited by too many rules, respect his inner feelings, what does other people's comments have to do with you?

With my daughter's encouragement, I stepped through the door of the bar for the first time last night.

Although I don't feel that the music in the bar is what I like, it has brought me a new experience and made me feel happier than I have ever been.

In the past few years of studying psychology, I have found that there are four aspects that are important for a person to live a happy life.

One is to be unique

Our generation has been taught since childhood to follow the crowd, to follow the rules, and not to act alone.

Therefore, when we grow up, we have too many rules and frameworks in our hearts, and we do things carefully in the framework, and we dare not cross the thunder pool by half a step, which also makes life tasteless.

What a wonderful thing it is to be able to live according to your heart's thoughts.

And retirement, on the other hand, provides such freedom.

Break through your own rules, do what you want to do, wear what you want to wear, meet your inner needs, please yourself, and you will reap a lot of surprises that life brings.

The second is to integrate into the circle that makes you comfortable

The biggest benefit that retirement brings to a person is the ability to choose the life they want, including what kind of life they live, what kind of circle they choose, how they use their time, etc.

This is the ultimate freedom in life, and it is what many people dream of.

After retirement, we need to make full use of our options and choose the circle that makes us comfortable.

There are three or five friends, everyone has a common topic, the three views are the same, no defense, no scheming, and comfortable when getting along, what a happy thing.

To be a happy retiree, these 4 things are important

The third is to have the courage to try different things

Many people think that life after retirement is dull and boring, but it is because they have drawn the ground as a prison, confined themselves to their inherent living habits, complained in their mouths, but did not dare to take half a step in action.

But if life is too easy, people will get bored in familiar life, and no one likes the same days.

Only by stepping out of your comfort zone and daring to try different things will you reap a steady stream of surprises.

Fourth, discover more of the little beauty in life

After retirement, you must learn to enjoy leisure, and a life without leisure cannot be called life, at best it can only be called living.

When I retired and had my own leisure time, I discovered many of the beauty in life.

Quietly read a book and think about the past and future of life, cook a meal for your family to get spiritual satisfaction and healing, and gather with your loved ones to care for each other and friendship with each other.

These are all beauty.

The leaves fall is beautiful, the flowers bloom is beautiful, and the scenery of the four seasons has its own beauty.

As long as we give ourselves a little leisure in our busy lives, we can find endless beauty in life, and we can also cherish the present and be grateful for life.

To be a happy retiree, these 4 things are important

The above is my thinking about retirement life, although the four aspects are very ordinary, but each of them is not easy to do.

We need to cultivate our own good habits from little things.

I like a passage from "Written on the Edge of Life":

If you feel happy in taking a bath, looking at a flower, or eating a meal, it is not all because the bath is clean, the flowers bloom well, or the food is to your taste, but mainly because you have no obstacles in your heart.

May we all let go of the troubles of the past, put aside the worries of the future, let go of obsessions, and focus on living in the present, so that life can move forward easily and find happiness that truly belongs to us.

#退休后, how to live happily in retirement? #