
The professor's personnel shady story was exposed, and the ex-wife's revelation of the inside story was puzzling!

author:Play the world

"Incredible, I'll keep reporting it!" The words of his ex-wife, Ms. Huang, once again aroused widespread attention to this matter.

What happened to make a professor get removed and then reinstated? What did he do that caused such a strong backlash from his ex-wife? What is the shocking inside story behind this?

The professor's personnel shady story was exposed, and the ex-wife's revelation of the inside story was puzzling!

Let's look back at how it happened:

Last year, Tang Zhigang, chief physician of pancreatic surgery at the People's Hospital of Wuhan University and professor at Wuhan University, was reported by his ex-wife Ms. Huang with her real name. She accused Professor Tong of a series of serious disciplinary violations, including long-term prostitution, keeping lovers, gambling, and receiving kickbacks. This is undoubtedly a heavy "list of crimes".

The professor's personnel shady story was exposed, and the ex-wife's revelation of the inside story was puzzling!

In December 2023, the People's Hospital of Wuhan University issued a statement on the matter, saying that it was actively cooperating with the investigation, and said that Professor Tang and his ex-wife had divorced and that the two parties were engaged in legal proceedings over the division of property. It can be seen that the contradictions between the couple have long been tense.

In February 2024, the People's Hospital of Wuhan University spoke out again, announcing that according to the results of the investigation, Tang Zhigang had been severely punished. Not only was he given a serious warning within the party, but he was also removed from his post as deputy director of pancreatic surgery and his personnel agency relationship with him. It can be said that this once majestic professor has completely fallen into a trough at this point.

The professor's personnel shady story was exposed, and the ex-wife's revelation of the inside story was puzzling!

Not long ago, however, a shocking news came: Tang Zhigang was actually brought in full-time by Wuhan Sixth Hospital to serve as the director of the Department of Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery! This was undoubtedly a major breakthrough in his career.

As soon as this news was exposed, his ex-wife Ms. Huang once again said that it was "incredible" and vowed to continue to report it. She obviously couldn't accept her ex-husband's "rebirth" so quickly.

The professor's personnel shady story was exposed, and the ex-wife's revelation of the inside story was puzzling!

We can't help but ask: How can this professor, who had been ruined, be able to return to his post in a short period of time? Could it be that the Wuhan Sixth Hospital did not know about the history of this professor's disciplinary violations? Or did they have other plans?

Thinking about it carefully, it is not difficult for us to find that there may be some unknown insiders in this.

First of all, we have to consider it from the perspective of Tang Zhigang himself. As a highly skilled medical professional, he also clearly has a strong social network. It is reasonable to speculate that after his dismissal, he may have used his connections to actively negotiate with other hospitals, which eventually led to this "rebirth".

The professor's personnel shady story was exposed, and the ex-wife's revelation of the inside story was puzzling!

Secondly, we have to wonder if there are some ulterior motives in the process of introducing Tang Zhigang from Wuhan Sixth Hospital. After all, it is really incomprehensible that such a professor, who has been exposed to serious disciplinary problems, would take the initiative to introduce it as a well-known hospital.

What's more, we do not rule out the possibility that there is some kind of exchange of interests between the Sixth Hospital and the parties. Perhaps, the hospital side is using some hidden trading conditions in exchange for the joining of this expert. This can not only bring fame to the hospital, but also help Tang Zhigang get out of the predicament and achieve mutual benefit and win-win results.

The professor's personnel shady story was exposed, and the ex-wife's revelation of the inside story was puzzling!

Of course, it cannot be completely ruled out that this is purely a coincidence, and the Sixth Hospital does not delve into Professor Tang's past, but only values his professional strength. However, in the face of the angry reaction of his ex-wife, as well as the questions of many netizens, no matter what the case may be, the hospital must respond and explain positively.

In any case, this incident has aroused great public attention. People are not only concerned about the ups and downs of Tang Zhigang's personal fortunes, but also worried that such a phenomenon will have a negative impact on the entire medical industry. After all, if a professor who has violated discipline can easily regain his new position through the operation of his connections, I am afraid that more people will lose trust in the medical system.

The professor's personnel shady story was exposed, and the ex-wife's revelation of the inside story was puzzling!

In this context, we call on the relevant regulatory authorities and hospitals to attach great importance to such incidents and carefully investigate the inside story. If it is found that there is any act of favoritism or malpractice, it must be severely punished in order to demonstrate fairness and justice. Only in this way can the reputation of the medical industry be truly maintained and the public have confidence in the doctor-patient relationship.

Netizen: I feel that this matter has only been broken for a long time, and I am back on the job as the director, and the Sixth Hospital is also bold

The professor's personnel shady story was exposed, and the ex-wife's revelation of the inside story was puzzling!

Netizen: The president and secretary of Wuhan Sixth Hospital are challenging the party's discipline and government discipline, and the moral bottom line of the whole society! I hope that the Wuhan Health Commission and discipline inspection and supervision departments will intervene in the investigation!!

The professor's personnel shady story was exposed, and the ex-wife's revelation of the inside story was puzzling!

For his ex-wife, Ms. Huang, even if her report ultimately failed to make Tang Zhigang recover, at least he was severely punished and punished. Her persistence undoubtedly reflects the determination of ordinary people to do their best to uphold fairness and justice. We should respect and support this sense of justice, so that more whistleblowers can have the courage to do justice.

All in all, this case of the professor's "rebirth" has once again exposed many loopholes in the mainland's medical system. We hope that through the attention and discussion of this incident, we can promote the relevant departments to further improve the regulatory mechanism, so that every doctor and patient can truly enjoy a fair and just protection of their rights and interests.