
Oil prices soared overnight, rising on April 17, and gasoline prices for No. 95 and No. 92 soared to new highs

author:Say something

###油价大幅上调! The national oil price has soared suddenly, and the price of No. 95 and No. 92 gasoline has been revealed today###

Exclusive report from Toutiao Finance

Hello everyone, have you noticed today's oil prices? Oil prices have set a new record after yesterday's sharp rise! At a time when oil prices are surging, we are keen to provide you with the most useful information. Today, we will reveal the details of the national oil price increase on April 17 and focus on the latest prices of gasoline 95 and 92. Come and see how your refueling costs will increase!

Oil prices soared overnight, rising on April 17, and gasoline prices for No. 95 and No. 92 soared to new highs

## 1. The price of gasoline No. 95 ##

As you may have noticed, the price of 95 gasoline has experienced a staggering increase today. According to authoritative source data, the average price of 95 gasoline across the country today reached X yuan per liter. This is a shocking number! Compared to the previous week's price, the price of No. 95 gasoline has increased by X% today. This is the biggest increase in recent times, and it is also a worrying one.

The China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Association said that the rise in international oil prices and the rising cost of raw materials are the main factors leading to the soaring price of No. 95 gasoline today. In the face of turbulence in international markets, the oil industry is under constant pressure, which correspondingly pushes up oil prices. This is undoubtedly a big blow to car owners, and the cost of refueling will usher in a new round of challenges.

##2. The price of gasoline number 92##

Oil prices soared overnight, rising on April 17, and gasoline prices for No. 95 and No. 92 soared to new highs

Do you also feel excited about the price changes of No. 92 gasoline? According to the latest data, No. 92 gasoline has also fluctuated violently in today's market. Today, the average price of 92 gasoline nationwide is X dollars per liter. Compared to last week's price, 92 gasoline is up by X%. That's a remarkable number!

Experts note that the reasons for the increase in the price of 92 gasoline are similar to those of 95 gasoline. The risk factors in the global crude oil market have caused the instability of international oil prices, which has directly affected the production and supply of No. 92 gasoline. Due to the continuation of market tensions, the price of No. 92 gasoline has risen rapidly, bringing a new round of economic pressure to the majority of car owners.

##3. The cost of refueling has increased dramatically##

The rise in oil prices has not only brought us high fuel costs, but also put pressure on the household economy. As oil prices soar, car owners have to pay more for each refueling in order to maintain the convenience of travel and life. This will undoubtedly increase the economic burden of the general public and arouse social concern and heated discussions.

Oil prices soared overnight, rising on April 17, and gasoline prices for No. 95 and No. 92 soared to new highs

In the face of this situation, how will the government and relevant departments respond, and will there be corresponding policies to ease the pressure on refueling costs? This is the focus of our next report.

##4. How to deal with rising oil prices? ##

Against the backdrop of rising oil prices, many car owners are confused and anxious. How to reduce fuel costs while maintaining travel needs? We've put together some practical fuel-saving tips for you that we hope will help:

- Plan your travel route wisely and avoid unnecessary long-distance driving;

- Pay attention to the tire pressure, maintaining the right tire pressure can reduce fuel consumption;

- Regular maintenance of your car, cleaning the air filter and changing the oil are effective measures to save fuel consumption.

Although the cost of refueling has risen, we can reduce unnecessary expenses through reasonable travel methods and scientific fuel-saving skills. Let's face this challenge together!

## #结语###

Today's rise in oil prices is really stressful, especially for car owners. The surge in gasoline prices for No. 95 and No. 92 has brought a new test to the household economy. Against this backdrop, we will continue to monitor the dynamics of oil prices and provide you with the latest information and practical fuel saving tips.

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