
Scalp tingling! Recently, many southerners have it on their clothes, just 14 pills?

author:Monthly reading

I heard that there has been another "Green Elf Adventure" in the southern region recently, but this time it is not a story in a movie, but an adventure in real life! It turns out that when many netizens were packing up their clothes, they found that some strange small green particles were stuck on the clothes, densely arranged, just like a small green starry sky, decorating the clothes dazzlingly. But this scene not only appeared on the clothes, but also the quilts, blankets and balcony security nets!

Scalp tingling! Recently, many southerners have it on their clothes, just 14 pills?

So, what is the origin of these little green particles? It turns out that they are the eggs of "stink bugs"! Yes, yes, they are stink bugs! They come to the southern region to spend the winter in the form of small green particles. It is said that these eggs like to stick to clothes the most, and they especially like to hide in quilts, blankets and balcony security nets, which is simply a strange scenery of the wardrobe in the south!

Scalp tingling! Recently, many southerners have it on their clothes, just 14 pills?

But don't be fooled by their appearance, these eggs are harmless. They just want to find a warm home on the fruit tree, hatch into little bugs, and have a happy spring with their friends and family. It's a pity that they chose the wrong place and strayed into the territory of human beings, which made many netizens cry and laugh.

Scalp tingling! Recently, many southerners have it on their clothes, just 14 pills?

But in any case, these eggs can be regarded as nature's "little cuties". Their presence reminds us that spring has arrived, and all kinds of creatures are ready to start a new journey of life. Therefore, we must also take precautions to protect our clothes and keep them away from these cute little ones for a peaceful and happy spring!

Scalp tingling! Recently, many southerners have it on their clothes, just 14 pills?
Scalp tingling! Recently, many southerners have it on their clothes, just 14 pills?
Scalp tingling! Recently, many southerners have it on their clothes, just 14 pills?
Scalp tingling! Recently, many southerners have it on their clothes, just 14 pills?
Scalp tingling! Recently, many southerners have it on their clothes, just 14 pills?